Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • After reporting a "dark spot" lingering around the "morg" to the guards, a large Half-Orc with plate armor, a golden cloak and a huge scythe on his back has been seen standing near the apartments, watching the darkness and making sure there's no necromancy going on.

  • Shadows seemingly have begun descending on many of the areas in Peltarchs surrounding areas, some folk claim to see shadowy figures moving to and from many of the caves and other landmarks that dot the countryside, but no one can be certain what exactly is going on.

  • A certain blue-clad elf has been seen attending Yana's early morning unarmed training classes. He is often seen afterwards spending extra time talking to his instructor about tactics and crowd control. Even accompanying her on her early morning patrols.

  • _Fireworks, drums, stories and a dramatic rendition of battle took place at the Peltarch commons as a group of enthusiastic youngsters demanded entertainment, candy, or both of the above from the small crowd gathered there. A grouchy Lisa is said to have dispersed the excitable children, and so restored the calm - or did she?

    Soon thereafter, the bardic sundial began to sputter, enlivened perhaps by the previous show. Then a giant mushroom is said to have popped out of the ground, followed by a tree, dancing lights and a ring of grass and flowers. While some city employees viewed the phenomenon with Lisa-like scepticism, others present seemed to enjoy the show, and the pixie-chase which followed._

  • Legion

    Benji was seen tearing through Peltarch with a fancy suit over his back. To anyone he even vaguely recognizes he shouts:


    ((3 hours from the time of this post))

  • _Five of the Seafarer's private guards are found beaten and bloodied in the Docks District.

    Witnesses claim to have seen a tall man in black leaving the scene. They say he provoked the men verbally - and all five drew steel. The man handily dispatched all of them without ever drawing his own sword: the sheath large enough to house a hand-and-a-half blade.

    It seems no formal report or request for charges has been made to the Guard at this time._

  • Legion

    Marty returns from her office in town hall with a number of landscaping plans drawn up. Upon seeing Mero scattering his flowers and weed about …

    "What are you doing? Holy smoke man! Clean up that mess. Now we need to get the life back in there. Get that wheel barrow up to the fish monger in the docks and fill it with heads and gut. After that we need a few barrows full of saw dust from the crafting hall, and a few barrows full on manure."

    She goes over her papers a bit, then continues, "Well come on! That new soil isn't going to sort it_self_ out!"

  • tosses a whole mess of flowers onto the ground along with some pouches of pipeweed

    "Fine…not like it would change anything anyway."

    tips the wheelbarrow over and sticks this hoe, shovel and spade into it before storming off mumbling

  • ::The watchmen watch, then look to each other, look back, then to the Town Hall, then back::

    “You do realise that…..well….”

    ::You soon will realise that the blackened earth goes very deeply into the land, it is no mere surface abrasion, the smaller of the two guards a unkempt somewhat short fellow ambles toward the town hall mutter as he does::

    “Lieutenant Lisa’s gonna go ape….spare….”

    ::A few moments later a somewhat irate looking Lisa emerges and walks to the commons::

    “Put the shovel down, and step away from it…. right, my guardsman here
    ::indicates the small unkempt guardsman now peering his pockmarked face from behind Lisa to watch the entertainment::
    tells me you have been told by Senator Leaffall to remove this soil. Tell you what, you tell the Senator to apply for the correct permissions through city hall and get the permits in place to excavate in the city and I will then stand by and watch the commons disrupted longer. Until then, stop digging up the damned commons”

  • "The senator thinks I caused this because my pony squashed some flowers and the nature gods were punishing me, so she has given me direct instruction to move all this dirt to the swamp and help her replace the soil and get the commons looking good again. She says if I don't do it the gods will be really pissed and take my manhood away…so you should probably talk to her about it."

    The hin continues digging and wheelin'

  • ::At the sight of any would be earth removal, two guards loitering in the shelter of the buildings inform the person that::

    “Ah! Don’t be doing that, the grounds been cleansed we are told….don’t think removing it will help …”

    ::then a brief conversation between two guards is whispered, before the more rotund of the two, who appears to be a sergeant states.

    “Not sure on this of course…but removal of the soil could be considered theft….”

    ::With that the two guards slink back to the shelter of the eaves, the gentle glow of their pipes lighting the dark::

  • _Maero is seen at the commons all day and night every day and night, sweating, bleeding and digging up all the defiled dirt with his right-sized shovel and wheeling it to the east swamps (in his right-sized wheelbarrow), usually coming back with a few cuts and bruises from the Kobolds who don't seem to like defiled dirt.

    When asked why he's doing all the work by himself he simply says: "I want Marty to not hate me anymore!", if offered help he refuses and says that again._

  • At the Peltarch commons, all the grass and flowers are wilted and blackened, the earth disturbed as if a great many somethings burst up from below, and the sundial lies in shards and scorched little pieces. Rumours speak of undead rising..

  • _Scattered and confused snippets of conversation in the Commerce district make mention of the dreaded former Magistrate Aspera Chillwind suddenly appearing, headless! No no, it was a vampire, come to bleed the city dry! Or was it a baleful, sinister mummy lord.. or someone's acid-tongued mother-in-law, bearing rusted scissors?

    All across the district, people's fears appear to have come to life for one fateful night, though with the light of morning, peace returns to the city and all seems normal once again. A bard, a sailor and a druid limp away, bearing very real wounds though - and in nearby the foothills, blood soaks slowly into the ground.._

  • Therean Ferather speaks to the Herald and asks who he needs to speak to about events in and around the city and if permits need to be applied for. He leaves his name and asks for an appointment.

    ((I'm usually late EST (-5) hours, 10pm-1am or so.))

  • It seems the hot new fashion trend in Peltarch is animal in nature - first a woman slinks out of Violetta's in a sleek black panther outfit, a man in a black bull's outfit strutting out soon thereafter. Druids - if they care about such things - may rejoice, being naturally trendy in the city for once.

  • Hammer spreads word that he's looking for mercenary or guard work. When asked by interested parties, he says he has experience fighting most common Narfell critters, he can grant Tempus' blessings when necessary and knows his way around the most common roads and areas of the region.

  • _As things begin to settle down to somewhat quiet, a dark cloaked elf is seen carrying what appears to be a wrapped body and bag from the Regal through the docks district to the Temple. Later he leaves with just the bag and heads straight to the residential district, where he stands in front of a home until the sun begins to peek over the horizon, as if refusing to do something in the middle of the night. When no one answers he lets himself in with a key from the bag, leaving the belongings inside and heads south.

    In some of the confusion it appears, it was missed that someone has fallen. Perhaps a small price against the cost of saving the city…. but you'd not know it from the way the elf carries himself._

    Best she is told… by someone who was close.. as family to him.

  • The quiet and oft hooded elf known to many as Eresse and sometimes as Sy'wyn was reported to have gone in said backroom with Sand quite awhile back… and hasn't been seen to come out. Rumors of course will likely fill in the details without him around to say otherwise.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Strangely, it seems that the purple druid, Fadia Nailo, is also a frequent visitor to that back room. Obviously, elven and bardic debauchery is afoot between Fadia and Val.

    Either that, or there is some other, more hush-hush reason for such a diverse group of notables to be heading back in there.