Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Hammerhand on his part seems to keep to himself for the most part, seeming to feel quite at ease regardless of the panic and chaos – considering his calling as warpriest, he may even be enjoying it -- though he isn't above helping out those who want to but can't from getting clear of the riots.

  • (( Private Al'Que arrives at the docks and immediately offers his aid to the guards there. Standing shoulder to shoulder with them in trying to quell the mobs of terified citizens))

    "What was he thinking? Announcing it that way? "he says " he could not let the Guard know first?"

  • ICC

    The Legionairre known as Grog arrives in peltarch to assist the defenders with the riots. It is possible that his imposing size alone may make some of the rioters think twice about the wisdom of thier actions

  • Legion

    Legionnaire Captain Benji is said to have ordered Legionnaires to Peltarch to assist with whatever they can after he was nearly trampled by rioting crowds.

  • Legion

    Benji continues his frantic suit shopping. He doesn't seem to notice the impending doom has some adventurers worried.

  • On a cheerier note, rumours from the Commerce district may mention a certain wandring minstrel's return to the city as none other than Gaerielle was recently spotted at the commons, smiling and hobnobbing with a small group of people.

  • Further rumours follow shortly that two women came out of the sewer entrance at the docks warning the guards that powerful, hulking fire elemental beings set an ambush on them while simply patrolling the sewers.

  • _It seems a tenday or more had passed since Val and Troff were last seen, then they all of a sudden showed up in town, Val clinging to the elven warrior like a lost child and babbling about the dead.

    Looks like the old Crypts might be haunted by something more than bad memories._

  • A group of 5 adventurers were seen entering the sewers, apparently making for the barrows. Songstress Val the most recognizable among them. Only three returned, the bard not among them.

  • Brief mention is made in the taverns about a small group of Guards and Cerulean Knights keeping watch outside of room #10 in the Bottleneck Apartments

  • _Several very weary adventurers are seen recovering in the Peltarch Commons after a pair of undead wyverns were slain, having dropped a horde of undead into Peltarch. One of them demanded the "Traitor Ronan" be given to them before being slain.

    Wild magic, undead, and aerial attacks, what will come next?_

  • Yana is seen in the Mermaid talking in earnest with someone who appears to be a much older, slender image of herself. During the next several days, Yana is seen with her about the city, showing her the sights.

  • @1462b1db6b=rei_jin:

    The red dressed bard, Val, simply laughs when she hears such rumours, and tells the good people that no Oscuran noble would be that daft, nor would they waste resources on killing a surfacer in a way that would leave a body. Or any sorts of clues.

    Vander chauckles a bit, hearing Val´s words.
    A sign of sarcasm is present on his voice as he simply states:

    Eh, dat's right. 'cause Oscurans don' make mistakes, eh.

    He pauses a bit just to finish his sentence:

    Well, mebee when it comes to murder som'un. Nay sure, eh.

  • The red dressed bard, Val, simply laughs when she hears such rumours, and tells the good people that no Oscuran noble would be that daft, nor would they waste resources on killing a surfacer in a way that would leave a body. Or any sorts of clues.

  • _A woman some would be able to identify as the matron of the Oscuran house Skhovus, flanked by two she-thugs, approached the Temposan Warpriest Hammer in the commons and threatened him with death over some slight or another.

    Not long after, the body of said warpriest was carried into the city by Senator Leaffall, an ox at the time, supposedly found in the swamps.
    Is there a connection to the recent assassination of magistrate Greywing? Has Oscura begun a campaign of terror against notable and potentially notable Peltarchan citizens?_

  • Rumor has it that Magistrate Miranda Greywing has been assassinated in the bathhouse. Again.

  • _Tragedy!

    Lady Cassandra Je'laan's party barge hit a suspiciously shaped spike of rock in the river that hadn't previously been there, and sank. Those in the water were set upon by 'demon sharks' and many were messily devoured.

    Nobody's seen Lady Je'laan since and it's thought she may have become chum.

    Many nobles can be seen mourning friends and a really good party._

  • Those in the Mermaid last night may have spotted two redheads chatting away at a table, one female, and one male… and then none.

    They came back later, presumably ... same shape and voices, but armed and waring barkskin like a fashion statement, in the middle of the room.

    Seems things are getting interesting again in the Mermaid.

  • Confused reports from a small mining outpost across the Icelace indicate that rampaging xorn and elementals have collapsed the shafts and slaughtered the miners. Several investors are seen hurrying to the Dunderstone estate in the city in consternation.

  • Hearing news of the recent air-ship disaster, those in the Mermaid can observe local mage Tom pausing from a heated poker match to suddenly exclaim:

    "The humanity, oh the humanity!"