Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A slender, possibly elven woman, in simple robes of faded violet and with her face shadowed by a large cowl, leans on an old and gnarled staff of oak while she pays her respects to captain Lisa. She does not stay to speak with anyone, and leaves shortly after doing what she came to do.

  • Hearing word of Lisa's passing, General Theaon arrives to pay his respects to the fallen Guard Captain.

  • _Guard Captain Lisa's body is now placed in a sarcophagus outside City Hall. The people flock to pay their respects to the most diligent and honorable Guard the city has likely ever seen.

    It is announced she will have an Honor Guard around the clock for the next tenday until her body is brought to her final resting place. The rhythm of the Battledrummers chants can be heard throughout the city day and night as they sing to the Captain on her journey to the next life.

    A legendary woman has fallen but will not be forgotten._

  • The petite manager of the Lucky Ferret, Black Sails captain Sabre Seesaw, claims the bouncer's absence is due to a lover's quarrel - between "George" and the second bouncer "Bob". While the two are usually inseparable as though they were twins, George's eyes reputedly wandered across too many a customer's firm buttocks for Bob's temper to hold even. Sabre's ordered a little time off, while emotions cool down.

    ((OOC: a kindly DM probably shifted the bouncer to give me time to log Sabre on and resort the accursed Shoppe - which I will do once "George" is back in action!))

    Rumours from a more refined neighbourhood speak of a well-attended evening performance in the Residential district by the bard Isolde Garibaldi and an unknown halfling gentleman playing the viola. The following song filled the crisp night air, the singer's swaying blue-clad shape shimmering in moonlight as an alluring mist settled about her like tiny diamonds:

    "He came riding fast like a phoenix out of fire flames
    He came dressed in black with a cross bearing my name
    He came bathed in light and splendor and glory
    I can't believe what the gods have finally sent me~

    He said, "Dance for me, fanciulla gentile"
    He said, "Laugh awhile, I can make your heart feel"
    He said, "Fly with me, touch the face of the true god"
    Made me cry with joy at the depth of my love~

    'Cause I've prayed days, I've prayed nights
    For the gods just to send me home some sign
    I've looked long, I've looked far
    To bring peace to my black and empty heart~

    My love will stay till the river bed run dry
    My love lasts long as the sun shines in the blue sky
    I love him longer as each damn day goes
    The man is gone and heaven only knows~

    'Cause I've cried days, I've cried nights
    For the gods just to send me home some sign
    Is he near? Is he far?
    Bring peace to my black and empty heart~

    So long day, so long night
    Oh gods, be near me tonight
    Is he near? Is he far?
    Bring peace to my black and empty heart~"

    ((The Dancer - PJ Harvey))

    The reclusive nobleman sir Winfred Hasshoff, usually spurning social occasions, is said to have been so moved by the performance that he left his estate to meet the singer in person, awarding her a handsome tip.

  • George, the main bouncer at the entrance of the Lucky Ferret has gone missing. Some think it is gambling debts, others say his past has finally caught up with him. No matter what it seems adventurers are unable to purchase anything from the back rooms as entrance is no longer available.

  • Anna and Maria were seen in the commons with an energetic halfling woman loudly pronouncing just how awesome and great they both are. The halfling woman was apparently rescued from orcs, and is named "Aesso the Amazing." Anna and Maria showed her to the bardic college after giving her some gifts.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • The third star Cerulean Knight named "Tristyn" has not been seen for some time. He was last spotted having conversations with a few adventurers in the public square - some claim he was conducting some sort of investigation. However, since then, he has not been seen either in the public square. His colleagues in the Knights of the Cerulean Star claim they have not seen him at the Cerulean Knight offices in the town hall either.

    He has vanished.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • _For the last few tendays, northern Narfell has been suffering quite cold weather. To some this is normal, Narfell has been "too warm" for a long time now, and things might be returning to how it should be.

    However, what happened in Peltarch would be everything except natural, as in a snowy evening, ghosts began to manifest in the commons area, attacking the bystanders.

    A few adventurers aided in the defence, however they thought to be at a disadvantage and decided to retreat into the Inn to prepare their blessings and wear their armours.

    After a short while, the adventurers came out charging at last, and with much struggle they managed to defeat the powerful ghosts, not without having a few more close calls. However, the assault had not ceased while they prepared, and it cost several casualties to the city, including the old stalwart captain of the Guard, Lisa Braithwraite. The Defender Healers informed that nothing could be done for her life, and at long last, Lisa has reunited with her god.

    It is unknown if there will be an official public ceremony to bid Lisa a last farewell, but the news were received with a heavy heart. Some of the adventurers were devastated when hearing the news, having known Lisa ever since they were little children playing around the commons, and they will doubtfully ever forget the bold captain of the Guard._

  • _Scattered rumours speak of a horrific swamp monster, made of living vines, thorns and mud, proving an extreme challenge to several adventurers, both seasoned and green. Kobolds are said to have joined in the fray, and one rumour even suggests the gigantic monster had a lizard creature inside of it, steering it like a puppet.

    The beast was by all accounts slain, but is this the end of the dangers from the swamplands or just the beginning?_

  • Rumor has it that the daughter of Evendar Valwick, who had been had been kidnapped along with her guard, was finally returned to her father, though the guard had seemingly perished at sea.

    Further rumors fly about that a large pirate ship worth many thousands of coin had also been donated to the Peltarch Navy, courtesy of the witch Chea and the Church of Chauntea!

  • Vague rumours begin to circulate about a mysterious mage abducting people, subjecting them to torturous games for his own amusement. Most details of these rumours vary, but for one - accept no written invitations to play.

  • _Murmurs can be heard from the staff of the inn about the strange occurrences of elves drinking ale. Not just a pint here or there, but pints … the ones with a bit of bite to them. Have the elves gone loony?

    The bartender states a theory behind this all, "Dwarves! Dwarves I tell you. I seen 'em pushin' ale on elves all the time out yonder in the courtyard I do! For what ever reason I no not ... silly elves. I make more coin on there fancy smancy wines... buggers!!"_

  • The priestess looking somewhat frustrated, can be seen striding back home after spending some time in the commons. A sign on the door knob reading "Do not disturb unless urgent!" On her door knob. Rumor has it the mage Elva might have asked her for something with the priestess reluctantly agreeing! So much for her once-a-tenday off!

  • "Alvi walks by and see the distraught horse that is Private Lyla Kane's horse she shakes her head"

  • Raryldor consistently feeds and waters Lyla Kane's, poor, neglected horse, and has been doing so for some time.


  • The Abyssal expedition returns to Peltarch, apparently victorious. At least, it appears like Darvan and Guard have recovered from their affliction, and are no longer rotting inescapably. Despite that, there is certain bitter after-taste for prices paid and to be paid as consequence of what happened in that place, but all in all, the day was won and everyone lives on.

  • Lady Maurina of Thar has been spotted once again in the commons. After some words were exchanged with several adventurers and introductions were made, the powerful magician bartered some items with the city's newest Inquisitor, the Shieldmaiden Nuwairah Zarah'kifa. Both women teleported away shortly after.

  • Gossipy tongues wag about a less than cordial exchange of words between Elisa Horgath and the bards Nate Wingates and Isolde Garibaldi. The playwright who popularized Rath Ashald back in the Senate's days of glory was apparantly offered a seat as court jester, should Elisa be Queen. A less than welcome suggestion with Isolde, who apparantly got lippy with the Thayan.

  • _More rumours about the Shaundakulite Krovel, this one claiming that the Vanity-addicted priest chose a new look of such villainous appearance that a zealous Guardsman opted to club him repeatedly and haul the decorated war-hero off to Gaol, no questions asked.

    The rumour goes on to detail the ardour and righteous rage of the priest's paladin paramour, Darvan Roth, in trying to spring the wrongfully accused from behind cold prison bars._

  • _In the wake of the city's grand medal ceremony feast, the partying seems to continue. Waves of drunken revellers with goat's masks meander through the streets singing and occasionally decorating the nearest gutter in shades of puke, on their way to and from the center of celebrations - Ashald Park. Here, shocked tongues wag, an actual Satyr hosted the wild revelry with much abandon of propriety and inhibitions.

    A more specific snippet of rumour circulates around the Shaundakulite clergyman Krovel, who was carried off to the Bardic College by a gaggle of giggling girls in goats masks…_