Ooc: What do you want to see in Arnath

  • My fault. ONE pc on the council…put there because her dad is a large ally...is neutral. all the others are evil. The watchers are evil. Arar to my knowledge is evil. But yeah, sorry...forgot that one neutral. So i guess that negates the entire statement...

  • hmm. Arnath should only be evil?? hmm sorry i dont agree.

    Outcasts, yes!

    Just evil..NO.

    If arnath were to be just evil..then that would give the surface a good IC reaosn to wipe the place off the mpa for good….perhaps with permadeath to its inhabitats. As why would Norwick tollerate such a place close by.

    No..best to keep it a town of outcasts...nothing stopping the outcasts from being evil.

    As for being harder to get too? why?....then the low level PC's will find it hard to travel if they have to fight past monsters.

    Sorry but i am a great believer in keeping major travel routes in narf free from monsters. to allow more freedom of movement betwen centres.

    as for making the crypts a maze. well it is..sort of already but yes perhaps it could be added too a bit more to make it a tad more complex.

    Traps? hmm i surpose they would be fine....

    Contact with the surface??? why not?? just becasue we are outcasts...or i should say some of you are outcasts...does not mean no contact...i mean...shoulndt that measn that you guys should never go to the surface either.....hmm i can see alot of you getting upset if that happened...

    Hm and this bit.,."Arnath is made, ruled and harbour evil people,"
    hmm actually not quite….

    ok ok....i think most probaly know my feelings in general on evil PC's...((and yes i do have an evil PC..was my first PC in narf))

    but i worry about Arnath becoming truely evil......

    in fact if it was i would have to say that if arnath became truely evil...i would probably leave narfell...[shrugs] not that any would care….
    I have always been the believer in evil being predominatly the domain of DM's. With the few evil PC's working with the DM's behind the scenes....bah..i'll shut up now...i think most of ya know my thoughts on this already.

  • You don't think the city should be locked? I think allowing it to be unlocked is ridiculous, unless you have the neutral front thing going and make everyone think we're just a peachy little underground colony.

    But I think the neutral front thing is boring. Blah.

  • We aren't talking about locking the city again are we?

  • Sorry for double-posting… But this has little to do with the previous post anyways.

    Arnath needs to be harder to get to. Not necessarily farther underground. Commute time to the surface is long enough as it. Just make it harder and more dangerous to find/get to for those who don't know the way.

    The first thing that could be done is changing the crypts and caverns. Make them like big mazes, but give maps to citizens of Arnath that can be used to reveal the entire area, allowing them to easily navigate the maze.

    Then add monster spawns (undead in crypts, formians in caverns) to some of the wrong-way routes.

    And traps... Is there a way to make it so anyone with a certain item (bloody rag) automatically sees a trap? Is there a way to make it so they can disarm it without rolling disable trap? Perhaps have it re-arm after 5 rounds or something? And still, with all of this, allow the rogue not carrying a bloody rag to spot and disable the same traps? If there was... That would be super. I think having booby traps set up en-route to the secret evil city is very sensible and realistic.

  • Someone said drugs…

    That is a -really- good idea, IMO. Especially if they're real, scripted drugs, with the bonuses and penalties that are incurred, addictions, satiation periods, withdrawal... Yes! Allow PCs to produce them and sell them. (Another branch of the crafting system?) It would be very sexy.

    And yeah... I'm all about an evil, secluded Arnath. No neutral front, no co-existance. Evil and in spite of.

    A tarnished city, boasting impressive temples to dark deities, devils, and demons, filled with dark streets and darker allyways. Drugs, weapons, torture devices, or any device promoting sadism, self-destruction, taboo carnal pleasures, and demented fantasies proliferate the active and unchecked black market. Old shacks house the majority, but the rich and powerful reside in impressive abodes built from imported wood or bricks, or perhaps even tunneled and carved right into the stone walls of the cavern city. Theives and murderers run rampant in the evernight, but only the few who are not caught are fortunate enough to be unexposed to the harsh punishment of the strict martial law. Seats of power in key societies and organizations in the city and, of course, the government of the city itself are cushy, and because of this highly sought-after and fiercely competed for.

    Well... Maybe I got a little carried away... But that's kinda my vision. I guess. It's 2am. I'm not quite sure if what I just wrote made any sense.

  • outcasts eh? i dont see the tribunal do be outcasts but the guy in my signature is the one on the top heh.

  • takes note of whats been said and goes back to work

    Thanks for the input guys. 😉

    Oh and remember, what Arnath is becoming and will become is decided ig, ideas are more than welcome but in the end its the ig actions that decide.

  • @347f1d6b75=robilar:

    Why do we want contact with the surface anyway? Isn't this city founded by outcasts?

    I don't know exactly why people are bringing surfacers down here but, quick note, if The Nameless Monk sees any non-arnathian around town she will demand to know who brought them in, and there will be reprocussions. We're not trying to co-exist with the surface realm - we're trying to live DESPITE them.

    Can I hear WHAT??

    That's right baby! :drunk:

    coughs What he said.

  • Why do we want contact with the surface anyway? Isn't this city founded by outcasts?

    I don't know exactly why people are bringing surfacers down here but, quick note, if The Nameless Monk sees any non-arnathian around town she will demand to know who brought them in, and there will be reprocussions. We're not trying to co-exist with the surface realm - we're trying to live DESPITE them.

  • Once the new city and new spawns get in, i wouldn't mind seeing arnath become almost a "world within a world" where its mostly estranged from teh surface. Sure, some will still go to both places, but if its self sustaining and opened up as a starting option in the future then I think it could very easily function on its own as an evil entity.

    look at this from an evil person perspective…

    I don't want to walk around my city as an evil person with a damned phoenix guild member wandering around looking at me, asking questions to me about everything i do...

    I dont' want one of the biggested known guys from the surface wandering around down there becuase its "open" and then suddenly running up top and telling everyone everything about it...

    I don't want the general of a group that has already nearly brought war upon us skipping through town and coming down to buy crap because its got "cool loot" in arnath 😉

    Its the atmosphere of the place that just doesn't feel right. I agree with Wyk, you want discreet evil atmosphere hit up peltarch or maybe the camp...hell even norwick lately. Part of the fun about evil is being able to play evil, be openly evil, not hide your god, not hide if you're a drow, not hide if you're wanted on the surface. just to be there, in an atmosphere of evil, and play it.

    People will send spies, you're right. Guess what, they do it as a neutral place. As a neutral place we still get flack for being from arnath. We get the majority of the flak we would get for being an evil city already, without any of the fun benifits of BEING an evil city...

    I think the neutral front is good now, but once things get settled and evil can stay within the city easily I would be fine and more happy seeing it become a more "evil" city ((and by evil I mean evil and neutral aligned people on average...just like jiyyd is kind of a "good" town but still has a good bit of neutrals in it too)). If it forever and ever remains just a neutral city, for all comers, to all points, even after things get to where we don't have to get up top, i think it just kills the point of the place.

    Plus...when the good people see slave trade, or public grousome executions, or prostituion all over, or temples dedicated to shar, bane, cyric, etc ((and i'll say the whole nice thing about an evil city is you don't have to HIDE those things)) then no amount of face we put up is going to ch ange that they're going to think the place is evil. And if we leave it open and neutral that just means that not only is it percieved evil, but they can stroll right in to start sabotaging if they want...

  • Arnath is made, ruled and harbour evil people, but when Arnath first was made it tried to be a bit of a "evil only" zone, and because of this, those that was seen down there was witch hunted in placed like Norwick.

    People metagame, people have limited perspectives, and unless you want Arnath to become a clique of 10 people who never really interact with the outside world, you must allow it to be more open.

    If it is an "evil only" town, you leave out the thiving rogues, the pirates, the, and the dodgy dealers, that are more neutral than evil, and would find themselves quite at home underground, as well on the surface.

    You do not want to have people sending down "spies" (and there will be spies, there are always character spying in Arnath) listing everybody they see down there, so that they will the next day be ban from other towns or arrested because they are "evils" from "evil Arnath, that only allow evils"

    People get curious, they hear rumors that "evil arnath plan to destroy Norwick" and next you know, there will be guards at the crypt door again, arresting anybody with a bloody rag.

    Keep a neutral front I say, and do what ever evil you feel like behind the masqurade.


  • Arnath needs to keep a "neutral" face up until the time that it can thrive on its own.

    Right now arnath people have to go to the surface if they want any kind of combat XP. That allows good people to take inventory.

    If they want gold they have to go to the surface, once more, inventory.

    Once arnath and the Underdark get revamped, spawns get put in, quests, and the new city, it can function on its own a good bit more and could probalby be a bit more "openly evil" by that point

  • @dce8d87fb5=garric:

    Wykith whats your intrest with arnath all the sudden is it because you lost your election in peltarch? 😉


    That, and just in case it slipped your mind, I've been pushing for Arnath since before Masume finally decided to build it 😉

    Just because I haven't been "openly active" lately doesn't mean I haven't been getting full reports on Arnath activity. :twisted:

  • Wykith whats your intrest with arnath all the sudden is it because you lost your election in peltarch? 😉

  • Actually Gildor, Arnath was meant specifically for evil PCs. If Arnath takes a "neutral" stand, it has to allow good PCs entry, which defeats the entire purpose of its existence. If PCs want to live in a place where covert evil can thrive, Peltarch is the place. The reason the "good guys" can't take an inventory on who lives in Arnath to ban them is because they can't get -into- the city to begin with. Of course since Narfell doesn't have a policy against players playing both sides of the field, metagaming cannot be stopped, but at the very least, it can be slowed down.

    What you are suggesting is exactly how the Gypsie camp ran for a few months back in the hayday of Ashan and Elendel. That idea did NOT work out well.

  • I still stress that Arnath should have a "NEUTRAL" apperance, with "evil" behind the curtains.

    The problem with Narfell in many ways is that people have a very black and white view to everything, there is evil, there is good, good kills evil, evil kills good.

    To stop people to make war with "evil" Arnath, or run in and make a list of all its citizens just to ban them from other cities because they are "evil" you need to convince the other towns, Arnath is a "move around at your own risk - we don't mind what anybody does" place, but not a "the Eviltown, plotting the distruction of the world", capital.



  • Wethrillina worked out the design of a shop months ago. Adding this would be great.

    I totally agree with the doors autolocking…absolutely.

    A tiered spawn system outiside would also be great, the city is far enough from the surface so it can tier once in each direction.

    For example:

    Surface: low/mid/high/mid/low :Arnath

    That and/or it can have its own tiered spawns behind the city gates, much like the gypsie camp's gnoll area that leads down to the cold caves. (Coolest place in Narf imo 😉 )

    A summoning circle or dark temple that can be "booked" for certain dark rights.

    I think the idea is to make Arnath as "Self sufficient" as possible, so that it becomes a place evil characters WANT to be in, instead of one that they "flee" to after they are chased out of the surface.

  • I'm still in favour of the two tier city system.

  • I don't see why we need a whole area for the outsiders. Can't we just set up a merchant and some tables outside our main gates?