Norwick's envoys and the goblins of the West Rawlins

  • Belin nods to dwin keeping pace with the rest patting herself down to check for ready ales and jerky

    <d>I should have enough ale for at least 3 weeks if we are frugal.</d>

  • Tindra meets up with Ragnhild and Dwin just as they pass by the ruins of the old southern gate. "Good morning," she says with a polite smile. "If either of you want any protective or strengthening spells just ask. Hopefully, we won't find much trouble, but I'd be surprised if that happens."

  • Dwin quicly explains and recaps whats above

    We'd be happy to have you along. Keep yer eyes and ears open.

  • Belin watches them head out the gate and trots a long for a bit

    Where you going kin?

  • Dwin quickly inspects the ales and then straps them to his back. Grabbing his "walking stick" he rushes to catch up with the long determined strides of Rag.

    Remember, lass! Every step o yers is two o mine! Don't go too fast…

  • In the soft golden light of an early morning not many days later, Ragnhild once more fastens the goblin charm to her spear as she prepares to set off. Grinning widely, she hands Dwin a rather heavy wooden box, the clanking of bottles within easily betraying its contents.

    "You did say vould carri the ales, Dwin! I travel like queen this time, pack so light. I brought food though, hope you both like bear steak vell done.

    Now, I have not gone to old camp in years, so I vill need to focus on find the right path. Tindra and you perhaps kan keep eyes open for annithing resembling things on map vhile we valk, ok?"

    Ever impatient, the blonde warrioress strides ahead energetically without really waiting for an answer, long legs carrying her swiftly forwards into the forest. She seems relatively confident of the general direction, but slows down at times to ponder.

  • Tindra nods as she hands the map back to Ragnhild. "Aye, I think the trip could be worthwhile. We can see if anything nearby fits the symbols on the map."

  • Dwin half-smiles and nods to Rag

    I'll carry the ales.

  • Ragnhild quickly bites the cork off the bottle of ale produced from her bulging pack, then drains it in one go. Belching thunderously, she begins to look less strained, but comprehension has clearly not yet dawned on the barbarian woman's mind. She peers at the map as Tindra twists and turns it about, then opens a second ale to sip more slowly.

    "Fruit trees? Huh.. vhat interest have gobbalins in fruit trees? You probabli right though, I am famously poor at riddel and map things in general. Slippy rocks though, hm.. could be some place vith loose gravel, vhere rockslides common? Or rocks in still vater, all slipperi vith slime and moss?"

    Ragnhild scratches her head, fingers nearly getting caught in the blonde, tangled curls. A thoughtful pause later, she goes on:

    "I think like you Dwin, that crown symbol be final destination, and mean to show chieftain's status.. vhere to start is question though. If like, we kan head to Grahk's old camp and begin search from there, maybe something recognizable find near? Place is deep in Rawlins, all in ruins now, after attack by vhat all signs now point to were Kal'Vargen - demon kind gobbalins. I kan take you there, if kan spare time for long trek."

  • ((Salsa, I was able to cut and paste your map from quoting the message and got the spaces the right way. Possible to send me a legend of what letters look like what symbols?))

    "Hmm, fruit trees… Aye, that's probably what that means. I can't think of any cherry trees off the top of my head, perhaps if I give myself some time to think about it."

    She ponders a bit, while taking a long sip of ale. "Where about did Grahk's tribe live?"

  • Dwin swallows the last of his first ale and wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve.

    The trick with these kinda maps is to get a reference point and work backwards, or forwards from there.

    he squints at the map again looking at the different symbols

    The other trick is ta think like a greenskin. These things here… the crossed-lines with the little dots? I'm bettin those are trees... fruit trees.

    stepping back he stares at the map We got some cherry trees out in the Rawlins, aye? Tindra... you probably have a better idea where any fruit trees are than anyone...

    And this here... someone said these words mean "slippy rocks" in Green-tongue... Slippy rocks... any thoughts? When I hear that I immediately think of that area north of the Romani where a misplaced boot on those slick rocks will make ya fall into the Ogre caves. Seems a bit odd that the greenskin would be referencing tha area, so maybe theres something closer to home.

    The crown with the hook... could that be some kinda... sceptre or other kingly-item? I'm thinkin that's the final destination on the map, so we need to find one of these others first.

    Whaddya say we go catch ourselves a local greenskin and see what he thinks? We wont show him the whole map, just the different symbols...

  • Tindra looks over the map for a few minutes, spinning it to a different direction every so often until she returns it to it's original position. She rubs her head and reaches for a bottle of ale while muttering some obscenity in Elvish.

    Before she opens her bottle of ale, she notices it's dwarven ale and puts it back, grabbing a decidedly weaker human brew. "Let's keep the mind functioning for now."

    ((Salsa, any chance you could make a image file of said map?))

  • Ragnhild's eyes glaze over as she stares blankly at the map, then she follows Dwin's example and reaches for her ales.

  • ((jams an icepick in his ear to make the pain stop))

  • ((ok the map didn't coem out right, ignore that. Look at your keyboard.

    The letters Z, R, F, N, J, ., then { are on the map.) make more sense?))

    • Dwin rubs his temples and opens an ale. *

    This hurts me head more than an Ettin hammer…

    He goes back to his small black book, which he normally writes his armor orders into. He appears to be taking notes and scribbling some quick drawings.

  • (( The map is such it has now boundaries or whatnot. No town or river or wood even marked. It consists of various symbols and a few words in goblin spread across the hide in no discernible pattern except for the fact that there are two symbols that have only one symbol near them(possibly the begin and end?). Examples of symbols: a hook looking figure with a crown shape next to it, goblin words 'slippy rocks', a couple of lines intertwined with dots at the tops. You a e pretty sure you could follow it by finding one symbol then heading towards the next. Trick is, you aren't sure which way is North….))

    Just an example of the map to explain better. Letter represent a symbol:



    Q L
    F t

    BR VF I
    K TW S

    C V EW

    One can infer if they find out where "C" is and the direction of the map, you could travel towards "BR", then to "F" and to each nearest symbol till you got to "CH". Trick is knowing where the starting point is.

  • Tindra stands quietly for a moment after listening to Ragnhild's tale and request, a frown clearly seen on her face. "Goblins? We're dealing with goblins? To be honest, I hate the buggers. Nothing but trouble for the woods."

    After a pause, she picks up the map to take a look. "But then again, I've never heard of a goblin adopting a human before. Guess that should count for something. And if it'll help stop the demonic goblins…"

    She studies the map closely, trying to think if any of the markings bring parts of the woods to mind.

  • Returning Tindra's smile warmly, Ragnhild gestures to the map-like hide in her hand.

    "I have map of sorts found, but no normal landmarks on it, see? Dwin thinks it is morr like set of instructions rather than traditional map, but almost all symbols on it be strange to us both. Is gobbalin made, from chieftain Grahk of Bloody Tooth tribe to me, his adopted daughter."

    She points to the crown, adding calmly:

    "His worrds be that vhen I am redi follow him, I look in place vhere he once hid axe for me. There, I find this, but am unsure how to read it. Crown be the onli symbol that make sense to me, as I mean to claim my legaci and become chieftain. My ambition vith such is to unite gobbalin tribes and together vith Norwick fajt Kal'Vargen, as gobbalins call the tainted ones. I vill avenge fate of my father and of Bloody Tooth tribe at their hands, so I have sworrn."

    Ragnhild goes on to explain her history with Grahk and his tribe, aswell as the details of the envoy's recent meeting with the assembled goblin tribes, looking to Tindra for comments afterwards.

  • A short while later Dwin returns with Tindra following behind. Upon seeing Ragnhild, the half-elf offers a friendly smile and wave.

    "Lucky that I decided to stick around a bit before heading back up to the Gypsy Camp today, eh?" she remarks. "So, what's this all about? Dwin mentioned needing to pick my brain about the Rawlinswood?"