Are there any evil characters out there?

  • It looks like there was quite the following of different evil deity's from awhile ago. Just skimming through some of the threads like roll call. Things must have been quite different back then.

  • Bards are evil..hin bards are the evilest.

  • Chaevre' is pretty evil, or at least thats the popular opinion of her, im sure its all just a misunderstanding. . .seriously, those people killed themselves. . honest. .

  • Probably a combination of both. 😉

    There are a few evil people, just have to find them and go to the right places looking. The Church of Bane has quite a few members of late too.

  • Hi. Just adding to this post because i see someone has asked the same question i was about to. Is there any evil around or just good ole pallies :lol:
    From what ive seen its either very well kept secret or im just to bloody new to tell.

  • Sharrans wear no underwear.

  • I'm not in denial! I'm clean! I've been clean for the past year, and I'm never going back!

    Ezachiel is still wearing black and green underwear though.

  • @f1ab0d0dfc=elor_danna:

    Another suggestion. Azuth! Brains for the smart god!

    Nevermind him; he has Bane-denial.

    He knows he wants it.

  • Shar is where it's at.

  • Another suggestion. Azuth! Brains for the smart god!

  • she was in game a couple weeks ago, makin shady dealings and all that..

  • Or that all previous tries failed.

  • I don't think it helps that it's been months since I saw her

  • aww that must mean Chaevre' is a fluffy bunny rabbit now. . . no one seems to want to kill her , or want to commit suicide attempting to anyway 😕

  • From a non-evil character player I agree with the above. The Umberlites are the happy Evil. Banites are going for fear but seem to draw the most fire because of it.

    We kill the things we fear the most.


  • Then you have the Umberlites who get away with being evil, mock everyone, and are drunk most of the day. Great fun, that.

  • Shar is a great choice for an Evil character who has become Evil through the actions of others.
    Those seeking revenge for a terrible deed enacted upon them, those who have been emotionally crippled by loss and those that wish to harness the power of her many secrets (Shadow weave, etc), all seek solace in Shar.

    Of course, these are just the stereotype characters that favour Shar. One of the most important aspects of her followers is that they will often try to keep their faith concealed when not amongst fellow faithful. This is a big help on servers like Narfell. It takes a lot of work but you can suprise many people when you suddenly switch on your supposed best friends and stab 'em in the back :twisted:

    Of course, if you prefer to have your enemies cowering in fear before you, then perhaps Bane is the best choice. Bear in mind though that Banites are regularly persecuted by just about everyone.

  • Most feared is a highly subjective term.

    Technically, though, I do believe that Bane is fear, just like Shar is loss.

    So you can lose or command fear. [shrugs] Your call, I guess…

  • Don't listen to Zanetar!

    If you want play a follower of the oldest and most feared Evil deity in Faerun, then you know what to do.

  • Sharrans aren't evil. That's rubbish.

    If you want to make playing Narfell way more difficult than it needs to be, PM me. (It's usually more fun, too, but I make no guarantees.)