Are there any evil characters out there?

  • ICC

    Im planing in starting a guild for CN and/or CE alignement characters. For now this idea is just in the begining stage, and im just sketching the main idea on paper. Later ill poke the SDM of the area where i plan to "work" and poke few players that might be interested, Playing a "chaotic" char isnt easy, so depending on the reaction of both DM and Pcยดs ill decide if the idea "has legs to walk" or not.

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
    โ€œTo crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!โ€

  • It's like the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion.

    If you do something that warrants some attention, they'll come to you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Oh god, I've been playing that game waaaayyy too much.

  • Hmm true. Well if theres any evil organizations out there that want to keep secret just send me a pm. I'm not going to meta game just looking for whats out there since im completely new to the server. Just trying to get a feel.

  • Evil is well hidden and can be found working its way into and up most any organizational chain. Not to say that Mord is evil, no way, just a hard working stiff slowly taking over the town guard.

    The biggest evil is often hardest to find and pin down. It is the thin blade that slips through your ribs when you least expect it and leave little trace.

  • It looks like there was quite the following of different evil deity's from awhile ago. Just skimming through some of the threads like roll call. Things must have been quite different back then.

  • Bards are evil..hin bards are the evilest.

  • Chaevre' is pretty evil, or at least thats the popular opinion of her, im sure its all just a misunderstanding. . .seriously, those people killed themselves. . honest. .

  • Probably a combination of both. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    There are a few evil people, just have to find them and go to the right places looking. The Church of Bane has quite a few members of late too.

  • Hi. Just adding to this post because i see someone has asked the same question i was about to. Is there any evil around or just good ole pallies :lol:
    From what ive seen its either very well kept secret or im just to bloody new to tell.

  • Sharrans wear no underwear.

  • I'm not in denial! I'm clean! I've been clean for the past year, and I'm never going back!

    Ezachiel is still wearing black and green underwear though.

  • @f1ab0d0dfc=elor_danna:

    Another suggestion. Azuth! Brains for the smart god!

    Nevermind him; he has Bane-denial.

    He knows he wants it.

  • Shar is where it's at.

  • Another suggestion. Azuth! Brains for the smart god!

  • she was in game a couple weeks ago, makin shady dealings and all that..

  • Or that all previous tries failed.

  • I don't think it helps that it's been months since I saw her

  • aww that must mean Chaevre' is a fluffy bunny rabbit now. . . no one seems to want to kill her , or want to commit suicide attempting to anyway ๐Ÿ˜•

  • From a non-evil character player I agree with the above. The Umberlites are the happy Evil. Banites are going for fear but seem to draw the most fire because of it.

    We kill the things we fear the most.


  • Then you have the Umberlites who get away with being evil, mock everyone, and are drunk most of the day. Great fun, that.