OOC Talk

  • Just a quick reminder for players to not abuse the AI and not pretend like they do not have eyes. If you are banned from jiyyd for any amount of time you should avoid it even when no DMs are on. If you are openly practicing evil acts then guess what….those NPCs -would- lay the smack down even if the PCs won't.

    What I'm trying to say is please stop. If it continues and you will continue to take OOC knowledge that no DM is on....then I will not hesitate to OOC reduce your xp.

    For reference. The maps outside Jiyyd are considered Jiyyd. The East Road and the Long Road. Though if you are banned from Jiyyd and want to go to the orcs then be my guest and walk through those maps. I know that your character -can- in fact walk through the forest or around jiyyd where the maps won't let you. Just don't abuse it and stop to RP with everyone while doing it. RUN and if need be just toss up a OOC walkaround if other PCs are present.

    I hope this clears up some confusion that has been happening lately.

    Have a good day otherwise!

  • Okay guys let me make this clear as crystal for you.

    There will be a Jiyyd walk around in the next update. It will be difficult, but if you intend to go to ormpur then you should be fine making it through this walk around.

    If you are banned from Jiyyd….do not enter Jiyyd. End of story. The only reason why you do not have the enemy token is because the last time I tried to use one it did not work properly. If it does work properly then expect them.

    If you wish to go to the orcs, which is where the bypass will be, you can be on the Long Road to go there. Honestly the guards are not out there, and probably wouldn't waste time to come way out there UNLESS you are hanging around the Sisterhood or other places for too long and someone informs them. Don't take advantage of that though. If you are RPing that you are going through the forests then toss up an OOC Walkaround and keep moving.

    Any other questions on this can be directed at me in IRC. And this is not targetted to anyone in particular, but noticed and have heard that people are acting as if the guards are both blind and stupid.

  • Before we get too het up, how many folk are actually banned from Jiyyd?

    I'm sure, although our characters may be, we are not unreasonable coves.

  • @532e5757ac=sciolist:

    Or rather than re-layout the maps to make paths. just add a portal labelled 'OOC Jiyyd Bypass' that pings them to the other side.

    Then people who aren't banned from Jiyyd could use that for just a quick easy way to get to the other side of Jiyyd.

  • @636c9b64a1:

    The problem there is that it requires a DM to come port you. So we'd be bothering the DMs for every single instance of a character wanting to get through Jiyyd.

    And if there isn't one on…..


    I think it's just easier to say "if you walk into Jiyyd and start roleplaying that you're actually there, you're exploiting, and will be punished" than to implement scripted punishments.

    Then unless we get areas devved around Jiyyd then I really don't see any other way someone with a token could get around Jiyyd. shrug Like Herrold said, it's the price you pay for getting the token.

  • Or rather than re-layout the maps to make paths. just add a portal labelled 'OOC Jiyyd Bypass' that pings them to the other side.

  • The problem there is that it requires a DM to come port you. So we'd be bothering the DMs for every single instance of a character wanting to get through Jiyyd.

    And if there isn't one on…..


    I think it's just easier to say "if you walk into Jiyyd and start roleplaying that you're actually there, you're exploiting, and will be punished" than to implement scripted punishments.

  • @0da3965991=Oreth:

    Herrold, Araighn, read up. Gobble basically said that if you want to run through Jiyyd, and say that your character is going around jiyyd, as long as you don't stop to RP, you're fine. The token would kill that.

    Because, much like norwick, there's nothing stopping you from circumventing jiyyd except the engine.

    I think we all understand what Gobble said. I fail to see what Herrold or myself said wrong. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, so let me say again.

    We've been saying how if you want to get around Jiyyd you would do an "OOC walkthrough."

    However, if you hold an enemy of Jiyyd token, then that "OOC walkthrough" would be nearly impossible.

    Now ICwise, the token still couldn't stop your character from walking around Jiyyd, but OOCwise it's a problem.

    So, if the banned person politely asks a DM "Excuse me, my character is banned from Jiyyd and can't do an OOC walkthrough to Ormpur because of my token. Could I please get a port to the beginning of the Road of Ormpur map.?"

    That's what I meant. Sorry if I wasn't clear on it before.

  • Herrold, Araighn, read up. Gobble basically said that if you want to run through Jiyyd, and say that your character is going around jiyyd, as long as you don't stop to RP, you're fine. The token would kill that.

    Because, much like norwick, there's nothing stopping you from circumventing jiyyd except the engine.

  • Since this probably effects me - I can't recall if Aspera was officially banned or just turfed out on the moment - then I would nab said token at a DMs earliest convenience.

    PS: Jiyyd lands bit is new to me. Updated reactions.

  • @1adbae52e4:

    If the DM says you can OOC run through Jiyyd to go to Ormpur then the token is a problem. And he did.

    In that case I would think the DM should port the player to the beginning the the Road to Ormpur map.

  • @804185f9ff=Herrold:


    Problem with the token being that it does eliminate the whole "OOC walkthrough/IC walkAROUND" tactic. If we're going to start dropping "enemy of" tokens on people, places like Norwick and Jiyyd should really be re-devved to have paths around them as they should, ICly.

    You can still get to the orc lands. You just can't get through Jiyyd.

    What is the problem? OOC run through? Our maps have no way through, its the price you pay for getting the token.

    If you get the token, I would suspect the first thing you should do is change your papers. If you are an "enemy of Jiyyd" the last thing you should be doing is spawning there. I don't see the problem.

    If the DM says you can OOC run through Jiyyd to go to Ormpur then the token is a problem. And he did.

  • @913a7c43c4=Oreth:

    Problem with the token being that it does eliminate the whole "OOC walkthrough/IC walkAROUND" tactic. If we're going to start dropping "enemy of" tokens on people, places like Norwick and Jiyyd should really be re-devved to have paths around them as they should, ICly.

    You can still get to the orc lands. You just can't get through Jiyyd.

    What is the problem? OOC run through? Our maps have no way through, its the price you pay for getting the token.

    If you get the token, I would suspect the first thing you should do is change your papers. If you are an "enemy of Jiyyd" the last thing you should be doing is spawning there. I don't see the problem.

  • Legion

    DOnt go on the jiyyd long road unless you want to run to orcs was what he said. Other then that if banned stay off of jiyyd lands….

  • @a8d00b976b=Zyphlin:


    He said if you actually have to walk through the town of Jiyyd to say get to Ormpur, you can do an "OOC walkthrough." That means ICwise your character would really be walking around Jiyyd to get to Ormpur. So no RPing with others. If you're outside the gates of Jiyyd on the Long Road, then you could RP with others all you want. Just hope a DM doesn't control a guard or Grag comes out there.

    Actually, if I'm reading him right, people that are banned shouldn't be hanging out on the long road or the east road either as its jiyyd lands and technically guards should possibly be coming out there and beating a person, people could come get the guards, etc…right?

    More or less. What he said was be there if you like but don't expect there to not sometimes be repercussions as these are Jiyyd lands.

  • @e74cae2b23=Araighn:

    He said if you actually have to walk through the town of Jiyyd to say get to Ormpur, you can do an "OOC walkthrough." That means ICwise your character would really be walking around Jiyyd to get to Ormpur. So no RPing with others. If you're outside the gates of Jiyyd on the Long Road, then you could RP with others all you want. Just hope a DM doesn't control a guard or Grag comes out there.

    Actually, if I'm reading him right, people that are banned shouldn't be hanging out on the long road or the east road either as its jiyyd lands and technically guards should possibly be coming out there and beating a person, people could come get the guards, etc…right?

  • Problem with the token being that it does eliminate the whole "OOC walkthrough/IC walkAROUND" tactic. If we're going to start dropping "enemy of" tokens on people, places like Norwick and Jiyyd should really be re-devved to have paths around them as they should, ICly.

  • There is an no drop enemy opf Jiyyd token that will ensure that a ban is enforced.

    Nothing like watching the guards kill a PC.

  • He said if you actually have to walk through the town of Jiyyd to say get to Ormpur, you can do an "OOC walkthrough." That means ICwise your character would really be walking around Jiyyd to get to Ormpur. So no RPing with others. If you're outside the gates of Jiyyd on the Long Road, then you could RP with others all you want. Just hope a DM doesn't control a guard or Grag comes out there.

  • um, nope.. I don't get it.. So if i'm banned from jiyyd. I can still walk around outside of the 'jiyyd map' but i can't RP with other characters?