A sign on the Barracks: New Militia Recruits

  • The following people are expected to report in to Drill Sargeant Rando for duty. He will give the details on where and when to report.

    ((please acknowledge here that you have seen this if your name is on the list))

    Not everyone that applied was accepted…for various reasons. More often than not, the applicants were already members of other military organizations. If you applied and your name ain't here, then feel free to come find Colonel Dolvak and discuss.

    The List of New Militia Recruits:

    Aren Ashaller
    Bel'in Dolvak
    Mord Cabro

    Congratulations, all. And good luck, yer gonna need it!

  • Belin was seen cleaning her kit after standing watch with Mord on the hill. Starts talking to the other recruits.

    Summa hin runs up tuh us on der hill. Hims beh sayins somthin bouts summa hobbers dat tooks out unna his friends. Mord went ter check on it whiles meh kept watch frumma da hill. Un lass by da name o Eve said she was lookin fer work tuh. Meh tolds her ter find Luckitous or Dwin if'n she wunt ter join da militia.

    Yuh alls beh carefuls if'n yuh on da hill alones aye. Dat hin mabbe un decoy. Mord says hims nay find un thing.

    shrugs and rubs some hobber guts off her plates

  • Rando has closed the recruitment for the militia

  • _Nicahh and Shahrazad (though mostly Nicahh) talked Locrian into joining as a trainee, and Milshot set him up with his citizenship papers. Shahrazad gave him a trainee staff, and outlined the basic duties, telling him to report to Rando for more specific instructions and training.

    Barracks gossip had it that he was sighted in a dress at some point in town, and many are quick to give him barbs about it. Locrian managed to stay standing for several minutes while sparring with Milshot, earning a modicum of respect back._

  • Vervain seems to have gone AWOL. He seemingly didn't understand or agree with the training methods or maybe just broke under pressure.

  • One day after running around like a chicken with her head cut off Belin is heard talking with a few of the recruits about how she was out on the hill patroling and a good thing it was too cause don'tcha know who shows up but mister Advisor Lucutious himself checking up on her work.

    ah says keep yer eyes sharps yuh nay knows when dems will beh showins up ter lookin on yuh, aye!

  • Paci is very rarely seen around when he's not on duty. Those few times he stops for a moment to see how the trainees are faring, he flashes Rando and the other trainers a wry grin and at the same time cheers the tired trainees on.

    ((Still very busy IRL with home improvement and work. Hopefully will be able to log on for a couple of hours every now and then.))

  • Passing the sign and seeing the note added to it, lucid shows a small smile and makes a note of the name "Ellis Rain". With a light chuckle, he whispers

    I remember that one…should fit in well I think.

    Lucid makes his way inside the barracks to post the name for Sergeant Rando's review

  • ICC

    A tall man dressed in dark grey and black strides in and leaves a note for the militia

    I believe that I might be of great service here.
    Might I request an audience with your officers and seek to join your ranks?

    ::signed Ellis Rain, Retired Captain of the Grey Company::

  • Mord smiles thinly and stares at Fad out of flat grey eyes as he does a short round of the lak and then back tot he walls. He participates in the baiting but it seems more of going through the motions than a point of interest

  • _The Norwick Militia that guards the southern gates play a little game called "Tree-woman" where they go trouncing through the woods and pretend not to see the lass, who is typically hiding behind a bush or a shrub near the pond

    The first one to get her to say something about some unknown 'agreement' wins, and the others have to buy him an ale when they go off duty.

    None of them are really sure what she is talking about, but it helps pass the time between rabid deer kills and hin-tosses._

  • militia patrols continue to press out into the rawlins in an effort to drive back the goblins and thin their numbers. They do not seem to enforce any of norwick's laws beyond the south gate, they simply kill or drive off any obvious threats they find. The advisor is often at the south gate in the evenings, checking on Guardsmen Pete and Jorge. He seems more than happy to hear out and address any questions or concerns regarding norwick.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fad is regularly seen in the woods south of Norwick, ever vigilant in her efforts to make sure that the Norwickian militia's influence doesn't extend into the Rawlinswood. If approached, she simply replies…......

    "Just making sure agreements are honored."

  • In passing, Lucidious reminds Shay that her new patrol route does not include the crypt or the graveyard for that matter. She is to leave that route to the other militia members to attend to.

  • Shahrazad happily contributes to the funding of the party, but remains slightly withdrawn. She frequently patrols the Rawlinswood, and makes it a point to give encouragement and pointers to the trainees as they go about their tasks. If a recruit has been performing well, she tends to relieve them of south gate duty and instead take them on patrol for the zombified animals in the woods.

    //Willl be gone for 3-4 days due to OOC matters, hopefully see you all IG soon thereafter!

  • _A late arrival comes in just days ago. The man is new to Norwick, and Narfell as well. His name is Alitrar and he falls in line with the rest of the recruits, holding his "militia staff."

    He recently did a long patrol with Shay, fending off many undead animals, including a zombie deer that made it to the gates of the town._

  • Mord nods smartly to the other two and looks to the others. He then hurries off to move his gear and to the Boarshead to clelebrate his survi….passing the inital stages of training.

  • ::salutes::

    Yes sir!

  • Rando gets the training team to go chase all the trainees out of their barrack rooms and gets them to fall in. looking down the smartly turned out line, all carrying the correct gear Rando looks unhappy and says

    _Right… no easy way to say this, but some of you are 'in' it! When i call out your name you are to step on pace forward and those who do, are going to be so 'in' it they wish they were dead

    Mord....... Kali........Shahrazed....... Step on pace forward...... right hand over your staffs to my training team"_

    Rando awaits for them to hand over their staffs

    _"Right… you 3 are out of the training program.... its that simple.... i have one more thing to say to you 3 and that's.....

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! you three have passed the first stage of the militia you are now in the Militia, on probation, mind you, but you are now 'in' it

    You are to move your stuff out of the trainee quarters and into the full time quarters.. well done indeed. do not let me down or i will personally kill you"_

    Rando looks to the others and says

    _"the rest of you have not failed… yet, but you need to pick up or you will.. look to these 3 as examples and learn off them.

    Right all of you have the night off and the 3 who passed will be buying all the drinks for the militia as their first months wages has gone to pay for the party.... Now off you lot go and enjoy yourself"_

  • Belin talks about helping Advior Lucutious to kill some stinkin animals in the woods. She seems discontented by the fact that none of them were edible do to being half rotten already.

  • Mord looked over the rest of the trainees on his watch. They all carried their staffs and their equipement and weapons seemed in order

    Looking off into the dark wood he comment to Z What do ye think the time be fer this trainin lad?