Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
Hearing of the new crafting facilities, Dentin visits the camp. However, after learning that the facilities are locked behind the inner camp walls, he goes to find an Elder for an explanation.
Late at night the occasional loud bang is heard out in the Spider Pass, sometimes followed by a slight shaking feeling to the ground. Some have made comments of odd lights being seen. Every now and then a voice or two can be heard on the wind…. usually along the lines of.. "oops" followed by "try again"
_Occasionally, the very bare leftovers of a deer can be found in the spiderwoods, ate by something very big.
The speculation tends to be spiders_
Mecizq, long missing in corporeal form, though seen visiting the camp each day of the dead as a spirit can be seen walking into talk to Cera and Jenni about something.
_Elor just mumbles something vague, and sets to making another fort with the pillows, without the notice. He then sits in his creation for a few hours, guarding it against everyone who would try to overtake Camp Elor…
After a few hours, he simply gets bored, and breaks down the fort himself, spreading the pillows around the room randomly, resembling a night sky of pillowy stars._
Jonni walks back and collapses the fort, turns the sign over and writes…
Read the council statements…
As the walls and gates are once again surrounding the inner camp, it seems that someone gathered all the pillows in the communal tree, and used them to build a fortress near the fireplace. A notice attached to what is supposedly the entrance reads
A group of travelers were attacked by ghouls and zombies within the Camp late last night…
after they were defeated Lilin was heard to be speaking of a hallowing ceremony.
Rumors of a strange priesstess by the name of Lothora visited the camp warning of grave dangers from a renegade Drow group. She has warned them to be ready the next time upon the next dark moon to be ready for battle (( Friday 8pm est those involved and others recruited for the task be there
The gypsy pass was peppered with sound the other day. Inquisitive gippos who peek out would have observed a rum gang of coves in Black and Gold uniforms, enthusiastically kegging the entrance to Rass' cave of old. A muscular, stumpy form wielding a trident appeared to be directing proceedings. It is understood that they were not entirely successful. It is noteworthy that no cats were harmed in the making for this explosion.
Late one night, arriving in a storm a group of thirty or so in dark cloaks arrive into the camp carrying wagons in a caravan behind them. Jonni was seen greeting them almost as family, even though none have been seen here before. They move into the inner camp, and rumor has it they have begun construction work on something.
Rumor spreads of the spotting in camp of a dwarven man by the name of, El Hombre Gigante, and his half orc friend, The Son of Santos. Seems they were seen striking up a deal with Jonni regarding some entertainment at a festival in the near future. On occasion the two are seen entering Jonni's tent, in colorful costumes and masks.
_Lilin is seen bring a red bundle into the camp. Rumor is the bundle was whining. Someone is baffled.
((This mundane post brought to you by losl))_
Nicahh is seen spending many days within the camp especially around Amith and Jerr's tent. At her side seem to be half a dozen children easily recognized as those from the Sisterhood. Those who know her best comment that she does not quite seem herself for she has grown rather quiet, barely speaking, though there is no mistaking the peaceful look in her eyes.
_There is talk of Jonni and a group of battle hardened adventurers being teleported to the coldstone mountains in search of the Fireshard Troupe who after failing to arrive at the camp were scried upon.
Days later the group emerged from the mountains battered and cold, the performers sadly, were not reported as walking out._
Zoma can be seen asking and looking for any buyers who wishes to purchase a large collection of enchanted arrows that comes in different elementals.
Rumor has it that the somewhat famed Fireshard Troupe will be arriving soon from Heliogabalus to provide a festival and show, perhaps even some trading out by the Heart Fires, now that word has spread back into Damara that the Romani are no longer overrun.
Upon seeing Penny's scales for the first time, Oreth undergoes a momentary, uncontrollable shiver. If asked about it, he can't seem to say exactly why, and seems genuinely to be unsure.
Rumors spread like wildfire that the pink-haired bard, Penny, has recently undergone some sort of alarming transformation of appearance. What appears to be a brilliant prismatic tattoo now curves across her forehead, around her left eye, down her cheekbone, and spirals loosely around her neck before disappearing into her clothing. Several of her outfits reveal that this tattoo continues its spiral pattern across her torso and abdomen. The more unusual of these rumors seems to indicate that the pattern isn't a tattoo at all, but rather, a continuous patch of brightly reflective scales.
A contingent of minotaurs were recent guests to the Camp, in the company of Ragnhild, Zoma, the Silent Traveller and the mysterious Seer. The group proceeded straight through the Camp and on to the Gnoll-infested areas where they wrought much death and destruction upon the dog-faced inhabitants of the area. Afterwards, the still healthy and fit of the minotaurs climbed the sheer cliff-face and left the camp, while the wounded were tossed down into the ravine.