Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
Following a talk with Jeni and Cera in their tree, Mecizq emerges from the tree to make a short speech, though looking uncomfortable at having to talk in public like this.
"Most of you here know me in one way or another, we have all had our ups and downs in life, some such as my recent problems, worse than others, but we are all here now, and can place all that behind us now, and move on.
To that end I have offered to Hallow what grounds of the camp have not allready been hallowed, including the old gathering circle to Mystra, to renew the ties of the Rom and this land to Mystra from on old.
In order to do this, I will be requiring a large quantity of holy water, equivilent to roughly six score and then a few of holy water flasks, and I would ask for those of you who are able to put towards this task, even if it be only one holy water flask. Every flask counts."
//Either catch me IG to make a donation of a holy water flask or you can probably donate them straight to LD also, easier to housekeep through me though.
_A few of the gali remark on Jonni getting into the occasional arguments with some of the Romani that have returned. Though nothing is ever said loud enough or close enough for a non-rom to hear, the occasional raised voice leads to the suspicion that Jonni is doing something that the Romani true bloods do not care highly for.
Jenni and Cera do not seem to have the same arguments, and if anything seem mostly to hope that Jonni can just get along with everyone and that the matter gets dropped._
During one of these spats, a large shadow stops and watches, listening intently. A branch snaps, something pops, and with only the passing of light footsteps, something leaves again
((Lilin is a stalker! Wee!))
Tala can be seen sitting by the inner fires on occasion deeply unaware on occasion of those around her and often asking others to keep an eye out for her if she seems to slip off into a daze.
_Caldor is seen more and more around the camp with Malina. Some say he is has move to the camp. It is also said he no longer cares for adventure.
He is heard to say "Scouting is a highly dangerous and thankless task. I will not die for the ungreatful or greedy again."
He is often seen making bows and tanning._
_A few of the gali remark on Jonni getting into the occasional arguments with some of the Romani that have returned. Though nothing is ever said loud enough or close enough for a non-rom to hear, the occasional raised voice leads to the suspicion that Jonni is doing something that the Romani true bloods do not care highly for.
Jenni and Cera do not seem to have the same arguments, and if anything seem mostly to hope that Jonni can just get along with everyone and that the matter gets dropped._
A group of adventurers left for the cold caves with two known Gali in the camp: Lilin and Wolf. They were gone for about a day and a half, then they all finally returned. They all made it out safe, though they all looked "incredibly" exausted. Some of them may have mumbled things about "drow" and "ogres."
Mecizq can be seen working around the inner camps meeting glade, having been let in on some project.
Rumours and stories tell of a massive army of extremely powerful hobgoblins overrunning the Nars pass. A handful of brave defenders managed to keep the first wave of these hobgoblins with unforeseen powers at bay but the second wave was just too much. At least four of the valiant heroes are said to have been cut down by the massive axes, huge ice storms and continuous lightning bolts of the highly trained hobgoblins. No one seems to know where these armies came from and who trained and equipped them.
_Dentin listens to Star's explanation, then considering the matter for a long moment.
"Hm. Yes, I see. Very well, thank you."He then leaves the camp for the time being, apparantly satisfied with the answer._
Star explains in stammered common that the facilities are open to all who have friends amongst the Rom and Gali. That there is no bar to using the facilities as long as you are accompanied by an Oathsworn willing to take you in and be with you there.
Hearing of the new crafting facilities, Dentin visits the camp. However, after learning that the facilities are locked behind the inner camp walls, he goes to find an Elder for an explanation.
Late at night the occasional loud bang is heard out in the Spider Pass, sometimes followed by a slight shaking feeling to the ground. Some have made comments of odd lights being seen. Every now and then a voice or two can be heard on the wind…. usually along the lines of.. "oops" followed by "try again"
_Occasionally, the very bare leftovers of a deer can be found in the spiderwoods, ate by something very big.
The speculation tends to be spiders_
Mecizq, long missing in corporeal form, though seen visiting the camp each day of the dead as a spirit can be seen walking into talk to Cera and Jenni about something.
_Elor just mumbles something vague, and sets to making another fort with the pillows, without the notice. He then sits in his creation for a few hours, guarding it against everyone who would try to overtake Camp Elor…
After a few hours, he simply gets bored, and breaks down the fort himself, spreading the pillows around the room randomly, resembling a night sky of pillowy stars._
Jonni walks back and collapses the fort, turns the sign over and writes…
Read the council statements…
As the walls and gates are once again surrounding the inner camp, it seems that someone gathered all the pillows in the communal tree, and used them to build a fortress near the fireplace. A notice attached to what is supposedly the entrance reads
A group of travelers were attacked by ghouls and zombies within the Camp late last night…
after they were defeated Lilin was heard to be speaking of a hallowing ceremony.
Rumors of a strange priesstess by the name of Lothora visited the camp warning of grave dangers from a renegade Drow group. She has warned them to be ready the next time upon the next dark moon to be ready for battle (( Friday 8pm est those involved and others recruited for the task be there
The gypsy pass was peppered with sound the other day. Inquisitive gippos who peek out would have observed a rum gang of coves in Black and Gold uniforms, enthusiastically kegging the entrance to Rass' cave of old. A muscular, stumpy form wielding a trident appeared to be directing proceedings. It is understood that they were not entirely successful. It is noteworthy that no cats were harmed in the making for this explosion.