A Murder reported

  • After a few days, when the rumour has started to trickle outside the village gates, a raven lands in front of Val sometime when she is leaving Norwick, its frame crackling and melting as it touches down, until it rises and stands as a human man, his face obscured by a sort of headdress/mask. He seems to consider this the most normal thing ever, and immediately begins speaking

    If what I have heard is true, you seek justice against a Defender of Peltarch.

    I would warn you of the possibility that you have misunderstood the events you've witnessed. But if you believe justice needs to be served, I would suggest you seek it in the city to the north.

    Seeking it within those walls…

    The man points with a leather-gloved hand to the gates of Norwick

    …Will yield nothing but frustration and idiocy.

    The man turns to leave, a feather pattern starting to rise across his clothes, and then, as a final thought, turns his rapidly elongating head back toward the woman

    If Peltarch can give you neither answers nor justice, I can be found in the Romani camp. Seek me out…

    In a series of cracking and grinding noise, the druid's airborne form is resumed, and he flaps off to the north

  • A pale elf in red robes sitting at a nearby table perks his ears listening as she speaks. He says nothing, but pours himself another mug of wine as she tells her tale to her group of friends.

  • Val makes her way to the Boarshead and tells all her friends about the murder and the man, adding a description, details on the interrogation in Jiyyd and Rando's answer.

    Soon the tale of Dentin murdering a man in cold blood is whispered about through out Norwick and the Nars Pass.

    • Rando looks up from his food and says*

    "Did she leave?"

    he goes back to eating with a chuckle

  • shakes her head and stomps out, slamming the door behind her

    Murderers allowed to just walk free…..
    yet, I bet he'll be asking for help next time the goblins invade!

  • " No body.. your word against his.. and as you are both not citizens of Norwick it is of little concern to me or Norwick. Lets hope Jiyyd will protect you if he comes after you, as unless he tries anything within Norwicks lands then there is little i am going to do"

    goes back to eating his now cold lunch

  • No, I'm a citizen of Jiyyd. That's why I reported it there first.

    starting to look at the Sheriff in horror

    It doesn't matter where I am a citizen of! A man was murdered! In cold blood! I can show you where!

  • "Well.. are you a citizen of Norwick?"

  • throws up her hands in frustration

    I have already told the Jiyyd Legion. He BURNED the body. He threw something and everything caught fire. There's nothing left. He EVEN admitted it to the Jiyyd Legion Leader.
    I'm the only one who saw him! What if he's after me?

  • " ok i will look into this.. can you show me where he buried the body.. i want to see it for myself"

  • I don't know the man's name. He knocked him down. He beat him unconscious, then killed him, then burned the body! I saw it all!

  • looks interested

    "and who did he murder?"

  • Having run from Jiyyd to Norwick, she pauses, takes a deep breath and begins again

    I saw a man named Dentin murder another man in cold blood at Sam's Hill. Jiyyd says their jurisdiction ends at the cross roads.

  • Rando looks up from eating a spot of lunch

    "Once you have caught your breath tell me what happened"