Whispers at the Fire

  • A small rumor is started that there will be an elf running nude through Norwick. The details are all very vague, but he is to be know as "the pasty deserter". It is recomended you bring your friends and cheer him on.

  • After taking a long stroll through Norwick seemingly discussing what sounds like construction plans, the druids Raisa and Wolf are seen speaking with Vino about building possible shrine to the gods of nature on "his" hill.

    // We'll be contacting Lof IC. If a DM/Dev can help estimate costs of a small shrine and what's possible with the toolset, we'd appreciate it!

  • Rando on hearing these rumours just laugh and says

    "Yeah right…."

    He then turns to Captain Milshot and says

    "shakes some trees and see what falls out of them on this rumour will you Mil"

    Rando chuckles on knowing what will happen next

  • Supposedly the dissaproval of Rando is growing. Though no names are ever mentioned, a few people have been heard of saying not so kind things.

  • _The front door of the Boarshead Inn has recently been blown to smouldering ashes. The hardened patrons of the establishement seemed to take it all in stride, Barle muttering something about the "farkers at Spellweavers Keep". Warriors Zoma and Ragnhild, trying to descreetly mingle in with the crowd, appeared more rattled then the rest but agreed with the first part of Barles assessment at least.

    Outside, two female mages were slain - one attacking the noted druid Oreth Meret, and the other seemingly trying to stop the first. The hot tempered dwarven cleric Jirka apparently does not take kindly to being blasted with fire…_

  • _An irate woman in blue and golden dusty armour is seen ascending from the southern crypts in Norwick and informing Tond to tell all to keep caution when heading down into the crypts…shadow beings have been seen appearing within and attacking those caught within

    Some half a mark later, the woman known as Kara is seen at the chancellors office, binding some scratches on her arm and asking to see Lof. When he is nowhere to be found, she leaves word with the remaining guard that he should seek her out and retires back to the shrine._

  • The south gate tower is scorched and covered in soot, as if recently exposed to fire. Ragnhild can be spotted scrubbing away at the soot, cussing darkly in her native tongue. She sits there, stubbornly trying to enjoy the scenery while casting many a wary glance towards the nearby hill.

  • An obsidian haired woman by the name of Velencia, has been seen wondering around Norwick as of late. Often found near a large blonde barbarian man, she seems slightly shy at first, but has slowly been introducing herself to those clad in militia uniforms. She speaks of an interest in joining their ranks, and has been seeking out Milshot.

  • _A wizened old wizard staying at the Boardshead was sipping his tea quietly when a small group of adventurers approached him. I t seems the group had been sent out to retrieve a certain object for the frail man, and a hefty coin purse switched hands upon the completetion of the mission.

    The group celebrated their newfound riches with a friendly ale. The fairhaired barbarian Ragnhild seemed particularly pleased with her new scars and a fancy looking battle axe, apparantly won in a dual with a goblin._

  • _The tall blonde barbarian Ragnhild was attacked by a mysterious assailant as she was sitting peacefully at the south fire talking to Arcana Advisor Arcaome Mennemen. The attacker fled into town and when the enraged Ragnhild caught up with him, he flung a black leaf on the ground and vanished. Later that same day the two Norwickians were attacked once again, this time outside the north gates. To those that know her well, Ragnhild seems jumpier than usual, but still refuses to give up her favourite spot atop the south gate tower.

    On a matter possibly completely unrelated, a stoneclad man claiming to be an artist has been spotted in the Nars, summoning various beasts and then turning them into living art._

  • Ponce found a small number of goblins trying to attack Norwick's southern gate. Being only small goblins, they were easily dispatched, but the gate should be checked for any damage to it.

  • _Another undead attack is reported to have taken place just outside the south gates of town. Scores of zombies and skeletons sprung from the ground, led by a large slaad-like creature. Strange glowing runes were spotted near the lake. The sparse number of defenders fought the attack as best they could, with militia man Milshot taking the lead.

    The tall blond barbarian woman Ragnhild was seen leaving the battle, nearly fatally wounded, and making her way as fast as her legs would bear her towards Jiydd in search of reinforcements. Upon her return, the forest was quiet once more._

  • _A group of heavily armored mercenaries known as the Raven approached a commoner of Norwick by the name of Zoma by the south gate of Norwick. The encounter between the two sides were tensed, and even more so when more people came to watch the commotion with Rando finally arriving into the scene as well as his intervention.

    Swords and shields were drawn, but the exchange of words seemed eerily calm. The details of the conversation were not known to many aside from the people who were present. It was rumoured that the Raven approached Zoma to take his life for angering his employer who some believed it to be "The Union".

    Eventually, the meeting was ended peacefully as the Raven instead decided to 'arrange' another meeting to meet with Zoma and left. Not long after, the crowd dispersed from the area leaving only their footprints on the snow to reflect the existence of the meeting._

  • Word is spread that a man known as the Raven is seeking any powerful necromancer who is looking to make a bit of coin, he can be sought in Jiyyd. Messages left with Drudo of the Regal Whore inn will reach him.

  • Rumor begins to spread through norwick of stange folk clad in black and green visiting norwick recently. The stangers have also been spotted south of the gate near the bear cave.

  • (OOC law was changed a while ago just someone forgot to update it, sorry)

  • @e0df774673=Custodis:

    Updated, bumping to make sure its noticed

    What this means: You can now carry staves and trade tools (skinning knives, holy symbols, smithing hammers, and woodcutting hatchets)

    You can now have animal companions out (so long as it looks like a natural animal ie: no mephits, dragons, fairys and others). If you own a wolf, only if you live in Norwick (have a citizenship papers), and if you have a panther, your SOL.

    Cike can be heard mutters to himself as he walks into the rawlins

    "Ah some Millita may have been gone as Laws changed in their absince, twould be well for the "almighty protector of Norwick" to brush up on the very laws he wishes all to obey. Or perhaps I have been a fool and Sir Rando's word and fancy for the day IS law."

  • Rando is informed by one of the Guards about what happened and tells the Guards

    "If they don't understand the law on no animals inside the walls then warn them once and if they fail to heed it, kill the animal. It's that simple you don't have to like the Laws but you better well obey them."

    Rando continues with his rounds of the town

  • A debate on the law of no animal friends allowed in town was heard to have taken place between an elf and a human follower of Tyr. Though the elf ridiculed and belittled the man, Lexington Rutherford, he did not let that sway him from his course of taking the name of a woman to the guards.

  • _A confrontation between a one eyed, silvered haired man with his face covered with scars with a woman who was believed to be one of the "Sisters of the Wild" occurred outside the South gates of Norwick.

    For some reason, the man did not retaliate every blows inflicted onto him by the woman. Despite his injuries getting more severe at every moment, his did not unsheathe his weapon against her. The expression worn by him remains calm and peaceful, as though one who welcomes death to embrace him.

    As soon as the man's body was unable to bear anymore pain, some courageous adventurers rushed through the gate to aide the man only to be blown away unconscious by a ball of flames.

    In the end, the Sister of the Wild deeming the man to be 'weak', decided to spare his life by cutting off a lock of his hair instead. The man however told her to kill him instead for he no longer has friends, nor people who share the same blood as him to avenge his death and no one would suffer from the endless circle of vengeance.

    The woman however merely left him alone as though deeming him unworthy to kill, or perhaps knowing that by submitting herself to satisfy vengeance by taking another life, she may end up like the very same man she was attempting to kill. As soon as she turned her back onto the man, the man finally collapsed down, finally submitting to the pain of his body he had been bearing with.

    Once more, calm and peace returned to the Rawlinsforest. A lesson perhaps was learnt by the man himself who was spared by the Sister of the Wild._