Whispers at the Fire

  • Word travels like wildfire about an offense in the Boarshead earlier. It seems the kind miss Alora, who has owned a shop and been a good citizen of the town for years, was attacked in a side room of the inn. A massive, naked orc halfbreed called Kull, who also seems to be a Legionair, was apparantly holding and squeezing the poor lass, with obvious bad intentions, when a small group of people cought him red-handed in the act. There is also mention of a young woodsy girl with a speech impairement, called Star, who seems to have taken the opportunity to rob the poor Alora of everything she owned, and dissapear into the woods.
    What times are these, when civilised folk can no longer enjoy a drink in the inn?

  • //ooc on

    Low blow, man! The militia would have been in the front lines if they'd been online! Well…probably one or two, anyway. 😉
    How would you feel if Zanetar noticed there were no Legionnaires online and took that opportunity to tear Jiyyd apart, then posted that the Legionnaires were cowards and hid in the woods?

    //ooc off

  • Legion

    RUmor has it The General was seen running form a huuge spider outside the South Gates. After killing it a large group went to invcestigate the general could be heard yelling about white chickens and running into town battered up warning of a huuge bugbear attack coming. The people their that day stopped a massive bugbear attack of nearly 1000 bugbear troops. It was quite a battle with no casualties.

  • _The talk of the day in the Boarshed, around the fire and in the various shops and gathering places of Norwick is the recent and massive attack against the town.

    Rumours and stories tell that thousands of goblins and bugbears launched an attack after another against the walls which were defended but nary a couple of dozens of brave souls.

    The defense is said to have been moderately well organised compared to the attacks, which can only be described as suicidal. But the goblin kind seemed to have endless numbers as they continued attacking all through the night despite losing several thousand warriors. At some point the foe even threw its youngins into the fray, but they were quickly trampled and dealt with.

    The walls and gates of Norwick standed the test well, as did their defenders. Only a couple of big and ugly bugbear blackguards were supposedly able to break through the lines and into the town itself, but even they were caught and cut down quickly and efficiently.

    None of the defenders are reported to be dead, but most of them suffered grievous wounds. Luckily, a couple of skilled healers supported the defense.

    Three men in golden and black armours are rumoured to have fought in the eye of the battle all through the night. Most would have recognised Milshot, the captain of the Norwick militia, and Drelan of the Black Sails. The third was apparently named Paci, a roaming swordsman from Peltarch._

  • A pretty little dark haired girl, looking no older than 20, has been seen following Norwick Militia Captain Milshot about endlessly, taking notes as he speaks and writing out letters for him. Rumors spread that this young beauty is his newest recruit and a scribe no less.

  • @7221664727=Lucidious:


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


  • Oretha and Lucidious have a long discussion by the fire at the south gate. They both seem to come to some sort of an understanding. As night approaches they bid each other farewell and head their separate ways.

  • "If you thought he was going to do anything more than taunt you or make demands, then I did you a huge favor. Who knows how many hours you could've wasted."

  • Lucidious is seen by the fire at the south gates talking to travelers of the recent undead attack. He mentions that he was pleased to see Norwick militia patrolling and defending the area at the time of the attack. He continues to warn travelers to be more cautious as they travel south of Norwick because the source of this undead threat is still unclear.

    “if the druids would take time to think before they act we might have more on the source of these undead…”

  • Spellweaver's headmaster can be seen at the menhir stones, observing the active portal magics there, and occasionally scrawling notes in a large bound book. If approached, he will will calmly explain that the Keep is preparing for magical experimentation on the most potent menhir stones in Narfell. With the town's permission, of course.

  • Word has it that the town militia is seeking new members. Some grumblings can be heard about recent changes but also good news of change in the wind is discussed as well.

  • A small rumor is started that there will be an elf running nude through Norwick. The details are all very vague, but he is to be know as "the pasty deserter". It is recomended you bring your friends and cheer him on.

  • After taking a long stroll through Norwick seemingly discussing what sounds like construction plans, the druids Raisa and Wolf are seen speaking with Vino about building possible shrine to the gods of nature on "his" hill.

    // We'll be contacting Lof IC. If a DM/Dev can help estimate costs of a small shrine and what's possible with the toolset, we'd appreciate it!

  • Rando on hearing these rumours just laugh and says

    "Yeah right…."

    He then turns to Captain Milshot and says

    "shakes some trees and see what falls out of them on this rumour will you Mil"

    Rando chuckles on knowing what will happen next

  • Supposedly the dissaproval of Rando is growing. Though no names are ever mentioned, a few people have been heard of saying not so kind things.

  • _The front door of the Boarshead Inn has recently been blown to smouldering ashes. The hardened patrons of the establishement seemed to take it all in stride, Barle muttering something about the "farkers at Spellweavers Keep". Warriors Zoma and Ragnhild, trying to descreetly mingle in with the crowd, appeared more rattled then the rest but agreed with the first part of Barles assessment at least.

    Outside, two female mages were slain - one attacking the noted druid Oreth Meret, and the other seemingly trying to stop the first. The hot tempered dwarven cleric Jirka apparently does not take kindly to being blasted with fire…_

  • _An irate woman in blue and golden dusty armour is seen ascending from the southern crypts in Norwick and informing Tond to tell all to keep caution when heading down into the crypts…shadow beings have been seen appearing within and attacking those caught within

    Some half a mark later, the woman known as Kara is seen at the chancellors office, binding some scratches on her arm and asking to see Lof. When he is nowhere to be found, she leaves word with the remaining guard that he should seek her out and retires back to the shrine._

  • The south gate tower is scorched and covered in soot, as if recently exposed to fire. Ragnhild can be spotted scrubbing away at the soot, cussing darkly in her native tongue. She sits there, stubbornly trying to enjoy the scenery while casting many a wary glance towards the nearby hill.

  • An obsidian haired woman by the name of Velencia, has been seen wondering around Norwick as of late. Often found near a large blonde barbarian man, she seems slightly shy at first, but has slowly been introducing herself to those clad in militia uniforms. She speaks of an interest in joining their ranks, and has been seeking out Milshot.

  • _A wizened old wizard staying at the Boardshead was sipping his tea quietly when a small group of adventurers approached him. I t seems the group had been sent out to retrieve a certain object for the frail man, and a hefty coin purse switched hands upon the completetion of the mission.

    The group celebrated their newfound riches with a friendly ale. The fairhaired barbarian Ragnhild seemed particularly pleased with her new scars and a fancy looking battle axe, apparantly won in a dual with a goblin._