Whispers at the Fire

  • The Halfling Defence League

    One faithful night, an elven mage, said to be a peltarch official was found murdered at the south fires within the walls of the town. No one saw what had happened as it happened so fast. After he was raised, he could not remember either what happened.

    By the time the nearby guards and civilians turned and ran to the fire, no one was seen. Whoever committed the murder is believe to be someone very lethal and dangerous.

    Some rumour the motives to be of political nature, that someone is trying to stir a war between peltarch and norwick. Others rumour it be petty feud.

  • Ponce LaRue has taken up employment in the house of Friar Fred. He will be offering his services as a healer whenever he can, free of charge, and is on-call to help with any problems that arise with the undead.

  • ICC

    Large amounts of undead, both zombies and skeletons suddenly burst into Norwick. Horbag and Zoma come rushing from the gates to aid the poor villiagers. After meeting a hordee of zombies they get Rith to aid them. A summoning circle is found within Norwick and dealt with. All is once again quite….for now.

  • _Nearly a week ago, a small group of women, all sporting crimson and black robes, were seen entering Norwick and eventually lead to the Lord Protector's new estate. After a few hours, they are seen leaving the estate, a couple of them looking none too pleased.

    Since then, a variety of women in the same colored robes, are seen strolling around Norwick, watching the guards interactions with commoners and law breakers, and generally getting a feel for the town under it new goverment structure. A couple of them are even seen looking at vacant property for sale._

  • Rumors spread that it seems the Bugbears may have a lich or necromancer or just some strange item now that raises the corpses of thier fallen to lurch forward into the world as Zombies to fight once more

  • Three Banites were seen going into the norwick graveyard… rumor has it they went into one of the graves and cracked the "repaired" symbol of the dark sun within the cyrpt, the broken stone seems to have been from an axe of sorts.

  • Once again, the goblin inhabitants of the Rawlings seem more than usually active. An ambitious shaman decided to challenge a group of adventurers in the near woods, but ended up paying a heavy price. As the adventuring party retreated from the agitated goblins, ghoolish creatures suddenly sprang from the ground around them. Is this a new trick from the goblinoids, or is there some other dark force at work?

  • _It seems a group of Sisterhood women, numbering almost ten, were seen headed south to the Rawlinswood. Those overhearing their questions to a guard might have heard that they were tracking down a cravan.

    Apparently they returned much later, carrying some goods northwards through town._

  • A human male and an elf woman dressed in Legion colors are seen walking blissfully hand in hand, passing through Norwick, and out the gates towards the old fallen elf encampent.

    Shortly thereafter, a strange, warm green glow of lovely lights can be seen emanating around the area of the encampment, lasting for the next few nights.

  • Nickolai has been seen in norwick a lot recently, more so than usual.

  • Word spreads that the Spellweavers' Academy has taken on a new headmaster - an elf by the name of Khyrill.

    Parchment can be found posted in the tavern:

    Arcane spellcasters who seek education at the Spellweavers' Keep, contact the headmaster.

    //if you have a character interested, send me a pm 😄

  • A curious sight is seen by those who enter the shrine of Kelemvor of late ; the clergy there seem to be stockpiling large sealed barrels filled with water. When asked, Kara would merely comment ' For peltarch' and returning to assisting in preparing the blessed water. Rumours are also beginning to circulate that the temple may be looking to gain some hired hands for a caravan to Peltarch in the near future…

    ( ooc : 500 gold trashed for the preparation of holy water. It was checked with the PHB, and it was found to cost 25 gold per pint)

  • Legion

    RUmors spread like wild fire… as a wild fire controlled by a nameless man who proclaims that the pure flame is here to evaporate the minion of Istishia...He was seen kneeling down and lighting a blaze to over 300 goblin corpses which caused the fire to begin after a band of townfolk from norwick stopped the goblins futile attempt at A attack on the gates.

  • _People on the south side of town are talking about how brave adventurers stopped an army of goblins at the battered south gate. It seems that goblin assassins lured the town guards into the woods and murdered them, thus leaving the south gate open to attack. The goblin army massed and attacked, but the brave adventurers held back the greenskin tide.

    In a related rumour, there's talk that Praeth's General Store is having a blow out sale. He is offering discounts on bulk purchases of warped clubs._

  • Rumors have it that the General Grag, while patrolling around in the rawlins woods, was attempted to be assassinated by a Yuan-ti sneak, not long after the first attempt Chaevre' Vaelen appeared out of nowhere near the General, and used some deadly magics on the sneak as it moved to make a second attempt, she disabled the assassin and Grag killed it, she then escorted him through the woods before dissappearing again.

  • A group of adventurers sit in the Boarshead Inn enjoying a frosty ale discussing their fortunes recently obtained in the Rawlingswood Forest. Suddenly pools of blood form within the Inn splatter all around them on the floor. Looking around at the mess, the adventurers begin to hear whispers in their heads and banging noises at one of the doors. Opening the door finds nothing behind it but an empty room. One of the adventurers notices a young child run through the room and proceed to the upper level of the Inn. Shortly thereafter, while the adventurers are providing protection for the Inn's patrons the small child comes back down and runs out of the Inn. Following him out of the Inn does the adventurers no good for as suddenly as they arrive outdoors, the child is gone into thin air! The adventurers, having heard rumours about a child and a search for one previously around Norwick head to the Graveyard and talk with the Gravekeeper finding out that a blue skinned elven female named Azura and some other man of whom he did not know were there earlier in possession of a child's toy also inquiring about this mysterious child. No other information could be provided. The adventurers returned to the Inn and searched it finding nothing. They then proceeded to head towards Jiyyd where Azura was seen a few days before by a couple of them to see if they could get more information.

    //TY to whatever DM it was that ran this little mini event before logging! We appreciated your time!

  • Nickolai the banite has been seen quite often in norwick, it seems the rumors of a bounty on his head hasn't effected him.

  • A strange darkness covered the south gates one night, and the words "hellp me" appeared in fire in the snow. Elor and Azura, being the only ones present at the time, found an antique toy fop, but have so far not yet discovered anything more

  • A banite has been seen roaming norwick recently… it's not quite certain why he comes to norwick.

  • Those who frequent the Rawlinswood begin to notice a feeling of forboding that slowly creeps up while in the woods. The shadows seem darker and animals are restless.