Whispers at the Fire

  • Nickolai has been seen in norwick a lot recently, more so than usual.

  • Word spreads that the Spellweavers' Academy has taken on a new headmaster - an elf by the name of Khyrill.

    Parchment can be found posted in the tavern:

    Arcane spellcasters who seek education at the Spellweavers' Keep, contact the headmaster.

    //if you have a character interested, send me a pm 😄

  • A curious sight is seen by those who enter the shrine of Kelemvor of late ; the clergy there seem to be stockpiling large sealed barrels filled with water. When asked, Kara would merely comment ' For peltarch' and returning to assisting in preparing the blessed water. Rumours are also beginning to circulate that the temple may be looking to gain some hired hands for a caravan to Peltarch in the near future…

    ( ooc : 500 gold trashed for the preparation of holy water. It was checked with the PHB, and it was found to cost 25 gold per pint)

  • Legion

    RUmors spread like wild fire… as a wild fire controlled by a nameless man who proclaims that the pure flame is here to evaporate the minion of Istishia...He was seen kneeling down and lighting a blaze to over 300 goblin corpses which caused the fire to begin after a band of townfolk from norwick stopped the goblins futile attempt at A attack on the gates.

  • _People on the south side of town are talking about how brave adventurers stopped an army of goblins at the battered south gate. It seems that goblin assassins lured the town guards into the woods and murdered them, thus leaving the south gate open to attack. The goblin army massed and attacked, but the brave adventurers held back the greenskin tide.

    In a related rumour, there's talk that Praeth's General Store is having a blow out sale. He is offering discounts on bulk purchases of warped clubs._

  • Rumors have it that the General Grag, while patrolling around in the rawlins woods, was attempted to be assassinated by a Yuan-ti sneak, not long after the first attempt Chaevre' Vaelen appeared out of nowhere near the General, and used some deadly magics on the sneak as it moved to make a second attempt, she disabled the assassin and Grag killed it, she then escorted him through the woods before dissappearing again.

  • A group of adventurers sit in the Boarshead Inn enjoying a frosty ale discussing their fortunes recently obtained in the Rawlingswood Forest. Suddenly pools of blood form within the Inn splatter all around them on the floor. Looking around at the mess, the adventurers begin to hear whispers in their heads and banging noises at one of the doors. Opening the door finds nothing behind it but an empty room. One of the adventurers notices a young child run through the room and proceed to the upper level of the Inn. Shortly thereafter, while the adventurers are providing protection for the Inn's patrons the small child comes back down and runs out of the Inn. Following him out of the Inn does the adventurers no good for as suddenly as they arrive outdoors, the child is gone into thin air! The adventurers, having heard rumours about a child and a search for one previously around Norwick head to the Graveyard and talk with the Gravekeeper finding out that a blue skinned elven female named Azura and some other man of whom he did not know were there earlier in possession of a child's toy also inquiring about this mysterious child. No other information could be provided. The adventurers returned to the Inn and searched it finding nothing. They then proceeded to head towards Jiyyd where Azura was seen a few days before by a couple of them to see if they could get more information.

    //TY to whatever DM it was that ran this little mini event before logging! We appreciated your time!

  • Nickolai the banite has been seen quite often in norwick, it seems the rumors of a bounty on his head hasn't effected him.

  • A strange darkness covered the south gates one night, and the words "hellp me" appeared in fire in the snow. Elor and Azura, being the only ones present at the time, found an antique toy fop, but have so far not yet discovered anything more

  • A banite has been seen roaming norwick recently… it's not quite certain why he comes to norwick.

  • Those who frequent the Rawlinswood begin to notice a feeling of forboding that slowly creeps up while in the woods. The shadows seem darker and animals are restless.

  • _…... a shaken band of what seems to be 6 seasoned travellers suddenly emerges out of one of the crypts in the Norwick graveyard. Shaking and pering into the shadows they all seems well scared by whatever they have encountered. And for those who listens, the word Duergar can be heard whispered among themselves...

    After gathering their strength at the boardshed, the travelers soon heads north for the big city.

    Misty seem to have picked up the words Guardians of Bringandia as they left the Boardshed, and later on she told other guests she was wondering if she should start her training to become one of these grand adventurers, and leave her servingmaid occupation alltogether............. Now several tendays later she still serves the ale and her special brew..._

    //thank you Kuker (i think) for the scare you put in me! It was greate!

  • Through the Southern gates of Norwick ran a half-elven man, closely pursued by a small banded of goblins. Bleeding profusely and out of breath the man collapsed by the fire in front of a small group gathered there. Quickly provided necessary healing by one of the healers, the man told a tale of a large number of goblins increasing in size within the Rawlingswood. Slipping into unconsciousness the man commented "I am Serin, I have no home, but these woods need me here….. aaaggghh....". Nothing more was said as his weakened body fell into a peaceful sleep and was carried off to the Friar's.

  • _After what begun as an expedition into the Kua toa caverns, a group of three friends, Melanie, Pete and Kara, emerged from the norwick south tomb covered in blood and gore, but in high spirits. When asked, they are said to have fought and defeated a shade and it's undead minions through the dark tunnels of the underground and eventually towards the crypt in Norwick.

    The trio then went to clean themselves up and head north._

  • Some over hear a band of adventurers talking about a Headless Child spirit that seems to have taken residence in Skara's old cave. Their sad recount of the pitable child is that it was her own mother who killed her taking her head. Of the mother though the only thing known is that she is dead within a lake far from the Child and Skara's cave, her head with the mother.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts


  • Many large barrels containing water have been seen being dragged into the temple of Kelemvor lately under armed escort by guards bearing black and gold heraldry. Those who venture close, or even inside the temple can hear chanting and praying for the majority of the night and then again in the morning. It would seem the Kelemvorites are preparing something…

  • Sometimes someone goes to the lake and lights three fires. A man in brown padding usually appears sometime later speaking to whoever lit them, then disapears into the wood again.

  • Banites could be seen frequently checking the norwick graveyard… what they're looking for can't be certain though the dead cyricists with broken symbols of the dark sun could have something to do with it...

  • ICC

    two of the guards who were at the south gate sit in the Boarshed trying to pour up drinks while shaking uncontrollably

    Barle: -"What's the matter with you then lads?"
    Guard 1: D-d-d-d…
    Guard 2: r-r-r-r....
    Guard 1: a-a-a-a...
    Guard 2: g-g-g-g...
    Guard 1: o-o-o-o...
    Guard 2: n-n-n-n!!!
    both guards down their drinks, nearly missing
    Barle: A dragon!?
    Guard 1: Y-y-yes, it appeared out of nowhere just outside the gate by some of them Guardian people. It roared and then just dissapeared as soon as it had come.
    Barle: Must have been your lucky day lads pours them another drink