The Narfell Community
The first post in this thread makes me feel very old and very nostalgic…
Ghetto/Artsie, if you peek back at this thread like us old lurkers have a tendancie to do, I'm happy to hear you both are doing so happy and doing well.
Holy resurrecting thread!
Going through that first post reading those names really brought back some memories. It's sad I had forgotten so many of those names and characters. Thanks for the bump!
Or even better, you can go IG
Good to see you still about and kicking
oh also, get on IRC, few of us still lurk there now and then
Hi everyone! Just peeking around and seeing if any old pals are still lurking about. Artsie and I met playing this server back in 2004, and we've been happily married for almost 5 years with a 6 month old son! Would love to hear from you guys. Post a reply or PM!
EDIT: oops, this is GhettoBot, not artsiekat. Although we're practically the same person these days
Hi Zyphy! waves
Be back for NWN2? Heads up? Wha-huh? This is what happens when I leave you alone for one night. No more alone time for baby, he obviously gets too lonely.
And dkg-darrenhead, no hat for you!
Hope to see you both in NWN2
Tell the kitty i said hey.
huh? you're not talking about the 'fade to black' after you lost consciousness from getting kicked in the balls are you?
IRC and I aren't on speaking terms right now, so here is a heads up that Kristine and I might be back for nwn2. Unfortunately the majority of people im trying to find have probably been ban from narfell at one point or another…
Dkg – I never really talk to you, but I enjoy your ridiculous and persistent sarcasm
I made the list, woohoo!
Take it easy man, i'd like to send you off knowing that Kristine and I got it on IG once or twice.
The most beautifull thing of all you said is bout artsikat…..truely finding your other half and being completed is a greater gift then most of us will ever find here in narf.....I wish you both endless happiness and joy...still I am still going to miss the laughter I got whenever I saw your silly log on
huggles and good thoughts
heya nimb, looking forward to seeing you around again
Couldn´t agree more with andelas post. Just chill man.
skiing is not possible when the snow is melting, will be coming back to sweden and narfell in a few weeks - after a 5 months long vacation in austria (great country). Wouldn´t mind hanging out more with you in that dark cave of vinessa´s.
Safe travels you crazy bastard.
Oscar Wilde: "There isn't a shred of evidence in favor of the idea that life is serious"
I agree with Grivel, gowing up does not mean you can't play games. Life is far to serious to be taken seriously all the time.
Enjoy life and call back whenever.
I doubt I will ever seriously play Narfell again. I am growing up, taking classes seriously and looking to the future.
Who says you have to grow up? You just have to get older. Good Luck.
Good luck with your studies, but remember the door will always be open for you to come back to Narf again. Until then be well and take care.
Me! I'm that sort of crazy bastard!… yea ... that's right ... told him :ninja:
I remember travelling with Issac to map out the portals. That sure was uninteresting and very boring you lout. Just kidding : ) I wish I knew more of your characters ICly then I've talked to you on IRC. But still always nice to have an IRC chum.