The Narfell Community
Good luck to you Ghettobot. We will see if you can continue to stay away or not
Ack.. I forgot Rufus! I still remember catching your hands in my pockets in the jiyyd healers. It is hard to remember any one of your characters in particular but we had a little fun here and there.. I do remember your complements about my character Sedrick. Thank you.
And Custodis who I don't play with very often, but he's done a lot especially with the forums. Thanks for setting up my academy forums so quickly.. we all love you even if you pretend to be a girl
hides from being ban again
hugs Thanks a lot for all the fun and good times
By the way.. Lina left the Circle
You'll be missed until you come back
Take care, enjoy life and all that fun stuff.
Baynoor – You must be very witty, deceptive, sarcastic and evil to play a character like that so well.
Yes, yes I am. And to quote one of the greatest movies of all time: "See you on the other side Ray"
Smell you later alligator!
Take care and hope to see you around.
I enjoyed your realistic character Isaac in particular.
Escape Token given.
don't be a total stranger ghetto…
flings a boomerang noodle
Best of luck to you, just remember that the degree is really only another stepping stone to more Narf
You and artsie will both be missed.
Take it easy in the other world… real life.
Stop in from time to time.
:hug: Always a sweetheart you are!
Best of luck and I'm so glad we had a chance to meet! I hold many fun, positive memories of you and your fun characters. You're one of the best in my book!
Good luck down that great big road
Majere and Budo – same size, same person
The great thing about Narfell is that you could expand that list by a factor of ten and still not cover all the intresting and fun people and characters we've been introduced to in the past three years.
I haven't seen Isaac in forever but I know Gar owes him a slap in the head for something…though I forget what now. Good luck wherever you're heading bro.
Wow… That's the best goodbye post I've ever read.
Although you've been "gone" for a while, let me reiterate that I'll miss you and batty old Isaac. Hopefully you'll pop in IRC from time to time to say hi.
Good luck in whatever life throws your way.