Banned from camp!

  • Many were around the main fires of camp enjoying a peaceful evening, wine was being passed around and old reunions had just taken place. A large figure walked into camp, covered in blood with a great axe over one shoulder. The helm he wore was bordering demonic as he tossed heaps of animal hides and other parts into the bon fire.

    Those around sat in shock and repulsion watching this display. He soon wondered over and sat food down next to Lilith, calling her weak in a round about way. The Gali at once were ready to help this person out into the Nars with a helpful boot.

    Most were calm dealing with the very odd Half Orc who claimed his name was Bob. But after many requests to remove his helm and explain his action, nothing but friction was building.

    Orc man took Bob off to speak alone and try to settle it, asking him to leave and to give time for the Gali to settle down. Explaining to him that the next time to be more polite, even though he claimed to be a hunter and feeder of the weak as his excuse. This was by far to weak for anyone to swallow at the time for his past actions.

    Only a few hours later this Bob once more returned to the camp, but this time he had a female in tow, she also wore a helm and seemed to be wounded. But by this time no one was ready to have Bob back in camp, so him and his lass companion were asked to leave.

    As if this was not enough, shortly after a large gray skinned Half Orc came into camp and tried to kidnap Tarrant, a new oath taker to the Gali. This issued a chase out into the Nars where Orc Man(Moe) battled this odd Half Orc and managed to get enough blows with the flats of his blade in order to free the victim.

    Even before the fight was over Bob showed up again, not only insulting those who followed but left with this other Half Orc like old friends.
    Cotton stands at the main fires telling the above story and informs all that from this point on both Half Orcs are here by banned from camp and should be showed the way out on sight. She gives the description of KUUZU(Bob) in his armor and also in robe, along with his helm. After which she describes the other Half Orc “Bigus Orcus”(Kidnapper)

    ((LoL.. oh the names are hurting me funny bone 😛 ))

  • Several of us worked hard to get this going ((Thanks SD 😉 ))and something always seemed to go wrong.

    1. Certain people refusing to not Metagame names
    2. Time slot, mostly SD and his fellow badies played at times the camp was ALWAYS empty
    3. Certain people refusing to acknowledge the existence of our camp NPCs
    4. Lethal PK. Not one of us wanted it to ever get to lethal PK, it was meant to bring some fun to camp and give us another villain to work against over a desired length of time. Lethal PK usually ALWAYS ends up with unhappy players. Tric had it right when he dropped his OOC warning.
    5. Overwhelming vote of all involved to please end this before it got out of hand
      6 Narfell is about fun, not only for us players but our beloved DMs, when people are no longer enjoying something, then it is a good policy to stop whatever is causing it.

    Hope that covers everyone’s questions.

  • As mention on the Gypsy Channel last night, a very important factor was not considered. In the outer camp alone there is 15 NPC guards, 6 Dogs, and Jonni. Anyone comeing into the camp and trying something would not be able to easily do it, with out taking on all, or part of the Romi.

    Evil plots and evil characters are a great thing. It brings vareity to the server. As I stated in my other post I had a great time, up until the leathel PK. I think most of us did, until last nights encounter. As to continueing with the plot, I would as long as there was a non-pk way to finish it. But unfortunetly, that is not the case in this situation. I agree with what the DMs and elders did; stop it before it went any farther.


    This may be relevent to you all. Please look at it and tell me what you think. It came to mind due to reading this thread

  • My two cents is this. If you roll up an evil character who goes around doing evil, vile things then expect them to not live long. There will be reprecussions from your actions IG I would hope. I think that SD was okay with the fact that there was open full PK on this character if I am not wrong….@f954235575:

    but if any want to full pk me I will be fine with it its happened before heh

    I myself prefer to leave the baddies in the hands of the DMs because these incidents will pop up from time to time. The only problem is that I believe KUUZU could kill half the gypsy camp if they tried to take him out. 😉

    Some alternate solutions to this plot would be to try to convert the large orc to Mielikki instead of Malar. How interesting would that be? Don't always have to settle things with combat.

  • I will say this, I thought the plot was good up until last night. The interaction between the camp and Kuuzu was great. Just is, like SD and Baboo said. When it comes to full Leathel PK… No way in Ba'ator. Also, be on the reciveing end of a PC being killed this way, like I was last night, and you might just change your mind. 😢

  • I did not mean anything bad by my post… it just seems sometimes that any and every evil plot that pc's put together always ends in "let it drop, we do not want a pk war" blahblahblah... this is literally the third instance of this I can think of.
    but all in all.... splunks everyone

  • Legion

    YES the dm last night granted fuull pk to whoever asked for it when nothing was rteally going on….. So this is for the best since some of us are pk happy and ig there char would act that way to hostiles.. or suspicious folks i believe 🙂 Nothing like waking up Rass though!

  • simple reason, is because it is gonna turn in to lethal full pk war, which is something no one wants. I'm al lfor unhappy plots etc, but full pk war is something I'm not in to.

  • Why?

    I mean why just up and want it all gone? Honestly, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, but since he started this, it has been nothing but complaints, like shrugs and again I mean this in the nicest way, but like the lot of you want only peace and happiness and absolutely positevly nothing that has to be settled such as evil around your camp…. which is slighty humerous. shrugs Things change i guess, always thought the campers were up for a good challange....

    but, that is just my opinion and am a bit curious as to why just up and abruptly stop something that honestly, it seems like you all are mad that you did not start....

    but that is my opinion... don't be pissed 🙂

  • Do to player requests, all Black Orc involvement with camp is here by stopped.

    Thank you HKB for your ear last night in dealing with this issue.

  • Legion

    ((per elrin's request we will be working on soemthing he has a plot for…. bob wil wait ot hear form him and ooc I have talked to many in the camp full pk is not my style but if any want to full pk me I will be fine with it its happened before heh))

  • dram hears the news and sighs

    i's rekon we shoul jus kill this feka n chop is body up inta bits n scata it ta tha cornas o tha world like…feed difrent bits ta difrent fings tha stupid ingrate canna be brought back like... ((OOC i think this could be heading towards a conflict resulting in folks deaths and unhappiness people…))

  • As Cotton and Arielle sat talking at the main fires, a large half orc in all black armor ran up in tow with an earth elemental and yelled "YOU BEEN LOOKING FOR ME"!

    After which he casted darkness engulfing most of the main fires and ran out into the pass laughing like a maniac.

    Within moments undead started to appear and were dispatched by the two girls and the Romani.

    Cotton shares this with those about the main fires, explaining that all of the suspicions that Bob was indeed KUUZU have been confirmed.

  • Any unknown half orc is given greater scrutiny by those in camp who watch.
    Even the animals seem to watchful.

  • OOC now on :::

    Also to note, Cotton, Orc Man and Arielle De Arnis have all dealt with KUUZU IG in the past, Cotton more than once. Even with his helm on, his voice, persona and armor are pretty good indicators of who is behind it. This was discussed by the Gali party afte finding the body with the "note" attacked to it outside camp.

    As for the half orc who grabbd up Tarrant, he to would have never gotten out of camp with him. Just like Norwick, Jiyyd and Peltarch. The Gypsy Camp has roving guards and many NPCs that would have intervened immediately. Always keep in mind that they are living, breathing people, not scripted robots.

    I do not know IG or OOC how the others know that Bob worships Malar, for I must have missed the finding of that out IGly. But deducing that Bob might be KUUZU would render that idea.

    If you have any questions or complaints, please send me or another Camp Elder a PM and keep the OOC off the forums concerning this. Thanks!

    Now back to your regularly scheduled gaming, have fun and lets do this right and with a smile.


  • _Tarrants soul became resltess as he slept. His dreams plagued with fithing between the growing darkness within his own soul. The pure soul which was harboured within the shell of this stout Paladin, slowly, beginning to lose sway over reality…and over himself. He fears too much of things he has braught to the camp.

    The meetings with Lilith in her garden did not bode well for Tarrant, being told of Terrick's ineveitable return, and Liliths expression of love for both himself, and Terrick. The paladins mind and heart are torn between the inevitable heartbreak, and the strong paladin belief that he should aid the questin finding Terrick, a man in need. One, the selfish love he could have to himself, to make himself happy, and the second, to attempt to find more clues on Terrick whereabouts, and help the man who is possibly allive.

    His duty is to protect those in need...but at what price is he willing to pay? Tarrant's mind and soul are torn over the two sides. He, is not well, but hides his ailments from the others, for Liliths sake that no one finds out about the Baba Lilith, and the Paladin Gali Tarrant. With the recent blaze within the came, the flames wounding his friends and home, it only drives harder into his young mind, worsening his condition_

  • ((note: it doesn't matter that we didn't see you with out a helm, for one your killing a lot of animals, your black skinned saw tha twhen you were wearing armour, your have pitch black armour, and were in the company of another black half-orc who also wore pitch black armour, all these things are known things that Kuuzu did, so we can therefore pressume it is you, and it was a note and not inscribes on the corpse, as the dm told us so, guess you'll have to inscribe it next time))

  • Lilith is still weakened from being too close to the logs fomr the ifire set by teh camps new foes as she joins the fruitless hunt to find them, not exactly certain of what she will do shuold she come upon them alone.After many hours of searching, she returns with Tarrant to teh camp, there they speak for some time, as she tries to reassure him that the camp has faced much direr enemies and come out the victor. SHe reaausres him also that campers look after their own, and stand as one against those that wrong any of its number. SHE can see that Tarrant is alos weak from the wounding he recieved and she leads him slowly to Pendells cabin, treating his wounds with as much care as her wekk scarred hands can master. SHe watches over him slpeeing on one of the couches, soon falling into a deep slumber herself on the other.

  • @51f5e575f2=sd_luv:

    Big Cough Malarite cough ((nice story … 🙂 ))

    ((thanks, ha ha ha, i kept mixing that up earlier aswell))

  • Legion

    Big Cough Malarite cough ((nice story … 🙂 ))