OOC: New Suggestions

  • I could have SWORN that I posted this…

    Dahlia will be fixed... aka "KILLED BY MASUME" cackles

  • Or how about the same script that made Misty bearable?

  • Everyone complains about Dahlia. Instead of a follow script, how about a "I need to speak with you" script, as used in the SP campaign?

  • @a9d271281b:

    It was suggested we add skinning and tanning knives to the tanner

    Weird as this may seem MTS skinning knives are sold by the Master Bower in all the towns.

  • an idea for orumpor…the small town that'll be east of jiyyd...
    have a gypsy present in town as a point of contact for another kumpania.

    this way we can organise inter kumpania trading vardos and exciting stuff and things like that.

    perhaps it could be a merchant with interesting stuff for sale...mebe have gypsy only items or offer a discount to camp members or both.

  • It was suggested that Diklos be made into the weapon's shop. A diklo is explained in the Romani Lexicon

  • It was suggested we add skinning and tanning knives to the tanner

  • Note for suggestion later: It was suggested that we change the southern woods to show more destruction… due to the recent fire storyline on the south. Reflecting that would be nice.

  • I think that even then she eventually works her way back because I've seen her charging down at me from the north a few times.

    From now on I'll make a point of having her follow me to the gnolls and leave her outside that gate. Chaotic evil points, ho!

  • Dahlia is irritating to say the least but in the interem she can be dealt with by one brave soul leading her out of the camp gates and going north or south BEFORE transistioning into gypsy pass…then transition as north or south as you can...her eyesight is rather poor and from their she can't see the gates...poor lass.

  • Heh, fix Dahlia! Either no follow or remove again.

  • Updated: Jan 23rd, 2003.

    More to come, I'm just bushed.. it was a lot of work to do the work today and I'll get to it later. -Netrik