Hear hear! A great adventure in great company, I had a blast.
@Flom Kudos for yesterday's shenanigans. Had me laughing startlingly loud, worrying for Cecil's safety AND sanity, and had some awesome "AHA" moments all throughout. Keep up the wonder, man!
Kudos to DM Lazarus for stirring up an excellent adventure with an unexpected plot twist served at the end of it last night - I stayed up too late, but it was worth it!
Kudos to all those whom I have had a great time with on Narfell over the last 13 years, both past and present. Itβs been a wild ride, but all good things end, eventually.
I wish you all the best for the future.
Donβt be afraid to contact me through Facebook, the link is in my resignation post under announcements.
Thanks Andelas/DM Fyre for taking up the Head DM mantle again for us while you did.
I hope that whoever takes it up now is as willing to spend as much time and effort as you have been lately, esp with the effort of keeping things happening to spur activity.
Narfell needs that to grow again, and I'd hate to see it stop now, when there's so much potential cool stuff on the horizon.
Yes, kudos for plot resolution! Well played all who came along for the ride, too!
Kudo's on two accounts for DM Aqua spicing up the flavour in the NA time zone, the duo of events this friday and Saturday to set the scene for the big bad where fantastic.
Kudos to Rust for his side appearances of custom monsters that continue to haunt me and nearly kill me.
Thank yooouuu Flom! Wooooo It was like a dream getting to resolve that plot, and get extra faithful in the RP, but also... omg... the final encounter that could have been. O_O
Harold the Hobgoblin! Thanks DM Aqua!
Kudos to Andelas and the group of totally-not-evil-just-misunderstooders who went climbing up a mountain the other night. Got me back into the game and out of my non-playing rut.
Seconded, an excellent adventure!
Thanks to Fyre and all the players!
I can neither confirm nor deny knowing anything about a group of totally-not-evil-just-misunderstooders (that may or may not wish seeing the world burn) but it feels like such a event indeed deserves a big thank you to everyone involved.
Kudos to Andelas and the group of totally-not-evil-just-misunderstooders who went climbing up a mountain the other night. Got me back into the game and out of my non-playing rut.
Seconded, an excellent adventure!
Thanks to Fyre and all the players!
Kudos to Andelas and the group of totally-not-evil-just-misunderstooders who went climbing up a mountain the other night. Got me back into the game and out of my non-playing rut.
Kudos once more to DM Xanatos Gambit for the exciting continuation of the previous weekend's events, and to all players involved for pushing through some rough odds and two PC deaths to achieve more than I'd first imagined possible. Two thumbs up for persistance and dogged bravery!
Kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit for a well orchestrated and dramatic sequence of events last night, and to the players involved for good roleplay throughout!
Kudos to SA for teaching the kids about things, that was pretty awesome.
@jerrickrafe @rei_jin second that! Rei was awesome to work with in this. Very considerate and helpful, and the process was rather smoothe.
Kudos to DM Skippy, for making the legalization of Leena a quick and painless process. Yes, some gear had to be edited or replaced, since the new rules have very specific requirements for some features etc. Skippy was clear, concise, and really pleasant about the whole thing, which made it a lot easier when dealing with the sentimentality of some items.
Thanks for making it easy, mate. I am happy with the compromise.
Big kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit and all the players involved in yesterday's dramatic events. It was intense, emotional and supremely immersive, especially the frantic city hall scenes. Well played by all involved!
Kudos to everyone who came to the Peltarch Tourney, it was a lot of fun and great to see so many PCs interacting in that seldom used space!