A Class on Demons
Notes are announcing it, as are errand boys in all the three cities, even at the long road where the hins have their base for the time being.
In Norwick, in the Spellweaver's keep. There's going to be a class on Demons, a special class with the purpose of teaching people more about these creatures and their weaknesses, as well as ways to fight them. The notes and messages are as follow:"In the Spellweaver, learn how to kill and fight demons, how to survive them.
The incoming final fight is here, and you need to be prepared."((Everyone feel free to ICly post about this. As this will be a forum thing with the hope that it reaches the highest number of potentially interested people. You're free to post your chars reactions, questions, etc…
Dermin raises his hand and starts talking
I, no doubt here huh, felt in a familiar place when we all jumped without knowing what we were to expect behind that door. We practically gave ourselves to our enemy who certainly accepted us with open hands. And that was the result: only a few survive to struggle and save the day.
At this point, I even doubt that we could have coordinated if the large party had survived the first round. It is blurry to me but I can say there were multiple targets waiting for us. How would we know who to focus and attack?
I believe the best option, with all those adventurers gathered, was to divide into three or more squads with a balance of preference. That way each squad would follow orders or at least focus on the same targets surrounding the squad leader. I would happily do my doing in the battlefield if I knew who to follow and support on each attack, this without mixing targets and rather push our own allies to not even scratch an enemy attacked for more than ten of us at the same time.
Leena stands, brushing her hair out of her face and speaking up.
_I don't know what we could have done much differently.
We did fine with the undead giants, people listened for the most part when given orders to focus an enemy or fall back, though we could have engaged less of them on the way up, perhaps.
What awaited us when we got in … I'd simply LOVE to know what Vick thinks we could have done differently. A being of that power? If they saw the scout, we'd never know it, unless they dispatched them with something noisy or flashy.
If we went in onesie twosie, we'd probably be similarly picked off.
Could Maria have walked in alone, and been able to counterspell something that strong? Who knows. What if there were sneaks of his own, or magic-proofed minions? Also, there were TEN of him. We ALL went with what information we had, KNOWING that it was gonna be world-endingly scary bad ... there's no sense trying to blame someone, now.
You say he has very good points, well I say bullshit.
We did what we could with what we had, and it was 'barely' good enough, if you consider him being dead now being good 'enough', or a win at all. Considering the bigger picture as in, "If we lose this fight we all go to the hells, literally" ... we don't exactly get a choice but to continue.
So until some Celestial power swoops down, says "Oh hey, our mistake, we cleaned up this mess because it's our purpose to oppose these guys" and passes out rewards to people who killed demons while they were preening their feathers, then this is our lot, folks.
We're facing an enemy who doesn't particularly fear dying, because they can re-form here eventually, who can afford to just sit back and -wait- while our barriers fall, and who can promise untold riches and power to mortals to turn them from our side. This doesn't let us play by the rules we think we know, nor do we get to make perfect plans, or have perfect leaders. We have the people you see in this room, and a few more who're out there right now, searching for answers.
That's it.
I, for one, and not going to sit by and let fate run it's course without my say, without my effort. Will more of us die in this process? Almost certainly. Will it be for nothing? Only if they die from a case of the stupids, or not listening. The only good point I heard from him was about people who 'don't have as much to offer' ... and using them where they're the most help.
I don't have an answer for that, because I can't really -make- someone stay behind, except with force. We'll continue to warn people of how dangerous this is, but neither I, nor Maria, are responsible for what people choose to do. All we can do is inform and suggest.
So, unless anyone -else- has something judgy and unhelpful to say, I'll turn the floor back over for discussion about what comes next, and how to deal with it. If they DO have more of that judgy drivel to share, I suggest they take it outside with me.
Any takers?_
María sighs, sadly, and looks at Vick with a concerned look as he departs. She waits a few moments before forcing herself to speak up again
Vick has spoken very good points here. Anyone has a solution for this or can offer any feedback, suggestions or ideas?
She takes a sit, holding the staff between her two hands
As the group gathers again after the butt kicking they took from the Lich, Vick raises a smudged hand then goes ahead and stands and speaks, there is anger in his voice, which has never been there in the past.
It is well to discuss all these tactics to deal with demons and such, but from our most recent experience in dealing with a deadly foe perhaps we can discuss once again who should be where and how they will be used. If the leadership and tactics remain the same, I for one will not attend. If there is no need for scouting then the scouts should go home. If there is no good use for less experienced healers and magikers, they might as well stay home. If the idea is to bull ahead with everything we have, then all but the bulls should stay home.
I know many are here to help but perhaps the leadership, if there is any, needs to place them where they might be of at least small aid and nay a hindrance. Until this is addressed, sitting here and spitting out the wisdom of the ages is useless to most. I have worked in a military capacity for over 20 years and though they have issues, they can at least do more than point their people in the right direction.
He turns and leaves without looking back.
Dispels are great, but if you can cast 4th circle spells as an arcane caster, please use lesser spell breaches instead, they work all the same regardless of casters power.
About the end game, as Leena said, there's plans. Is not that they are being kept secret because we don't want you to know. Is simply a safety meassure. But you've seen we all stand first line when facing these demons and undead, and so you can be convinced that it is because we are doing what needs to be done.
I know it's hard at times. But have faith in us, in you. We will all together put an end to this.
_Leena stands back up, and addresses the crowd at Z's question.
There are plans in place, with limited audiences, due to the fact that there have already been parties at play working WITH the enemy, that we can not risk information being shared with.
I only share any of this, here, because I know this place to be warded against scrying. Nothing is safe, however, from spying.
The promise of power is great, and terribly tempting.
DO NOT, give in.
Lucky for us … what we're facing here is not a 'demon', but a lich. I know ... lucky isn't the word most of us would use, but hey, it's what we've got. Our trick here ... is that we need to take this guy out, -and- his phylactery.
If you've never fought a lich before, a phylactery is where they keep their soul, in case their physical form is destroyed, and they usually have some kind of contingency spell, or lackey, to put them right into a new one.
Maria and some of the other seasoned adventurers know how to deal with things like this, and sometimes, the 'fix' is unique to the foe. I've helped interrupt such a transfer before of a different kind of enemy, ruining their contingency, and making sure their soul goes straight to whatever judgement awaits it. Usually ... that's the LAST thing these guys want. Let's make sure they get it.
As for the real meat of your question Z, you may have been around for when the rift was spawning portals and shrouds ... and it took us actively dispelling them, like crazy, to keep them from spewing more. Usually there was a 'lead' portal, that spawned the rest. If we close those one at a time, we weaken their ability to send more troops at us.
Be ready with dispels, folks. Lots of them. ALL of them. If you don't end up needing them? Awesome. But I expect shrouds ... and they need dispelling before most people can fight them. If portals appear, dispel. A lich is gonna be SMOTHERED in protections. A dispel probably won't be strong enough, but it'll work on their lackeys and pets.
The endgame to all this ... I'm not actually sure I can speak freely about it yet, even here. Just know that there's a loose plan, based on an idea, based on some old lore, based on a legend. Coughs lightly into her hand Nothing here is set in stone, or terribly reliable. There was never just a door that could be closed, here. Our planes, are merging with the Abyss. The enemy is using many means to do this, including slaying half our Druid circle, and using our -hearts- to help fuel this. That's just ONE thing they're using.
We need to be the same. Have plans within plans. From what I know ... we're trying. And it sucks, but it sometimes takes only filling people in at the last moment ... because information can be taken from even good people, against their will.
Speaking of against will... you'll need mind protections, too. Protection from fear and domination, confusion and stunning. That's ... all I got, for now._
Raises his hand
Kin we take a moment 'n talk about our end game?
How are we gonna fix the planar rift or rifts that allow 'em ta enter in the first place?
When ye "kill" a demon, here on the Prime, they don't really die. They just return to the Abyss, right?
If we can't get the rifts repaired they'll just keep comin' or send others.
On the contrary, Dermin my friend she looks at him, knowing what he's talking about if you are to encounter with such a creature with the group. The most important thing is to take cover, and after that, after everyone's acounted for… charge. All of you. How many people do you think they can dispel before they go down? If the sword you hold is enchanted, it won't sucumb to the dispels either, so you will still hurt the creature.
It's always better to charge it all together, than run around and try to spread. Demons like that can use the blink ability, which allows them to "jump" in a blink of an eye from one spot to the other... so if you spread and try to shoot him from afar only, he will pick you one by one by blinking on you while you're alone.
Dermin raises a hand to take the word
We are uh… talking about magic enhancing our strength and defensive power against the demons. But what about those high ranked demons? I've fought some before and failed, as some of you may know, and in my experience, part of them would focus on dispelling all the wards and enhancements the front liners may have. All that prior to close quarters and crush you with a weapon in flames they'll surely be wielding.
Now I know what to do in case of being dispelled, which is an action against all my bravery and stupidity, I mean, I would fall back, but isn't the idea not to break the offensive? Some may panic, some others would simply face them barely warded and fall.
So in an attempt to avoid a pointless retreat if one or more gets stripped off of most of the wards they may have, what would you recommend in case of been dispelled, María?
Z sets down his quill pen and raises the work-hardened hand of a farmer and smith. Once he has the floor, he speaks.
Since folks are offerin’ suggestions, I have a few thoughts…
First, I want re-emphasize what has already been already said…you need to have plenty of healin’. Them bottles should be clankin’ around in yer packs when yer walkin’. Aye, that many…
More importantly, if yer hurt, USE ‘EM! Don’t go penny-pinchin’ yerself into an early grave. That’s the ultimate price fer bein’ a skinflint. You kin always earn more gold. But, if yer dead, the gold ye saved by not drinkin’ yer potions ain’t gonna do ya any good.
Second, many of the protections that will be critical fer this mission can be bought, in potion or scroll form, in the local shops or temples - buy ‘em and use ‘em. Use ‘em on yerself, and use ‘em on others who are in trouble.
Sure, folks who can cast spells n blessings will try ta give support, but spells an’ blessin’s cast by m’self an’ others aren’t unlimited. Each one that’s used castin’ somethin’ that coulda been prepared ahead of time, is a waste.
Also, if you can’t find what you need in potion or scroll form, or ye can’t read scrolls, get yer hands on some spell crystals and have them prepared AHEAD of time - anyone can use ‘em. I’ll be happy to bless any crystals you got, but make sure you get several…just in case yer dispelled.
Finally, EVERYONE needs ta get their hands on some healin’ balms and have ‘em at the ready. If someone in our group calls out as he/she drops, you get to ‘em, ASAP. I don’t care how expensive they are, do it. You’d want them ta do the same if ye dropped and were in yer death throws. Besides, I’m sure most folks will pay ya back if gold be an issue for ya. Send ‘em a bill when all this be over.
The bottom line is that each one of us needs to come prepared - that’s what this class is for. If yer not prepared, yer a liability to the mission and the other members of the group.
If someone drops, anyone in the area who is not actively fightin’ toe-ta-toe with some demon, should be rushin’ to stabilize ‘em with balms. If someone gets paralyzed, someone else better be readin’ a scroll ta un paralyze ‘em. If someone gets dazed or mind controlled, someone else better have a clarity scroll ready, and so on.
Let’s watch out for each other out there an make sure we all come back in one piece, eh?
Thank ye fer allowin’ me to speak.
Picks up his quill and continues to take careful notes.
María nods at Hannibal's words
Of course.
My advice, is that those who are in the front carry with themselves enough healing potions, as I've said. If you can't provide for yourself, contact me and we'll fix that issue. Load yourselves with barkskin potions, too, and that's one rarer blessing than the others. Again contact me and we'll see what we can do about it.
A general advice for fighters, is to organize themselves in two types. Flankers and "tanks", regardless of what they usualy act as. By doing this, you know who will be in a defensive stance at all times and who will be looking to stab the enemy. This is also important in the spellcasting department, since it allows for a more efficient casting of spells on each individual. Saving the magic weapons for those who will dishing out the damage, etc…
As to spells, the most vital spells to be cast on our dear fighters, are protection from evil and greater magic weapon. I recommend that the later is extended, and only casted by those with enough power to make it a third level enchantment weapon. Those who can't provide this spell with enough power, can focus on other spells like the aforementioned protection from evil, mage armors, improved invisibilities for those taking the tank role, and hastes for when in a pinch.
Priests should see to prepare some protection from the negative energy, as was said before.
I'd recommend the same thing for priests as I said for fighters. Separate in two groups, those who will act as dedicated healers, and those who are more battle oriented. By doing this, we can have enough restorations, protections and healing, and know at any moment to whom should we be runing too if we need that type of aid.she looks around again, pausing before asking once more
More questions or concerns?
Hannibal quietly raises his hand. When called upon, he speaks:
"Miss Maria, what would you say the best way to leverage us non-magical folks against the threat is? I know there is often some confusion as what specific enhancements we should be casting on our frontline as well."
Also, for our fellow druids. If you stoneskin your animal companion friend, apart from the blessing magic fang, they will to bypass their tough skin
Enchanting the bow is in the long run more useful, as the bow won't run out like the arrows will. Aslo, small pause if only your arrow are enchanted, then the only damage you will do is the small magic damage the arrows will get from the spell.
Faelar stands and asks
In regards to Archers and the Greater Magic Weapon spell…
Would it be best to enchant the piercing arrows or the bow? Or does it really matter?
Maria lets others chime in and sits, listening and glancing over to people to see if anyone in particular looks shy to voice their concerns or questions
Shesarai raises her hand.
If I may add a word or two for clerics. I second everything Maria said about use of fire and ice spells not being useful. I use piercing arrows with greater magic weapon cast on the ammunition. That tends to get through to Vrocks and Succubi, although with some subtraction due to their resistance.
Combat with demons is chaotic and those with healing need to watch the rest of the party carefully. But to get close enough to heal a downed friend, you're going to need protection from area spells (Like Spell Resistance). Saving a Greater Sanctuary also is important. It lets you get close enough to cast healing without being specifically targeted (though you still will have to resist area affect spells). Battle Tide and Banishment can be very useful too, and are better than Flame Strike and Ice Storm if facing demons and their summons. I find that divine damage spells like Searing Light work on demons, though only half as well as on undead.
Leena shifts into person-shape from an unobtrusive mouse into the corner, and raises her hand.
_I just have a couple of things to add, if I may.
For Druids, and their companions, there's a few things to know. Stoneskin not only protects, but if you're shapeshifted while you have that magical stone covering on you, it helps you pierce the demon's tough skin with your claws. It MAY work with other shapes like Umberhulk and the like, I'm not sure, but if you see your Druid friends shift, that's probably why.
Keep in mind, if we go down while we're shifted, it's going to be much harder to save us, so this is used sparingly.
Maria did good to talk about how using things like elemental attributes won't help … but if we encounter undead and SHROUDS like we have been ... dispels are key, and things like Holy Water start tearing them apart, so stock up!_
She bows her head to Maria for allowing the interruption.
María resumes the class
Well , since it'd seem most of you just want to know how to combat them. I'll simplify it.
Things that you need, and why:
Healing potions: Get as much as you can, so that you can keep going by the using them instead of relying on priestly aid. This way priests can prepare the proper spells to keep the party protected.
Negative Energy spell,/potions, spellcrstals: If you can't get one of these by your own means, then buy healing potions so that as I've just said, priests don't have to use their blessings on healing and can protect you from this.
Succubus drain your very life essence, and if they drain enough, it can kill you. Careful.Protection from elements. Spells, enchanted items, potions. Specially against fire, as that's the type of element they favour.
Forget about arrows with cold, acid, fire, or electric damage. These won't do anything against most of the demons due to their natural resistances. Your best bet is to go with piercing arrows or sonic… or other rarer types of damage such as divine.
Protection from evil spells are a must, as demons like to play with peoples's minds and this will protect you from confusion spells and give you better resistance to other mind affecting spells they might cast on you.
For all but the most powerful demons, second level of enchantment for weapons is enough. But for the tough ones, such as glabrezou and balors, you're going to need -at least- third level of enchantment. This is important to be noticed, as that'll prevent you from uselessly shooting or going into useless melee attempts.
This is, again, another reason to buy healing, so that priests and other casters can focus on providing the essential spells.
Especial for casters, regardless of your ability with spells, know that the powerful demons have spellresistance that can even resit spells of mine. That's why when possible we'll need to have to prepare lesser spellbreaches, 4th circle spell, to lower their natural resistance to spells and be able to pierce it through.
Also for spelcasters, no fire or electric spells are good choices. In fact, no elemental damaging spells are good choices... so try to focus your spells on helping comrades. Greater magic weapons, hastes, strengths....
She clears her throat after the long monologue
Uh.. any questions?
((i speeded this up since we're already into the fighting part with this plot...
he looks even more abashed