The Away Thread
Came back after a much needed break. Will see those of you who are still around, around!
Got a new PC which I've yet to pop NWN onto, and will also be travelling for the holiday so I may be a little scarce until the new year!
I have internet, and it's semi-reliable!
However I work six days a week an have a fresh beebaw to look after, so my log-in time will be limited at best.
I will be leaving Wednesday morning for a trip to Ohio for Thanksgiving and Family Reunion. I might have Forum access, but won't be able to play Narfell until after I return Saturday evening.
Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra
Not actually going away per se, but Saturdays I won't be on all day for the next few weeks as I help my mom get ready to move.
I'll still be around though!
Not much of a person for away posts and in fact I've never made one that I remember, but since I was setting a few solid steps for a large-scale plot and I don't want to leave anyone hanging, I thought it best to make it known that I'm gone for an indefinite period of time.
The people that sent me plot-related PMs, please don't feel ignored, it's just that there is no answer to them.
Take care and have fun, I wish you all the best.
Well this makes me sad.
Not much of a person for away posts and in fact I've never made one that I remember, but since I was setting a few solid steps for a large-scale plot and I don't want to leave anyone hanging, I thought it best to make it known that I'm gone for an indefinite period of time.
The people that sent me plot-related PMs, please don't feel ignored, it's just that there is no answer to them.
Take care and have fun, I wish you all the best.
Not much of a person for away posts and in fact I've never made one that I remember, but since I was setting a few solid steps for a large-scale plot and I don't want to leave anyone hanging, I thought it best to make it known that I'm gone for an indefinite period of time.
The people that sent me plot-related PMs, please don't feel ignored, it's just that there is no answer to them.
Take care and have fun, I wish you all the best.
We'll miss you Emerwyn.
Come back when you can!
Not much of a person for away posts and in fact I've never made one that I remember, but since I was setting a few solid steps for a large-scale plot and I don't want to leave anyone hanging, I thought it best to make it known that I'm gone for an indefinite period of time.
The people that sent me plot-related PMs, please don't feel ignored, it's just that there is no answer to them.
Take care and have fun, I wish you all the best.
Partially serious?
May or may not be around for a while, while our country catches fire and burns to the ground. Hoping the dumpster fire doesn't win the election. Sorry for laughing about you folks over the pond and the Brexit.
I'm so sorry to hear all of this, dude!
Aww! You will be missed, take care of yourself and your family and enjoy the new home though!
Ive some bad news my dear fellow Narfers. I'm finally moved into my new home in the Appalachian mountains. It's beautiful here and the perfect place for me to raise a family. Unfortunately though, we learned after we moved in that the Internet is ridiculously slow with no other alternatives. That means no chance of me DMing anymore, and I really wanted to run a Halloween event this year. It was going to be the fantasy version of the Alien plot! Oh, Void, I really wanted to do that Mortal Kombat tournament, too. Plus there were several plots I've spent a lot of mind time thinking about in hopes of running, but alas, this would be a laggy mess with my connections.
With all that said, I can try and pop in now and again for some fire side RPing, but unless something changes, Clownbaby will be hanging up his DMing and adventuring hats.
Fare thee well! You DMs take care of Aura Runedar, the dwarven community, and don't let Norwick become some bard run jewel! I'm still loving that line, Dwin.
Congratulations on your new home, and best wishes to you and your family, bud.
Hopefully, you can find a way to make it work. If not, it was fun while it lasted!
Ive some bad news my dear fellow Narfers. I'm finally moved into my new home in the Appalachian mountains. It's beautiful here and the perfect place for me to raise a family. Unfortunately though, we learned after we moved in that the Internet is ridiculously slow with no other alternatives. That means no chance of me DMing anymore, and I really wanted to run a Halloween event this year. It was going to be the fantasy version of the Alien plot! Oh, Void, I really wanted to do that Mortal Kombat tournament, too. Plus there were several plots I've spent a lot of mind time thinking about in hopes of running, but alas, this would be a laggy mess with my connections.
With all that said, I can try and pop in now and again for some fire side RPing, but unless something changes, Clownbaby will be hanging up his DMing and adventuring hats.
Fare thee well! You DMs take care of Aura Runedar, the dwarven community, and don't let Norwick become some bard run jewel! I'm still loving that line, Dwin.
I'm out of state visiting family (flew out this morning) and won't be back home until Monday night. I brought my laptop and might poke my head in when I have downtime, but won't be available for any extended events.
Have a safe and fun Halloween!
I'm still not back, you may notice me from time to time logged into the DM client where I can do a few atmospheric things. Even at that, it's far too laggy for me to consider running even the simplest of events. I'm still looking at December to come back at least somewhat. My wife has been booked in for a c-section next Thursday so that we can bring our fresh warm baby into the world; which means that for the next four to six weeks afterwards my time outside of caring for my gruesomely disemboweled wife and newborn will be limited to work and the panicked/exasperated pulling out of my hair.
Please don't lose the City without me.
No promises.
It's concert season for me again. I have one this weekend (dress rehearsal Saturday, Concert Sunday the 23rd) and another the following weekend. Consequently, my playing time is going to be limited until the 31st. Friday evenings are OK (after my grandson leaves at 1830), and Saturday's from late afternoon on might be possible. Please don't lose the City without me.
Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra
Can't wait to see you back, man