The Away Thread
Am going to step back for a while… just not feeling much here right now.... have sent messages as I was told to to dms for ideas.... ignored.... have sent ig messages.... and got apologies for missing posts and then got dm drops where in have spent more then I have had.... just kind of down right now.... see ya on the flip flop
Aaaaaaaaaaaand I have internet at the new place! Still getting things moved in, but expect me to be a bit more around than I initially said I'd be!
Adding to this, it looks like the earliest I'll be getting internet is going to be the 19th, so…
What will Arty do without his Dildo?!
Hope the move goes smoothly
Nooooo Good luck with your move!!
Won't be completely absent, but I'll be moving on Thursday so I'll definitely be more scarce over the next week or so!
Work'll do that Moon, come back when ya can, we'll be here
Mostly inactive. Plan on doing a harvest festival early october, but right now my drive to play is an at all time low due to work
Yeah I'm not gone, I'm in the process of moving, I got a job in another city and I'm not online a whole helluvalot at the moment. Fear 'ee not, however. This is just a bump in the road in terms of my Narfing and I will be back in game in good time. Once we have a new internet provider and get settled in I'll make a new post and try to manfully strongarm Cormac back into the fold.
I'm baaaaaack…
I'm baaaaaack…
Been keeping a low profile lately in case anyone is wondering, I've had family visiting! Should be back in gear next weekend I think
I will be out of town without computer from early Sunday (Aug 21) thru late Friday (Aug 26). Don't everyone dream of destruction while I'm gone.
Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra
I'm going away for a while, long short years days I dont know I just cant handle what has swept over Narfell and the failings of years of work I thought I did well. Hope to see you all in good health on return.
Well, I'm leaving for California in 6 hours or so, and service and availability will be spotty as I travel, go to a wedding, do family stuff with the GF's family, and then -drive- back to Texas.
Should be back Thursday or so, barring misfortune!
Sorry I rocked some boats and skedaddled. I've some RL stuff that is taking the majority of my freetime right now. Those of you who enjoy my DMing, bear with me and I'll be back as soon as I can be. Safe travels
I'm now back from vacations. Short, but refreshing! See you all in game.
Alrighty guys, I'll be gone from today until Sunday evening, then back until Wednesday and gone again until next Sunday!
No wifi at the hotel, so absolutely no IRC or NWN IG for me. But I can browse the forums every now and then.
I'll be away 7/30 - 8-7.