Farmer's Plight

  • Legion

    *_Marty's vigil continues for a good while after her conversation with Tiller. By this time things seem to be making their nest in her matted, naturally deadlocked hair. Her fasting has left her body weak, and her voice is hoarse from constant prayers.

    During a break between her pious activities and farm work, she begins to build a tiny tower out of clay and pebbles. It has a larger base with a balcony, and a tall tower with a crow's nest. Once she has finished it stands a little over three feet tall. It has little stick men perched upon it, and also includes a little replica of the shrine of Tempus to it's south._*

  • The farmer nods to Marty after she speaks Well, don't be taking too long would ya? I want to get this thing going soon.

  • Legion


    Meanwhile, Thom 'The Thresher' Tiller is seen overlooking the area, seemingly taking measurements of the ruined tower. He then approaches Marty with a bowl of soup and some fresh water, handing them to her.


    Marty Lifts the bowl of soup and the water up and offers thanks for them in druidic. Then, after taking one mouthful of soup and one sip of water, she pours them out in a circle around the altar as an offering. As she circles the altar pouring she speaks casually to Thom in a quiet, tired tone

    I had some ideas for the King's tower earlier. Remind me to share them with you after this is finished.

  • Meanwhile, Thom 'The Thresher' Tiller is seen overlooking the area, seemingly taking measurements of the ruined tower. He then approaches Marty with a bowl of soup and some fresh water, handing them to her.

  • Legion

    Marty continues her vigil. Anyone travelling out that way will see that Marty is in a pretty poor state. She looks exhausted, her hair is a tangled mess, and she looks as if she rarely sleeps or eats.

  • Legion

    After the ritual Marty remains at the site praying. She doesn't leave, barely sleeping, praying under rain and sun and in the cold of the night

  • Legion

    The ritual for an heir…

    ((please don't ask me what we got on our success roll…))

  • Legion

    In addition to her regular toil out on the fields south of Peltarch, Marty takes the form of an ox and drags four large stones up to the top of the hill where Chauntea was said to have stood. Once the stones are in place she resumes halfling form and begins to arrange them in a rough circle, three around the outside standing upright like pillars, and another large flat stone in the middle. The stone in the middle she props up on smaller stones to form a crude altar. She works into the night, and even from a distance the light of the magic she casts upon the stones can be clearly seen.

  • Legion

    Marty continues to spend plenty of time out in the fields, venturing into the city regularly for the odd bit of political chin wag. When there is more manual labor to be done she casts Bulls Strength and Endurance on the works to make their toil easier, and often changes into an ox to bear burdens and pull ploughs.

  • Rarendel nods patting her shoulder then moves back to his work tending to some of the fields and plants.

  • Legion

    nods thoughtfully, considering the gibber jabber. she then adds a few quips, almost as if to undo the venom that may have been spoken earlier

    "Although, to be fair, those priests of Siamorphe do dress sharply. And have you also noticed how nice they smell?"

    "There will probably be some kind of pageant to decide the next queen right? I'm sure I'm fertile. You reckon I'd be up with a chance?"

    "I'm not into kings and such, but that George seems like a nice enough fella."

  • He continues in Druidic seeming to speak easier in this tongue yet still keeping it very quiet so as not to draw the attention of others

    Your words are filled with fire sister, and this is not a rebuke but instead brotherly advice. I sense your frustration but it is not for us to shield them, we only advise and let them make that decision for themselves. If the people want this king as their Alpha, they will take him as an alpha, if they do not, then they will not. The pack will speak for themselves. Your words come off as trying to force your decision on them which I do not believe is what you seek. The people will come to you if they seek further guidance and why you feel this way. Though perhaps it is wise to consider that this man may one day lead the pack and your actions may cause him to scorn you rather then listen to your wisdom.

  • Legion

    Marty gabbers away quietly to her druidic companion in druidic.

    <druidic> Gah … maybe you're right. There's no real hatred in me. Just a desire to defend people from stupid ideas. But I yield you your rebuke.

    ((lol. We're having a private conversation that nobody understands on the public forum.))

  • Rarendel frowns disapprovingly at Marty and when he sees her alone he approaches speaking to her in Druidic in a hushed tone yet one filled with concern

    You are dragging hatred into your work for nature, you should not do so. Nature will feel your anger and its result will cause the plants to wilt and die. It is shameful as well to behave this way as it may cause the farmers to distrust us and push us away.

  • Legion

    Marty continues to work the land south of Peltarch, shaping it so that it is has better drainage and is more suitable for agriculture, casting spells like Soften Earth and Stone and Control Water. Many workers also have endure elements cast over them.

    Other druids seem to be helping as well.

    She also gets busy with the shovel, the muscles on her small frame rippling as she moves large mounds of dirt and vast amounts of cow crap and compost.

    While Marty works the fields, she regularly drops in a liberal amount of political rhetoric.

    "Yeah just bring that cart load of Divine Right … I mean ... Cow Shite over here."

    "Shoveling all this bull shite, makes me feel like I support a monarchy."
    "Shoveling all this bull shite, makes me feel like a priest of Siamorphe."
    "Shoveling all this bull shite, makes me feel like Del'Rosa."

    "Yeah we need to spread the Siamorphean dogma evenly over the ground before we replace the top soil and start ploughing."

  • A strange yet very simple seeming young man approaches the plants that have flowers on them and looks for the bees, when he finds some he is seen making weird buzzing sounds and follows a few of them off towards a nearby tree where he gathers some wax and walks off. He seems harmless enough not trying to bother the farmers or their work and minding his steps around any of the plants.

  • The workers grumble at the bossy hin

    Ach sod off, we need to have something to burn in our stoves, it's freezing out here!

    Then Thom Tiller walks over

    Lads, do as she says. Don't want to piss off Mother Earth, aye?

    The workers grumble, but begin transferring -some- of the trees to a pile near the swamps - assuming the druid will take it over from there.

  • Legion


    Slowly work begins at the southern fields. Workers of the Onion Union begin cutting down trees to make room for fields. Some start cleaning up the ruins of the old guard tower.

    Marty is busy casting spells like Soften Earth to assist preparations for agriculture. Every now and then her casting and toil is interrupted by passionate spats against careless farm folk


    Wait wait … That tree doesn't get the axe! This one needs the shovel not the axe. She can be moved over to the that re-entrant to prevent erosion.

    We can get away with felling trees that have spent most of their lives already, but trees that are still growing? No no ... C'mon folks. We've got to work with nature here, not ravish her.

    ((OOC: sorry this post is a little late. I was busy derping and posting PMs publicly instead of RP posts. ))

  • ((1. Send me PM. I have very specific ideas of what I want to see there.

    2. Find out IC.))

  • Legion

    //captain fail. that was supposed to be a PM. Sorry.