Announcement: Census

  • Elves, both male and female, line up infront of the city hall, eager to confirm their citizenship.

    ((Elves this week, you can start posting))

  • At the end of the male humans time, Assistant Scribe ~Telric Greywood~ was seen, like most mornings prior, running around the docks informing people of the deadline and handing out census sheets for the workers. He was also seen going door-to-door at the richer parts of town organizing private census handling meetings for those who did not feel like lining up with the common man.

    As the ladies turn came up, he was seen doing the very same thing each and every morning, though he was noticeably more well-groomed for the occasion then when he had to speak with the human males. Curious!

  • The female human populace starts lining up near the city hall.

    ((This week's for female humans. You can start posting :))

  • Notorious gentleman Jack Hands walks by the City Hall and, glancing at the line, mutters something about the government's sheep heading for slaughter, and how they'd never catch him in the System

  • As the tenday starts, male humans start lining up near the Herald. They leave their census form, and Siamorphean clerics lay their hands on each person, speaking out a blessing.

    ((please start posting the male human census forms in PMs :)))

  • ((Other races.))

  • //By the way, half-elves count as M/F Humans or as Other Races?

  • //Just to make it a bit easier for everyone:

    Male Humans: Week 33 (August 11 - August 17)
    Female Humans: Week 34 (August 18 - August 24)
    Elves: Week 35 (August 25 - August 31)
    Dwarves: Week 36 (Sept. 1 - Sept. 7)
    Halflings and Male Gnomes: Week 37 (Sept. 8 - Sept. 14)
    Female Gnomes and Other Races: Week 38 (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

  • Morris Purcandel waddles into city hall balancing a stack of forms taller than himself and keg of ink strapped to his back.

  • As majority of Peltarch's populace is humans, most people just shake their heads at Marty. A single halforc grunts in approval however.

  • Legion

    after reading one of the flyers, Marty makes the following comment to random people from time to time

    Who decided the order? Human supremacist are alive and well by the look of it.

    PM Title: Census - Wywernywin

    Name: John Isle
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Deity: Umberlee
    Job (if any): Lieutenant of The Black Sails
    Married to (if any):
    Children (if any): Giliath Tol Silmarien, probably others.))