The Long Walk, a Black Lion's Tale.
- - Accompanying music
_It's been many moons since I've heard the voice of the Lion. Still, I know he watches. The last battle where I was sure that I saw him, that he fought beside me in more than just my mind, was years past.
When a Lion matures, it makes it's own pack.
Is that what's happening, now?
Much has happened, of late, and now I teeter on the brink of decisions. So much has changed, and yet if I look behind me, so little came of it.
Norwick is still Norwick. It's a little less brutal since my arrival, a little more restrained and just, and a little more welcoming in general. It's amazing what smacking some heads around will do, which is baffling in it's irony!
Now, I hear the drums of war on the wind, rumors of the return of the Creel, even while I'm stuck in my own battles. Battles at home, fought without swords, but instead with words and rumors and secrets, and lies.
I joined the Knights Requietum, for my want to be a knight, but also … in my wish to DO MORE. That in itself has been a battle. A battle of will, and wits, and patience, and trust. The battle is far from over, at the moment, as well. I will not walk away from it just yet. Not when there is yet a way to win this fight.
As for my home ... as much as it pains me to say it, neither I, nor Norwick, have that much to offer one another. They keep me in a job, I do the job, and keep them in good standing with others as an added bonus. I do, however, think they'll do just fine without me, especially given that I'll hopefully leave behind a legacy of good discipline, and good deeds.
Good is such a strange term, too. Why would anybody NOT do good? It feels good to do, and is usually helpful in the long-term, too. Sure, it's WAY more likely to be remembered if you wrong someone, but it's also way more likely to be something positive if you help someone. That's simple enough that I understood it, even before I left the tribe.
I'm a storm of emotions right now, as I make this decision. After the trial, which ended in the most surprising fashion I could imagine, I was approached by Lady Vlana Borodin, Magistrate of Peltarch. Yes, that one. "The Viper", by her unlikely to be said to her face nickname.
Supposedly, she has a habit of turning parties judged as guilty, to stone. She's not the pious type of magistrate like Shannon, and she frankly unsettles me slightly, but in a way that I can't help but respect her forthright attitudes, and intelligence. These are all good things, in my eyes, especially given the talks of 'leadership' I've had with people lately, where the biggest problems that seem to crop up, are a lack of it.
Perhaps it's time I grow, learn some new things, put myself in a new environment, and see what shakes loose. Perhaps the Lion will see fit to walk beside me still, or give me a sign if I've made a mistake that will take me from the path He wants me on.
This letter beside me has that. A new path. A place to grow. I will find new foes, uncover secrets, and be a force for righting wrongs, if I'm lucky. If I'm not, then perhaps the Magistrate's reference made by another inquisitor will show it's face. I don't know how much I'd enjoy being a "LapDog."
I pity the lap that tries to pull ME in. It was bad enough when my chair broke under me while looking at the letter she passed over to me._
The page is creased, and returned to later, obviously, written in new ink, darker, and fresh.
_Inquisitor Cecil Northman. Fancy that. A new job, a new path, a new life, even.
Time to see what's next, and pray that I can do and be the good I wish to see in the world.
Perhaps these writings will serve me again one day, should I ever lose sight of who I am, and what I stand for.
Until then … May the Lion keep me._
_What do you do, when you're asking for help by a hin fellow, looking for another hin fellow, that turns into an awkward manhunt in a bar with less than savory entertainment?
Apparently, ring up over a half-a-thousand gold bar tab while looking for clues, and discover that youe leads … led you to an old companion, and to dusting off the ole Planar Adventuring gear.
Things got weird, with some legless floating weirdo attacking people in the docks, and abducting them with his ... apparently pocket-plane-balls, which some of the others involve calling them poke balls. I think that just sounds uncomfortable. . .
We found the missing hin WITH Roderick, of course, have a solid lead on the case itself, and got everything we could take care of, taken care of. The rest for now, is the wait. We need to wait to see if one of those balls can generate an 'address' in Roderick's machine, which he apparently completed after I managed my mission of getting acid for him, for the power source.
He let us test the machine, too... putting us in something he called a 'simulation' which ... admittedly, didn't work so well. We still got rewarded for our troubles, and everyone survived, so at least there's that. Overall, some were impressed, others not so much, but now my little secret's out, so we'll see if I get any questions about that, or if people will just take it all in stride that I'm pals with a plane-striding fellow with Godlike machines, and a penchant for mystery.
I hope Ashena returns from yet another trip to her family's holdings again, soon. I think she would absolutely love Roderick's adventures, and I would love to see her around to witness the end of the demons and the like.
Perhaps soon._
_It's been some time since writing, but my time has not been spent idly.
With Albryanna gone to be Helm's eternal Watcher, she's left her possessions to me to have an auction, and see that the proceeds go to worthy causes as I see fit. I'd complain of the burden of responsibility, but complaining isn't my style.
If I DID complain of anything, it would be at the lack of accountability in the Requietum. Purviews are being ignored for the sake of people being scared that we're just going to solve everything with the sword, which is foolish. The whole purpose of this coalition was to broaden the aspects that the old group once covered, and NOT fall prey to rash and zealot-driven decision.
Some of the members seem like they're constantly hiding things, which makes me nervous. Already, every time there's mention of the group in public, I hear suspicion. If not suspicion, then dount as to it's efficacy.
I'm wondering if I jumped too fast at the opportunity, but part of me thinks I need to treat it like I did the militia. I wasn't going to change the history of heavyhanded thugishness that we were known for in a night. But enough stepping in when I saw it, speaking out against it's continuation, and showing people the opposite, seems to have had an effect. It took years, but it worked. Will the same work here, or will I make a better change by leaving until they've worked out a system of accountability, rather than letting things be run haphazardly, with disregard to roles, codes, and actual purpose?
For now, the most important task at hand, is preparation. I've made an announcement to the Militia, and hope that Hannibal returns soon, reads over my words, and says much the same to the townsfolk.
Rass the Red Dragon, appears to be back, and is nesting in the old Gypsy Camp, with her own tribesman followers patrolling the roads and attacking those who venture near. I've had the patrols shift some priorities, asked the scouts to keep an eye on the North Borders, and inquired into the state of our fire response process, to make sure that if somebody does piss her off, and leads her HERE, we're better prepared for what comes.
A Red Dragon in the lands is concerning enough, but knowing full well that Ky the White Dragon has claim on lands very nearby, has me much more concerned about what's going to happen when those two inevitably disagree on territory claims.
This should be fun…_
An MCPlay approved account of a character who didn't get to be in the latest demon event.
_Today, was the day I've waited for. For quite some time, I've been on the sidelines of this demon mess, and today, I got to make a difference.
Granted, I had a dragon on my side, and a mage of miss Maria's power, and -then- some, so it wasn't exactly what I had pictured this fight looking like, but it was close enough!
Apparently, rumors of a Balor (Or Balord as the red haired Druidess called it) guarding a lich's phylactery had led us all to Jiyyd, and down into the ole destroyed Dwarf temple. I don't know what happened down there except that they brought out some bodies of their fallen, including that little Druidess, but said that they had succeeded.
For us, outside, it was also a success. A success in that nobody fell, but not for a lack of effort on the demons part. The group had assembled, and the mage looked at us, and told us that once the group entered the caves, that the demons were sure to have noticed us all now, and would attack once they figured out that we knew what we were after.
I guess we're just lucky that they didn't clue in -before- we all had time to assemble!
It started with the sky going darker, and filling with shrieks. I was about to roar back at them, and had JUST set my feet to take the weight of descending, screaming, demon … when that DRAGON that the mage and Druid lady had with us, Roared first.
Demons scattered, and their attack which had looked SO planned, like a dozen diving hawks, was chaotic and ineffective. The fight was on!
Archers loosed arrows, fighters rushed the landed foes, and in the distance, we could hear the sounds of pounding feet and flapping wings, gnashing teeth and scraping claws. This was merely the faster of the forces to take us on, it was clear ... and the real fight was going tobe on us far too soon.
I hoped that the group in the tunnels had rear guards, in case we fell ... and had no more time for thoughts as those daring sword-wielding demons ran in, their wings propelling them faster than a normal man can run, and then I did all of my thinking with my sword.
I admit, I considered my axe and my shield, but if I had to bleed a bit more to kill these things faster, then less of us would fall. With that plan firmly in mind, I set to swinging.
I am sure that the Lion was behind me, this day. My feet found purchase everywhere I stepped, despite the blood slick ground, my sword struck true again, and again, and again, and my allies were beside me, behind me, and in front of me. They fought, they screamed, they healed, the fought some more, they bled, and they killed ... when someone fell, they were quickly revived before it was too late to save them, and dragged back to safety to regroup. When someone got too far forward and began to get surrounded, several of us fought our way to them, and were rewarded with the backs of overeager enemies.
We made good use of that, reformed ranks, and resumed the battle. I nearly fell once, against one of the larger ones, hit with their spell and beset by their claws. I stood there, stunned while I was taking blows, and my eyes cleared just in time to see my own blood in the way of them, which I wiped clear, took a breath to make my last stand with a deifant roar and buy just a little more time, and then everything went white for that bright moment when you're healed by such a powerful spell that your world shakes.
Dismay crossed the demon's features, wiping off the victorious rictus of crooked teeth and slavering tongue. A cry of pain issued forth from the very same maw as my sword bit true, once, twice, and arrows struck it distractingly in the side of it's big stupid head. Now, it was making ITS last stand, and as I stepped back in case it fell, it RUSHED forward as if to chase me in desperation to not let me escape.
Wide open. An opportunity. It's giant running steps to cut me off left it open, both of it's clawed hands raised ... so I swung like a child playing with a stick and ball, and cleaved through the great big thing, taking my sword through IT and into the next foe who decided on the worst possible time to come at my side and flank me, who got a face full of steel for his trouble.
The rest of the fight was a similar blur of events to this, but only one big guy was mine along to fight past that point. We survived, bloodied and laughing, while the victors from the cave exited the cave. We split then, to recover in Jiyyd, and drink to our victory.
I hope the dead were raised, and returned, to continue this fight. I am not part of the planning meetings, so I don't know what else there is to do ... but I am sure this isn't yet over.
I'll be ready._
_These past days, have been a whirlwind. Not like the graceful sort of Yana's fists, or Shallyah throwing both herself into her axe into the are into a spinning Maelstrom of grace and death.
No, it's more like MY kind of whirlwind. Everything's just going full speed, no holding back, and if it hits something, it goes THROUGH and into the next thing, and if it makes it through -that- one, then the one after IT gets some too. I'm working to become stronger still, to make the best use of this skill of mine, which lead me to two things.
One … a childhood dream.
Ever since the caravan days, the Long Walk that I took from my Illuskan Black Lion tribe, I had a dream. My tribe was one of the few who didn't reject our old ways, and stayed on the move, in the wilds, rather than become our own version of 'city people'. I was exiled for failing my test of manhood, but perhaps only because the Lion's paws led me to Narfell, which may have been the plan all along? I never doubt the wisdom of the Lion, for he has SHOWN himself to me many times ... and in times like this, where decisions lay heavy on my head, I wonder if that old bugbear seer Cravagh is still around, and still watching my fate. If he is, I wonder what he'd say, as I said, "I accept" to Lady Shae.
I have always wanted to be a knight. Being a lowborn barbarian, I knew it was always unlikely, but this is a land of heroes, of destinies. There are possibilities of befriending dragons, meeting men who travel the planes, and recruit from each of the places they go to, and powers of every shape, size, and color effect to be slung about by people with more magic in them than my huge self has blood.
Now, I have a chance. I'm sure there are those who will argue that not coming from a king it cannot be a 'true' knighthood, whatever that's supposed to mean. I hope that the group gains legitimacy, and succeeds in its mission and cause ... but I also hope that -I- gain more legitimacy, and perhaps one day, realize one of my dreams. That brings me to the second thing ...Opposition. The Adventuring group that I went on a trip with into the giantspires was large, and somewhat powerful ... but it had a few things wrong with it. One, some of the people there had NO Business facing such foes as giants and, let's be honest, Ogres, which are far worse. Better equipped, large numbers, better trained, the whole deal. I saved three lives, that trip, purely by virtue of listening for the death scream of someone mortally wounded that didn't sound ogreish ... and having damned healing balms on me. And lots of other healing potions, too, which I kept having to give out, highlighting the next thing wrong. Preparation!
So many of the folks who went on a trip that everyone described as dangerous, didn't even bring potions. OR they claimed not to have brought them, and were just quicker to use someone else's hard earned coin rather than their own.
Don't get me wrong, I get the allure of adventure, and desire to test one's strength, to see new places. I really, truly, do. The problem is when that's not tapered with a little common farkin sense. Come on, this is coming from the backwoods glacier born barbarian, people! I wanted to be a knight, so I learned to read. I wanted to be a knight, so I learned the greatsword instead of the axe. I wanted to be a knight, so I wear steel instead of leather. And I wanted to be a knight, so I became a SOLDIER first!
I like to think that gives me a little credibility in knowing my limits, being able to call out tactical decisions, and know when one can take or avoid risks ... but on an adventure like this, each person apparently knows best. We fought more ogres than we had to, got dispelled, pummeled, axed, and harried all the way to this 'lava cave' that I'd never seen before ... and then of course, the ill prepared to be there, wanted to go back right away. "We saw it, let's go!"
Apparently, I'm just going to have to bring Albryanna, some potions, a mage to counterspell all the damned dispels, and perhaps one more, a scout, and go back to go all the way this time. My ring lets me resist the stifling heat of that place, so the only thing holding me back from learning more, experiencing a new environs to fight in, was unprepared people.
And being bitched at the whole way there and back? That got old, fast. I have to remember to ask Shae if that unpleasant woman is to be part of the Order, too. I had felt honored upon invitation at first, especially since she'd apparently heard of me before hand, but now I'm wondering if she was as judicious with her picking as it seemed.
The rude woman said something about being honored to fight alongside people who knew the blade well as I was leaving, but I did not trust myself to say anything other than a generic 'likewise', and leave before I told her how I was actually feeling about her running commentary.
Next time I go someplace like that, if unknown entities are joining up, I'm dropping out, and taking whoever's with me, with me. There was nearly several losses of life, all preventable by them being people who can survive more than one of two throwing axe wounds, or people who know to get in the way of the ogre chasing the scout, rather than chasing the scout themselves, and keeping the ogre on said scout's tail.
By the LION I was frustrated. Lion grant me patience, Lion grant me peace. I'll save my rage, my boiling blood, for the real enemies.
I'll try anyway. I hope that they don't get it in their heads to try me further.
Kind of._
_Well, dusting this thing off out of my locker …
Today, I was a snack for a vampire. In front of half a dozen people, not all of whom were on board to help, since I shittalked the vamp, knowing what she was pretty quickly.
Apparently to some, the enemy of your enemy is your ally, if not your friend... and they took the 'threat' of Quentin popping back up again, and Bodaks with him, to be worth the risk of playing a vampire's game of questionable ally.
If we beat their opponent, we take a threat away from them, and us ... but they don't KNOW this other threat. They don't actually have proof that it's truth, though it may well be, but completely discounted the fact that they're dealing with a creature that sees us as playthings, and lesser than.
They only stopped to consider my point of view after I explained by stance, being that vampires have been my foe for a very long time, especially since one cut my fiancee, Ashena, in half with the very sword I now carry, Watcher. I was annoyed, and perhaps spoke too harshly, prompting one of them to comment about how she wanted out of the way before I settle the argument with my huge sword.
I doubt they were around in the days when Norwick had a bit of a Tyrant for a leader, and the guards were thugs and drunk on power. Does that reputation still linger, despite the work I've done to change it?
I was struck by a glowing hand spell, held in place with a hold spell, and then feasted on not once or twice, but thrice. Janick, the Lathanderite priest, stated that by all rights I should have been dead. And he's right. She was powerful, and vicious. I have her name now, though, and Maria's placed a 20,000 gold bounty for her dead. 5000 from Norwick for any vamp killed helps that.
I'd love to collect it myself, but I'll need a hell of a lot better preparation for the likes of her. I need to find out the cost of Silver fullplate with all the undead I face, but that cost is daunting. Maybe if I get the bounty, it can be a reality ... but my hopes are low indeed, for now.
Bit by Amelia Magnus. Part of Liderc's crew. All afraid of fire, like Liderc.
I'll need to report that finding to Hannibal properly. At the very least, I met a vampire hunter, Yulia, and made sure to tell Hannibal to make her quite welcome, and to keep folk out of her way. If she lives up to her reputation, we'll need her. I know I need the help, especially with people questioning the trustworthiness of the likes of vampires.
That's scary enough as it is. How do I fix that without alienating people?
I need to rest, this is too much for now. At least I made a new friend, in Basilah. Perhaps in time she'll help with the vampires, being a priestess. For now, I'll help her train and learn the land, and see how she does.
Time to go write reports. I'm already ink-stained, dammit. I need to practice this more._
_Will wonders never cease?
You know when you're in the right place, at the right time, with just the right thing in your pocket? Sometimes, I do. Sometimes, it means the different between life and death, and not just for myself, either.
I met up with Dondiah, and she was worried. She hadn't seen her wolf friend in quite some time, and wanted to find him, so I suggested that we check the Druid glen. Ronan was helpful, but uncovered something odd about the little furry friend we knew, and was unable to call or locate him. Strange, but I had a backup.
I called on the Lion, sacrificed a meal and some blood, and asked for help. I relayed our wishes, and we waited, while the offering burnt deliciously.
Time passed, rain started, and silence was all around, until it was broken by panting nearby. It had worked! Dondiah was beside herself with joy, and we were officially on a search-quest!
We traveled past town, through the pass, and then … toward Jiyyd.
"Awwww shit" was all I could think, but I checked my well stocked pack, and nodded. Whatever came, I was just about as ready as I could be. We set out, and were immediately swarmed by winged horrors, the hard to hit little bastards.
We fought them for what seemed like, and very well may have been hours. Dondiah never showed signs of tiring, nor did her companion, so I couldn't either! I kept going, almost falling into a routine... when it appeared.
A Hezrou.
It stood by, amused, and watched, and then shouted at us, as if mocking us, before charging in. I turned, ignoring the flapping idiots that could barely scratch me when they did manage to flail close enough in my general direction ... and struck out at our new foe, shouting to the Lion to preserve me.
With Ashena by my side, such a thing is not scary, provided I have some mind protection and healing handy... but to take the time with foes all around to do these things would prove difficult.
No sooner did I land a tiny little cut in it's hide, worrying me immediately, than it crushed my pauldron side, and nearly batted me to the ground. That gave me a fine cut underneath it's clawed arm, which DID hurt it plenty, but still. I was clearly going to have my work cut out for me.
Pack... pack... what's in my pack?
As I fought, I let my training and reflexes take over, while my mind scoured my belt, pouches, and pack. What would help me most? AHA!
I downed a HEAL potion after nearly getting broken in half by missing a block, taking a full powered hit from the beast, but to my credit, it looked surprised to see me still standing!
I took that moment to chug a Greater Stoneskin potion, the ROARED in it's face, taking adventage of the free protection, and dropping my guard to attack it full force. It staggered under the assault, and could only land paltry blows on me, the stoneskin bouncing it's claws away with no more than a minor irritation.
It backed up, then, but I followed, wings still beating around my head as Dondiah ducked her previous foes, and joined in against the big one, shrugging off the blows it dealt her as it turned to try and take out the less stony target. That, was a mistake. Distracted, it suddenly made for a very easy target, and I laid into it, cleaving through it's arm at the shoulder, into it's next, and right through a very surprised horror-critter in the wrong place at the wrong time!
We laughed as we cut down the last few, and walked past Jiyyd toward Ormpur with our confidence intact.
I'll finish this later, I think. I have a whole pack of ales with my name on them, as a reward to myself! I can't wait to tell Ashena!_
_Time passes, yet some things remain the same.
I'm still with Ashena, though we've yet to marry. Duty, and two cities, are complicating things. I wonder what her parents are thinking!
I still go out and adventure, and that's what led me to the orc caves within the snow-covered giantspires. It was quite the group we had, too. Moon, myself, Raryldor, Troff, Sirion, and others, all along to go kick some orcish arse. Winterwolves swarmed us, orcs charged us, yet we cut through pretty much everything with very little trouble, despite not finding what we sought.
There had been reports of them lurking in the aptly named giantspires, and apparently others found battle with them at least once. I was looking forward to the chance to see them myself, but it did not come. Instead, we ended up in thei lair of an orc named Grishnak Elfslayer, whose orcs ended up proving his name apt, as Troff fell in the ensuing chaos.
It wasn't Grishnak's doing, though.
Mages. Waves of fire raining down on us, bolts finding their marks unerringly, one after the other, after the other, they fell. Sirion nearly fell as well, but was picked up in time to continue the fight. I was held in webs, thankfully close enough to hit a Shaman with a seven foot sword, though, before he could get off any crushing spells.
It was a tough fight, and fun at first, but not worth the cost.
I'll have to make sure future parties have someone like Hen who can pick out casters and the like from groups, and help us form a strategy.
For now, I suppose I'll resume walking the pass with folks, keeping the damned dogfaces at bay, and collecting Gold to get something enchanted.
_Today … I was eaten by a Dragon.
No, seriously!
You don't believe me, do you?
Hell, I hardly believe me, so I cannot blame you.
You can, however, ask Allestor or some others who were there. Or the dragon himself. Or you can believe me, since you're reading this. I suppose I should explain.
There is a gigantic Silver Dragon in the ODS chambers, in one of their training halls. We've met before, too. He calls me "Not so little Lion-knight" on occasion, like today, when he greeted me. We brought him snacks, I shared my peach wine with him, and we all bantered a bit, which he seemed to appreciate. There's a big battle coming, after all.
Ashena had to leave eventually, to which the Dragon replied, "Sleep well. Your Lion and I will have fun and roar at each other while you're away. So, roar we did. Except... at one point he did something to strike his head on the ceiling... and then it landed on ME. It wasn't the full weight of even just his head, I think, but it took all of my strength to keep from breaking something, but I laughed, and then roared at him, beating his first roar in impressiveness.
I was pinned to the wall with his head... when he opened his jaws, and then everything was dark.
Do you know how unnerving a chuckle is from INSIDE a mouth?
I eventually got spat out. Down the Hall. Into the main Room. And into someone's throne-chair. Preeeetty sure I chipped it. Hope it wasn't Shannon's...
We said our goodbyes later, and a good time was had. I wish Ashena was able to stay for the whole get together, but alas, duty does indeed call.
In the past week, I've traveled days deep into the Underdark, got the killing blow on something Maria referred to as a "Doom Knight," and got a HUGE Tome from Shallyah about demons, which has made for great reading.
Now, back to fixing my finances so I'm ready for a trip to Jiyyd in a tenday._
_Damn. Damn damn damn. I can't think of another word to describe how I feel without scrawling Illuskan profanity all over this innocent book. Some rat-bastard(s?) attacked the Kelemvorite shrine with this gigantic wight, and by the time we all got there, there were smaller wights in Kelemvorite armors all around it.
They fell as did their creator, but a moment later, and Shallyah and I rushed it headlong, and it lasted an entire few seconds before being Shredded before the might of Shallyah, and the magicks aiding us. I swear that woman shares her soul with her axe. I admit to some amount of envy…
On a brighter note, things are well, elsewhere. I stood guard at the shrine while Thander tended to his charges, and even then among the blood of the slain in the green and now red grass, the occasional happy thought crossed my mind. Ashena, as always, was in the forefront.
At this point, I'm considering eloping with her, I think is the term. Her family would be mad, however, and I know how much the mean to her.
Elections first. Then, perhaps, a wedding?
First things first.
I need that meeting with Voss.
I need to undertake my quest for the Lion.
I need to be strong enough to face the things that she does, without becoming unmanned. The Lion's Heart, and his Roar, must be mine.I think I wrote those in a mixed up order, but I have tasks, goals, and dreams. It is a dishonor to my fathers and the Lion to sit idly.
Wherever I go, there I am. I need to make sure that is somewhere that gets me where I'm -going-._
_I have decided, that there is nothing more creepy than standing around with the one you love, and having her suddenly say, "We're not alone. We're being watched."
Ashena and I were greeted by someone who claimed to be a messenger of sorts, but only gave the name, "Believer." A female figure, but helmed, I figure I had at least heard of similar before, but could not remember where. That was unimportant for the moment, however, as Ashena whispered in response to my question, that this Believer did indeed possess a dark heart.
We listened, and found that Father Dagon, and priest in Oscura who stays near the freed slaves, had managed to find a freed slave with the mark of a six fingered hand upon them, which was apparently sign of a demonic influence?
I may have botched that up, and will research it later. I forgot to look at the actual body of the person to see if they were suddenly six fingered.
At any rate, Dagon was able to seal them in a magic circle, which would keep the person and demon from leaving said circle… but if he tried to remove the demon, it would manifest here, and have to be disposed of, which he was not up to the task of doing himself.
We could not help but volunteer, so we met with him. He had not actually sent for, or asked for help, and was a little surprised to hear that this "Believer" had sent for us, and even gave us a warning to be wary of her, as she may be a "Sister of the Bones." Still not much I know about them, other than that they protect Oscura. Not necessarily those in it, or her interests, but Oscura herself, if I heard that right. They aren't even particularly interested in the people, except ... it seems ... when it comes to demons.
At any rate, Ashena and I prepared. Torm blessed my blade, and I dipped into my emergency potions kit, barkskinning, stoneskinning, becoming resistant to spells and negative energy, and even using a greater bull's potion, as well as a potion of clarity, to keep from being befuddled by magicks.
Dagon uttered something in a tongue I have heard Val speak before... and there before us, was a Hezrou. I recognized it, because I'm seem them fought before, and it was no laughing matter. Regardless, Ashena and I drove forward, her with a cry of Torm's name on her lips, and I with the Lion's name, and a senseless roar, hoping to steel myself enough to battle this horrid thing of the darker planes.
My blade bit true, but it's focus was on Ashena alone. I struck again, bleeding it, and again the same, it seemed I could not miss, but still it kept on her, getting frustrated that she was hard to hit, and protected by her shield and her God. Then the magicks flew.
The earth exploded in my ears, and I was nearly stunned, before my protections held. I felt like I was in a bubble that got squeezed... but not popped. My eyes went blurry, but focused on the demon again with a few shaky steps forward, and then I had my feet again. I pressed the charge, and could barely see Ashena's clouded form beside me, too.
Still, the demon pressed her, and she staggered aside for a moment, ceasing her attack for a breather? A Spell? I could not tell yet, but the demon turned it's back on me. Now, I was mad. I yelled at it, and taunted it with some filthy jibe about it's parentage, and finally, it turned.
I got a face full of claw for my trouble, but only stone chips flew, and I had to grin. Ashena cast a spell to the side, I could hear her just barely, and I had it's attention. She got to return to it, and hack away at it's side, while I took several hits, and blocked a few swipes, all of my protections holding fast.
Finally, it looked weak, viscous fluid running down it's body, and a single test of it's barrier, to find that it could not flee, distracted it at a very inopportune time, and Ashena's shout pierced the cavern. There was a flash, and a sound like stone being rent, even I had to step back and gawk for a moment. So THAT'S what a smiting looks like...
The creature reeled, and turned to me, then her, and chose her as the bigger threat once more, allowing me the final cut as Ashena's blade bit again and again, this once foul blade severing something important with a sound like a tree snapping in a strong wind, and the creature fell limp and smoking to the ground.
Much speaking about what I already mentioned was done after, with Oscurans returning to their usual places as if nothing had ever happened, only a few looking at the fallen monster and paling considerably.
The rest of the day was short for me, as I had to return to Norwick and shuffle around some more paperwork so I could find any other references to these blistered goblins, but I did stop in at a place called "Dark Hammers" and got my shield coated with a nice sheet of something to make it match my armor better. Only 100 gold, too. Not a bad deal at all, really.
Now, to go find Ashena, and see how she's holding up._
_Another day, another walk to the gates, to see what's come knocking, and who's around to see it. I had just finished walking the pass, mostly due to talk of bandits and mercenaries and surprises and such, and I was pretty exhausted. I really should have expected that I would need some sleep, but I didn't foresee falling asleep at the south fire.
The crackling of fire woke me.
It was different, this fire.
No pot bubbled. No conversation murmured around it, nor did the grass whisper from the wind passing through it, bringing the sounds of badgers grumbling, and the other usual woodsy sounds. No, it was strangely silent, like a fire in a closed room, the only thing there. It was plenty to make me open my eyes…
"Welcome, Cecil of the Lion." Cra-Vagh was there, and he greeted me with an upraised clawed monster-hand. Even in dreams, he was a bugbear, down to the fingernails. I told him, "Well Met" as usual, and he stared into the flames, asking me a loaded question.
"You are seeking something, are you not?"
I told him that I was always seeking something, which bade him ask if it was important to me. Of course it was, naturally. Terribly so, in fact. I was stricken with concern that an awful lot also hinged on my ability to find it. Saying so made him nod, and toss some dust onto the fire, making it flare up brighter than before, the flames turning a vivid green color.
"Tell me of it, " he bade me. "None other will know what you say here."
I really had ought to get Maria or someone to ward this journal, to make sure it stays that way, since I am now in the habit or writing things down, since it helps clear the mind if I find myself stuck. Anyway, I did indeed explain, starting with that I seek the Lion's will.
"I've been shown a great many things, and let to a great many places. The most important of these is Norwick, which my mind and even some friends tell me is a lost cause, but my heart and sense of duty know better. The problem with that ... is actually something that you mentioned.
Vipers is a good term for them. I have long suspected now and again, that agents within our town work against us, but I'm not mage capable of scrying, nor am I even particularly tricky, so finding them through their own slip ups has not yet worked. "
He broke his silence to say, "We all have vipers. At every turn, and under every stone."
My thoughts on that were succinct. "It should not be so."
"Yours are well hidden, and bringing them to the light will be very, very hard. And you are right, it should not be so, and yet it is ... part of the duality of this life. "
"I seek the wisdom to find them, or at least prevent them from doing any more harm, and the strength to do exactly that, to bring them to light, and give Norwick a chance. "
Cra'Vagh looked up to me, then, through the flames, and spoke with a little more purpose.
"A stupid enemy is a blessing to the Lion, for they run full into his claws without thinking. But a smart enemy, the only way to draw them out is to make them think you are no thereat."
I was disappointed then. I was fairly certain that I had already ruined that approach.
"You have a Raumviri in your town... Chief Voss he is called in this life. He could very well be your strongest ally in all this, especially if he believes himself your master. "
I was actually kind of shocked. He wasn't one of the vipers? I asked if that had actually been foreseen, being far too curious, and at least a little skeptical.
"Yes, I have seen this. In him, there is no duplicity, a great blessing. If you cannot make yourself appear to be no threat, then take the one they already believe they control, and work through him."
I figured that was Voss, if he wasn't the viper, than he was unwittingly guarding the nest, and was given the affirmative, while more dust was thrown into the fire, this time making it burn a vivid purple, as the bugbear muttered something quietly under his breath.
"Give him the power he seeks... and guide him. He is ambitious, but not too bright. The power -behind- the throne, rules the land. "
I was a little slow on the uptake, but it was really all starting to make sense. "So, offer myself in service, and give him my ideas to be his own? "
I got a sagely nod for my trouble, and laughed.
"I have been being a little bit too headstrong, heh. "
The bugbear had the grace not to laugh at me, and merely spoke again, giving some more advice while I stood there feeling, and probably looking more then a little sheepish.
"Prove to him your worth, and then humble yourself before him. This will give him much honor with his people, and strengthen his position. It will also protect You. If one of your plans goes badly, he will pay for it, not you. If it goes well, he takes the credit and frows stronger, offsetting your enemies. Eventually, they may approach you to plot against him, thinking you for an ally. Let the vipers think you are no threat, and they can come out to feast. Then ... the Lion bares his claws. The bugbear showed his teeth, then, in a smile. Does this make sense to you, Cecil of the Lion?"
"I can, and will take this course of action. It does make sense, though I suspect that it will make a great deal more when the time actually comes, in each of these things. "
Another nod brought a warning. "It is not an easy path, and it is not without risk. Nor will it be a fast resolution. But to try and face Voss and the other two head on will not work, unless you wish to divide the town in battle. "
I shook my head, not even considering the idea any longer, for even a moment. "This town has seen more than enough suffering. I will not do the work of my enemies for them. "
"Then you have two choices. Either humble yourself and work the slow path, or walk away at let the vipers breed. "
That was a crossroads. This may be a dream, but I know a true seeing when I see one, and we were meeting elsewhere, but it was as real as life. I didn't, however, control this, so I had to ask. I had to know. He did advise caution, did he not?
"Allow me a moment in this dream" I bade, letting my suspicion out to be tested. "and please take no disrespect, to verify that yours are words that I should indeed be trusting. " I was granted that, and told that he had nothing to conceal, so I continued. "I need to double-check every action, if this is to be my path. "
I took my axe then, all of my belongings as they were in real life, and carved a Lion into the turf around me, which parted as in life, while the bugbear chanted into the fire, making strange shapes appear in the flames. I kept my attention, and spoke in the language of my home, beseeching my patron to guide me.
[Illuskan] "I seek a sign, great one. Just one, a small one, to be certain that this one does not lead me from your path. "
The sign I got was not a small one, but -The- one, as a Lion appeared, washing the area in that familiar feeling that lets me know that He is near. He then lay peacefully beside the Bugbear, rumbling a peaceful purr as the Bugbear ran a clawed hand through it's fur.
"I would apologize for doubting you, seer, friend, but you know why I do what I do. "
He grinned a grin full of tusks, teeth, and … well, amusement.
"I do. You may come touch him too, of course. If you wish. He and I meet here often, the seers of your tribe know him as I do. "
I walked up, and leaned against Him comfortably, feeling at peace for the first time in a long time once more, telling Cra'Vagh of a few times that the Lion and I have walked the mortal plane together.
Cra'Vagh's amusement was evident. "The Lion is indeed many things... but aloof he is not." I mentioned the great surprise to many of my companions that supported that with a laugh. "Do you have any other questions for me? I will answer them as I am able to. "
I did, and said so.
"I seek to perform a ritual, though I know not which form it should take."
"The binding of charms, or the calling of spirits, or the search for insight?"
"Actually, the strengthening of self, through any of these means. My path takes me into the teeth of mortal, physical danger often. Also, far too often, into the face of magicks, most notably, the type that strike fear. " I was embarrassed at the admission. Fear was not something an Illuskan warrior let slip. I admit that I'm not really completely past my previous failures, though I work on it... he noticed.
He noticed, and took out another small vial, a liquid this time, a drop of which hit the flames, and produced the image of the most unholy terror I could imagine. I looked on, held fast, and found myself on my back several feet away, hands up in front of my face, heart racing and now ... very red in the face.
"I see what you see, man of the Lion." he told me. It did little to calm me, and it took some time for me to gather my wits again, and still my blood. "You can defeat this foe, the foe of your own imagining. "
I shook my head a little, ashamed. " I have thus far has to rely on potions to even come close to being reliable in the face of such things, and even then, find myself in a corner at times, wondering how I got there, sweat soaked from fear. Is there another way?"
"I can gift you with the Lion's Roar, and his Heart. They may be called upon in times of need, but it is up to you to decide when that is. Each will be a sigil upon your soul, to add to the ones you have already uncovered. What is the time you felt most afraid in your life, man of the Lion? "
That one was east. "When I faced the test of my manhood, I was put to a Malar panther. Malar was given his chance too, to test me. Or he simply shoved his way in, I do not know. I defeated the panther, but in a moment of arrogance, I chose to clone in and finish it off, rather than finish the kill with my bow. When I awoke, I knew that I had failed. The elders were all around me, and their faces said it all before I ever needed to ask. I ... I faced a strange world ahead of me then, a life alone that left a cold claw of fear around my heart for the first time in truth, and has ever been a feeling to strike at me from fell magicks ever since. "
His next words sent my blood racing. "Then you will hunt the beast of Malar anew. Once you have defeated it, you will know the Lion's Roar, and the Lion's Heart. It will not be easy, but I believe you are ready for it. "
"Nothing worth doing is ever easy." I told him, having learned that one many times over. "I will face this bast gladly, this time without fear, and with arrogance in check. "
He nodded then, and continued. "You may choose your weapon ... but only one. Do not make the mistake that many do, of thinking literally. What is your greatest asset and weapon, Man of the Lion? Think long on it. "
I figured it could be my heart. The Lion knows it well, and is ever at my side. My allies know it, and risk life, limb and faith for me on it. I risk myself, knowing that I must follow it ... but the heart is a guide, not a weapon. The more I thought about it, the more it was clear. My heart had gained me the Lion -and- my companions.
"My companions are my asset, my weapon. They ever have been, and even you."
He grinned that monster-grin, and nodded. "You have learned much then. "
"Take your allies with you, for you will never be alone as long as you remain true to the Lion, and they will be your greatest weapon. And you still have time for another question."
"Three times now I have received a similar message. Twice recently, then once near the grove of dragons. Once from that were-boar seer, who told me something skin to me not yet being what I would become, something different. Then your original telling of me being known as "The Lion." I believe you've said this in at least two different fashions. Have those all been allusions to this trial? Preparations on this path? Are they all related, or do I think too abstractly?"
"They are words to put you on the path to your best future. What, is rage?" he asked, but continued on. "Rage is the beast. Unthinking, unknowing, ever thirsting for blood, ever seeking it's enemy. Rage is the beast of Malar, the beast that is part of your greatest fear. Can you face this fear, this pure rage, without a weapon in hand, and put your life and future in the hands of others? Can you humble yourself enough to become great?"
I didn't need to hesitate before speaking. "I can face this rage, or anything, without weapons, armor, or magical protections of my own, by relying on my allies. They are family and more to me, and an extension of myself. Their lives are my life, and they feel the same. Even when I have been powerless before, they have carries me with them. Should I ask it, or need it without asking, they will be at my side. "
"It is one thing to say that here, before the Lion and myself. It is another to do it in the heat of battle. Will you stand your ground even if it costs you your own life, or the life of your beloved? "
I answered yes without hesitation. We both know the risks, and I would do the same. "Should a sacrifice end up needing to be made, it shall, but not for lack of effort, or weak will. "
"If you can do this, if you can humble yourself before your greatest fear, then you will begin down the path that I see for you."
"I wish to seek, and travel this path, then."
He gestured at me, saying, "Dual natures are at work in you, Man of the Lion. You must master both, beginning with the nature of the warrior. You are a man of the woods and wild places, of the spirits of the wild and the power of nature, but you're also of the town, and the people of civilization. These two natures have ever been in conflict with each other. The warrior longs for open plains, for the enemy before him in plain sights, and a blade in hand. The city man longs for calm words and empty hands, for enemies with a simple nature, and a clear intent.
I understood these battles in my self, and said so. "I've had to work hard to learn the ways of the city man, but it has it's appeals."
"Both of these spirits are frustrated within you. Your enemy is hidden, his words are not clear, hands are full, yet the weapons are unseen. You must learn to use the tools of the city man in the wild, and the tools of the wild in the city. "
Now, I was confused. I mentioned how complicated it seemed.
"How does the Lion hunt?" he posed.
"Patience. Stalking. With the rest of his pride beside him, or behind."
Cra'Vagh interrupted with "If his foe is cunning, he leaves his pride behind ... in this case for you, literally."
"I er... meant a group of Lions being called a pride, actually."
Teeth and tusks, again. "Oh I know. Wordplay is a pasttime of mine, actually."
That sounded familiar! We both laughed, before he tossed another branch on the fire, and continued. "How does the city man succeed? "
"Well, the city man uses laws and words, binds his enemies with both ... and covers his ass with alibis and politics. "
"For the city man though, " he mentioned "the first thing he must do, is learn enemy from ally for they often appear the same. He will make himself appear as ally to them, when he is enemy."
"So... illusions and alliances then?"
I got a nod indicating that I was catching on.
"If you bring the tool they do not expect to a situation, then your enemy will not be able to bind you. No matter whether it is in the wild, or the city. "
I laughed, then. "I can relate to that. The last thing I like to see in any conflict... is a surprise."
"Mm, yes. Imagine a kitten with the powers of a mage, or a tree that springs to life when you have set an ambush for orcs. "
I shuddered, mentioning the experience I had once with possessed toys in Peltarch...
"Then you understand what I speak of."
"I do."
"Very good. I will see you once more, then, when you have met the beast of Malar. May the Lion watch over you."
"See you then, and may he be by your side as well, seer and ally. "
[Illuskan] "Be well, man of the Lion."
I bowed to my new teacher, friend, and ally, and awoke on the hill to the chatter of folks at the fire.
What a restful nap!_
_Well, I think I have enough. I left when I was fifteen, and I have nineteen of them, so that should do nicely. Half that many bracelets to fasten them to, two each should do the trick. Time to invite the dreaming.
I have my metal bowls for the fires, and the things to throw in them. Belladonna, the dream-leaf, and the meat offerings for the Lion. I expect dreams, but from many sources now, so I'd best be prepared for any. I don't think Cra-Vagh needs any special way to reach me, so I'll concentrate on cleansing the goblin charms in the purifying dream smoke, ah, purifying, don't forget the forest sage.
One fire behind me, to cast my shadow forward.
One fire before me, so cast my shadow behind.
Me in the middle, that I might be exposed to both past and present, and hide from neither in the light of the fire, and the eyes on my ancestors, and the Lion himself.
I will light these, and sit vigil throughout the night, and let the dreams come. I've chosen the ridge by the south gate that overlooks the Rawlins as my spot, since most of my destiny has so far involved those forboding woods. I wonder how many spirits sit in those trees, and watch us mortals go about killing each other, and digging up the past._
The writing that follows looks a little shaky.
The dreaming seems to have worked, though I … cannot remember a thing yet. I feel like I drank all night. No matter, though. The charms smell of sage and bitter belladonna now, I suppose I can find out if it worked later. For now, I think I'll try to get some real sleep ... I feel really heavy. Next, I'll figure out which item I want to lay the enchantment on. I do have a few rings sitting about...
_Today started out like any other day.
The gate was quiet, nobody was about, and there was nothing out of place. I like it that way. As much as fighting is a way of life, and often a joy to me, I'd rather the gate itself be boring. Most of the time, boring is safe, and I wish the townsfolk of home a very boring life.
Another day, another patrol. Enough of my patrols have seen improvements in goblin tactics, and gear alike, that I've been going out more often than usual, and ranging deeper into their lands, in search of answers. Thankfully, many more have aided me in my task, as well. This day, though, I searched alone.
I encountered no more than the usual token resistance going west, only one or two goblins out of each group came to face me, and I checked each one for their little symbols of what I can only assume represent valor, or some sort of status. Little goblin charms, that they seem to hold in high esteem.
Years ago I had an idea to have somebody enchant my "Horse-Cleaver," as Albryanna used to call it, with the charms as a , whatever mages call it, a focus, I think. Now, however, my needs are different. I have many fine weapons, and plenty of my own strength, but I could do better. I could BE better. An idea came to me, so I went in search of these too, while I worked on the more important mission of keeping the goblinkind in check, and traveling to their hold to see if they had posted guards again, or if anything else was perhaps making an ill-timed delivery of goods.
For a good long while, I was disappointed. Few offered battle rather than run, until an entire pack of their casters hit me with spells, while their bomb-throwers threw me a very explodey sort of party at the same time. There were no strong fighters to face, but the number of spells that hit me was staggering, and eventually started to weaken me enough that I needed to fall back to drink healing.
The braver pursued me. I was proud of their determination, and fought them, and gave them warriors deaths. Their caster friends soon joined them in that sense, and soon the area was quiet, save for the sounds that the freshly slain make on their way to whatever gods they expect, or do not expect, to see.
In the grove on the southern end opposite the hold, I gathered up the blood thew drew from me upon my hands, and marked the grass all around me, drawing a great Lion, to thank Him for the challenge, and my ability to best it, alone and unaided. Glory where it is due. It was his task that set me as a foe to goblin kind so many years ago, and so I remain. Especially in the interests of protecting Norwick as well, I have plenty of work to do.
Then, blindness.
No, just a bright light, and a feeling of satisfaction, that I had done well. The Lion is attentive, and today, more so than usual. I thanked him, and briefly lamented (IN my own mind, and not out loud) that I had found no more of the tokens that I sought in my personal quest to create something to strengthen myself, and then suddenly, several were before me.
He knows my thoughts without me speaking them, it seems. I was surprised, but by now, I shouldn't be. The Lion watches me closely, I dare not fail, or become lax in my duties.
I thanked him for the gift, and swore an oath on the blood of my fathers, and their fathers before them that runs through me, that I would pursue to task that it seemed he approved of, and complete it, through any challenges. I rose, and turned my attention to my original task first, the hold, and made to move toward it, when it overtook me.
There are times, when a man is possessed of a feeling of great power. Letting my rage bubble forth, letting my blood sing the dirge of those who will fall before me to match the lamentations of their women, that was how I felt, but without actually letting go my steadfast control! What better reason to let it sing, now!? I roared a challenge, and charged ahead, grinning like a savage fool, right toward the hold, expecting guards, or ill doings.
I found nothing there, but still, my thirst for battle was not slaked, so I ran further, to where the goblins usually group on a ledge, expecting battle, but none came… I turned, intending to run INTO the hold, when one of the great, big, fast, nasty bugbears ran toward me, axes in hand, and a grin on it's hideous face.
I screamed. He screamed. We clashed in a fury, and both struck home immediately. His blood flew as my blade bit down, that giant blade that struck down my beloved in the hands on a monster not terribly long ago. My blood... did not. His weapon struck again, harder ... but nothing happened, causing his eyes to widen in anger.
"WHY YOU NO DIE!?" it roared in my face, spittle speckling my helm, flecked with blood.
It had the good sense to almost laugh, as it yelled "Lion?"
Then something clicked. I don't know how or why, but it's expression changed as it said "LION! RUN!"
And he took off.
I have no mercy for a fleeing foe when my blood sings.
I chased him down, as he screamed to nobody else nearby to run, and was glad when he turned to make his last stand. Mercy or no mercy, I prefer to be facing my foe when I slay them. And slain he was, cut down, and then pinned to the earth with my sword, so hard that I had to put a foot on his chest to draw it out, but I was not done.
No, something still pulled at me. "MORE" I felt. I couldn't stop now, surely there was another for. Another way to strike the fear into those who would rally against us, who would plot to kill and pillage, who would eat of our flesh, and make soup of our bones.
I re-planted my sword in the earth, and picked up the fallen bugbear's weapon in one hand, and his corpse in the other, despite it's bulk, and placed him against the cliff wall, driving it's instrument of death through it, and into the stone.
It stuck.
Blood gushed forth, and served as a writing tool, as I placed the letters of warning near the body in an unmistakable and large fashion.
It was as I reviewed my work that my blood quit rushing, I could hear clearly again, and my vision returned to a world less red, save for the letters, and clear.
Thus I heard the approach, and saw the face of my company, a bugbear with a staff, and a bestial helm. A caster, much feared for their nasty spells, and considerable skill.
I spoke first, unsure if I was still blessed from the battle, but ready to charge forth, and harry him with blows before he could cast, and until he ceased to draw even the most feeble of breaths, to ask:
"You. Can you read?"
It replied easily in the common tongue that it could so I bade it read with a gesture of my arm.
"Then you may live to spread the message. I am the Lion's will, and I protect Norwick with his might. "
The strange bugbear regarded me for a moment, before speaking calmly.
"I dreamt of you, man of Norwick, bearer of the Lion."
"I know well of dreams." I said, for I did. Many of my adventures, including the one that brought me to this land, started with dreams not of my own making. " What did you see, shaman of goblinkind?" I implored.
It spoke again, just as at ease as he was walking up. "I saw much, some of which is hidden from even me still, some which is not. You have allies to the North, and vipers in your nest. "
That make me ponder a moment. "That much is true, though vipers are hard to seek out. They hide under rocks, and only strike at the unwary. "
His furry brow creased. "You have choices to make. Hard choices. They will not be popular, for war never is, nor are decisions made in the dark to stop the darkness. You may also have allies in unexpected places, unseen and uncalled for. But that is up to you. "
I felt myself Frown deeply, concerned that the bugbear knows the truth of what I myself, have suspected for some time. Even now, I may not write it, for fear of discovery.
"I stand apart from this." he told me with a wave of his hand, Waves his hand All of this.
"Then you are not an enemy. Not in the usual sense. "
"It is my fate to say what is, and what may be. I will not attack you. It is not my fate. " he told me, and I think he smiled. It's hard to tell with all those damned teeth, really.
"Yours is a hard path to take, too." I told him. "Have you a name? "
"I am Cra'vagh, Seer of the Kin. "
"I am known as Cecil the Northman, to men. I know not what your kind call me, have they a name for me at all. "
"If you walk the path before you and do not stray, you will be known as Cecil, the Lion of the North. "
"You have been shown much then, Cra'Vagh, Seer. "
He inclined his head briefly, and adjusted his stance in parting. "If you wish to speak again, seek me in your dreams, for I can touch those, as I can the dreams of many. Such is my burden. Seek the Lion. "
"In dreams, then. " I said, bidding him farewell.
"Go in peace, man of the Lion. I will see you soon enough. "
"May the Lion watch you." I told him as he turned. I meant that, too. If he is an ally, then may the Lion stalk his shadow, and turn on those who hunt him. If he seeks to deceive, may the Lion also stalk his shadow, and turn it red, by my hand, or his own.
For now, though … it's time to address this project._
Well, that was productive.
A copy of a report is jotted down here for safekeeping and sharing.
_Update on the arming of the goblinkind.
A young woman near the south gate claimed to be a fortune seller of sorts, and made a comment worth looking into about that afternoon being dangerous to those in the woods.
Naturally, I went.
I took a few with me, and ended up with a few uninvited guests as well, though I had to tell the one called Varia to stay behind, since she had claimed to be cursed, rather like the Arthur fellow, who is a supreme mess, and has apparently been bedridden for months. Talk about demons and such solidified that I don't want either on a high risk patrol, as things would be dangerous enough as is. The priest Jason argued with me, toting his years of experience in military and life in general, but I find myself more and more disinclined to listen to him.
With good reason. His attachment to his pals leaves him open to very poor decision making. While that's his choice, it certainly won't affect me, or those I lead off into danger.
The goblin lands were quiet. I had gone west two days prior, down a level into the goblin hold too, before we lost Aoth to a fit of clausta, clautro… fear of small spaces. Like caves. She lived, and we found her eventually in fine health having escaped with a bit of difficulty, but found no evidence of well armed goblins, or stashes of gear.
This recent trip was different.
We encountered very skilled hobgoblins in heavy brass scale armor, and a few in plate. Unusual, the plate. Masterwork greataxes accounted for several of their armaments, and we ended up fighting some sort of leader of their group, whom I got to face off with, armed with my blade and spells laden upon me, and I beat him thoroughly, slaying him, and taking yet more gear and quality potions from the corpse.
Inside, there was a great deal more fighting (In the cave deeper in the woods, across from the Ostromines) and a heated, loud, argument could be heard. We broke up the party, slew a demonbinder and more powerful hobs, as well as some bugbears. There was even a sneak who cleverly waited til we had stopped fighting one group to take a stab at us, in the literal sense. It was rather unsuccessful.
Below is the list of loot we accquired, though none bore any particular hallmarks, save one armor that was colored black and grey, that nobody found any significance in the colors for.
I'm going to put the whip to our soldiers if I don't get some cooperation, we're not ready for an attack by powerful foes, and adventurers in Norwick are in short supply. D'Cameron and Davos need to make some time to clear things with me, or I'm going to just start taking charge, and let them ask questions later.
Too many out of shape, too many aren't veterans, and too many don't seem to have a specific functions. Thank the Gods I have my own volunteer scouts.
The list:
Two sets of plate. One colored black and grey
Two heavy brass scale, but standard
5 masterwork greataxes
Two towershieldsGaxwell, owed 165_
I never thought I'd see the day.
In all the time that I've been around sorceries, plots, intrigues, plans, spells, tricksters, persons of ill repute, wild magic, hare-brained adventures, brushes with death, lost cities, dragons, bugbears, and bodaks (Oh my), I never thought I would see this.
Yesterday, there was two of me.
Yep. Two. That's what… 500 pounds of Cecil? It's been a long time since somebody put me on a grain scale for amusement, heh. Even the half-giant jokes have slacked off lately. I think folks are finally pretty much just used to me being... me. That was until yesterday.
Long story short, an old temporary ally of ours has the ability to change appearances, and lo and behold, he took my form when he let me know that we've been acquainted before. Right in front of everyone at the temple, too!
I can't resist writing this down at all though. Despite the grave tone regarding the plan itself, despite the seriousness of what we're about to go do, and despite the hot tempers and suspicion that boiled over while we tried to make plans, only -one- thing stands out above the rest in my mind about yesterday.
Reader, or whoever happens across this journal... you should have SEEN Ashena's face!
Yep. That'll be with me forever. Hah! Gods above she's adorable._
((If anybody wants to draw that, I'll love you forever!
_As usual, so much has happened since I last wrote.
What I need, however, right now, is a response. Someone to come forth, and let me at least TRY to fix things.
I've heard it all before, and lately again, though with more dismissal. More finality.
"Norwick is lost. It's a lost cause. Nobody cares. I hate that place. It's not worth it. "
Well Gods be damned. I couldn't help being away for those years. The dreams came forward, the memories resurfaced, and the only thing I can think of, was that I was turned to stone, and randomly cured of it by a wandering adventurer, or even the bastards who did it to me, and left to return home, or do what I wished, as if someone's plans for me were up.
Now I'm home, and I've returned to a place very changed. The Raumviri are not a problem, though they make a lot of folk uncomfortable.
Davos is still there. D'Cameron is still there. I am here once more… but this time, nobody cares.
I put up flyers. I spread the word. I want to help. I want to fix things. Still... nothing. I may have to be creative in order to get people to even LOOK at Norwick again. Perhaps re-establishing the games?
A festival perhaps.
Would people be wary, their memories reminding them only of the horrific fate that befell so many at the last big event here in my town?
There's only one way to find out, but as much as I'll happily rush into a group of foes, dive in front of an attack meant for a friend, and even go DRAGON hunting... this has me feeling fear of a sort I'm not used to.
Am I wasting my time? If I am... what is there left for me elsewhere? Oh Lion, I need your guidance now more than ever._
_I almost forgot about this thing again.
Sitting alone in the jailer's room to collect my thoughts actually seems to have worked, so I had may as well put them to paper while they're still in my thick head. My return has been… well, eventful. It's gone well though!
Things with Ashena are just as they were when I left, save a little tremor of nervousness I get whenever we part now. Things were odd for the first few days I was back though, but not with her. It was everybody else! It turns out (And I really shouldn't be surprised!) that I was well known to people I had never met, even based solely on my appearance.
"Hey, you're Cecil!"
"Oh, I know all about you!"
"I've heard so much!"
I fear I blushed a great deal the first week of my return but things are a little bit calmer now, more normal, and well... it feels like home again. It was strange, feeling like a stranger after not being gone that long, or at least... I don't feel like it was that long. And the not remembering is frustrating. Or it was.
There's a load of nonsense about some puppetmaster freak, and he's put quite a hurt on my friends, both from making them harm one another, even in the process of keeping him out of each other's heads, to making them doubt themselves, and worse, one another.
Shallyah and Talindra seem to have it the worst at the moment, Shallyah because she was compromised, and Talindra because of the rampant fear and distrust in the group, and it's unfailing ability to make things awkward, if not dangerous, constantly. I hope I've been the help to her that she says I have, though I'm sure she was honest. She -is- very honest, and I find myself feeling very protective of her, and not because she's one of Ashena's squires.
Allestor killed Fendon while I was away, and is quite the well known hero for it. I for one, am -very- pleased that he stayed around. I enjoyed his company, and fighting beside him, and on top of all that? Nobody teases -me- about bring a hero any more! It suits him, and therefore, me too! That kind of talk always did make me feel a little awkward, like people were putting me into shoes that were far too big.
Mending the damage done to Norwick's reputation is proving to be slow, but I feel that I -can- make a difference here, just like I did when I first joined the guard, and put a stop to a lot of the senseless dick-swinging brutality that the guard was known for. It's going to be harder now, mostly it seems, due to Davos running his mouth, and doing his best to piss off -everyone-. Sometimes I wonder whose side he's really on. You cannot trust a supposed carpenter who purposely puts cracks into a foundation.
Lady Rith loaned me a sword, which I quickly found myself not really being the right bearer for, which I passed on, having misunderstood her directions about -how-, but I hear that got resolved. It was definitely a loan, and I overstepped my bounds by entrusting it to someone, like a silly ass, without remembering her wishes, or consulting her first. Thankfully, she forgave me and seems to have cleared up my mistake. I hope to make it up to her and Andrew both, somehow.
Val is still here, and still very much Val. It's reassuring to say the least. Shallyah, however, has changed. For the better. She seems to have let go slightly, of the feeling that she is merely a tool, and instrument of her God and beliefs, and despite some of the hardship and confusion that has come with it, seems happier than I've ever seen her, at least until this puppetmaster business reared it's ugly head again. I WILL find a way to help her be free of this ridiculous burden that this puppetmaster fool has brought upon us all. In the meantime, I'll settle for just being there. For now.
Between Shallyah and Val, I was even able to get something very nice made for Ashena. I cannot WAIT to see her face! More than usual, even, which is saying quite a lot. I have more to make up to her than anyone, though she would never say it, if she has even thought it. Her family is also on my mind a lot. I have a lot of proving to do to them that I'm not going to disappear again... though for weeks I had no idea even HOW or WHY I vanished.
Last night's dream changed that.
Now I get to sit here alone in the almost-dark, and calm myself, so that I can think clearly on how to get those bastards back. I will probably have to ask Val to clarify something that I think I saw, and fill me in on the parts I just don't understand... but at least the headaches are gone.
Walter is still here, and stronger than I've ever seen him, and makes a hell of a compliment to the team, even more than before, especially beside Andrew and Allestor, which is no surprise. Dermin, too. Reynauld is often with them as well, and formidable too. I was lucky enough to duel several of them, and Shallyah in the same day, and managed to win each match, except against Shallyah. Then again, she won the fight without armor against all three of at once, too. No surprise there!
Before I fall asleep again, as I can already feel the darkness lulling me back into a slumber, I have to write down Ky's vague vision warning. A horde of demons is apparently going to end up in Norwick, and he was told to beware.
I MUST get this place ready, and more than that, be ready myself. We lost Norwick once when I wasn't available on the front lines (Not that I could have turned that tide, from all accounts), but this time, I MUST do more. First, fix relations with those than can aid us, so that they WANT to again, and next, get evacuation plans prepared, and get the Mostly Raumviri guard (Most of the old guard died or left after the taking of the town) prepared too, and in better standing in town. I've heard disturbing things about bullying and tyrant-like behavior, and I won't stand for it, even if I have to fight them myself.
May the Lion grant me wisdom, patience, and strength of mind in the times to come.
I'm going to need it._
_Well, all things considered, not a bad start.
I mean yeah, there's the whole, "Where the hell have I been, and how the hell did I get home." question on my mind, and my poor timing at finding out that I arrived after Ashena had left for a short while, -and- finding out that I missed the entire period that the temporary treaty was in place, AND finding out that Davos somehow royally pissed off… well, everyone ever... but I can get past that.
I got my head checked by Galin. Or rather, my soul and ... whatever part of you magical stuff sits as far as compulsions or something goes, and I'm in the clear, which is almost completely a good thing.
I kind want to know who had me, and why, and perhaps why they let me go.
It's not terribly important, but I do want to know. Til then, I'll focus on trying to get rid of this monster of a headache. Ow. Write more in the morning._
5 years have passed since the journal was touched. Five years, and very few answers have come from it, even for Cecil himself. That, however, is a story for another day. For now, a certain Talindra has agreed to send a letter for him, so once more, quill touches page, and words take their written form, from heart, to hand, to paper.
_My dearest Ashena,
First, let me say what I've been feeling this whole time, and that which has never stopped for a moment. "I love you." That, if nothing else, has not wavered an instant this whole time. I have been held, but am returned, and whole still, and eagerly await your return home.
I miss you terribly, and will explain everything when I see you again, and pray that your family does not think he unfit for you now, as it has been an ordeal up to this point, and circumstances were beyond my control.
Every rose I pass reminds me of you. I will be waiting for you, as I hear you have waited for me.
Yours -always-,
Cecil Northman
Your Lion._