Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • {Zach makes his way inside the bar, finds his seat around a crouded table and orders himself a drink}

    Hey there fellas, Won't believe the time I had down south. Got bored an took a boat down to norwick, for some good fishing out by that lake they got. On my way back, ran into three men by the gates. They tell me us four are going on some adventure or some shite. Only managed to catch two fish, so I'm figuring to turn the trip into something worth it an went along.

    Two elves, yeah I know, more of them. But these two seemed alright. Ones name was Neb, wizard, bit on the crazed side with a hint of sane left in him. Others name was Raril. Completely sane that one! Woodsy too, an thank the gods for it. Other man was named Draheem, tanned skin that one, deffinately not from these parts. But a skilled fighter if I've ever seen one.

    They took me back around the lake, an south of there fighting off goblin after goblin as they rushed us, fifty, sixty or more I wasn't counting. Lost Nebs somewhere in them woods. Probably just ran on back, other two didn't seem too concerned. Woods seemed quiet, an we came across a cave.

    Now I've not been having the best of luck with caves. Been chased out of two of them already, so I'm thinking, third times the charm. Stepped into this one an we got ambushed! Goblins everywhere. Pushed our way deeper into the cave, deep as we could go anyways. Untill we came across some hobgoblins. One big hob with a scythe nearly cut Draheem in half. But with Rarils help we filled him with arrows quick enough.

    Turned to leave an in a heartbeat everything went black. Darkness was everywhere. We stepped out of the darkness an had one more with us! I'm telling you truth when I'm saying it looked just like me. Sure enough, this fella claimed to be me as quick as he could. But he made for a horrible Zach Selkie. We were too clever for him, had him on his toes an stumbling over his words. Best part was, when Draheem an Raril pulled a fast one on me! Pointed their weapons at me an said I was the fake, an on the count of three I was to die. Should have seen the look on the dopplegangers face when at the shout of 'one' we all turned an shot his way, filling him with arrows! Was damn near priceless! Bastard threw a bomb at us an ran out through the cave. But he was gushing blood, an left a clear trail for my elven friend Raril to follow. Tracked him down we did, an finished him off out by the fishing lake.

    All in all, not that bad a trip by my guessing.

  • Kamilah Thersos was seen in the docks recently, boarding a boat late at night. She didn't say where she was headed, just 'Somewhere quiet'.

  • When Arlan hears these rumors he begins to laugh awkwardly and leaves quickly

  • Rumour has it that mad Flinzo the Fletcher escaped prison with the help of some unknown arsonist. Neither have been seen since.

  • _After several Days, Bartho's gathering of brass ceases, and after a solid day of his hammer's song ringing out from the craft hall, he is seen rolling a large brass gear, and some other smaller ones outside the craft hall, to look them over, soon he moves them inside the hall again and stowes them in a crate.

    Later, people might see the same engineer carting wheelbarrow loads of granite chippings from the craft hall, leaving them with the ashald park gardener._

  • Nicole Wildflower witnessed to punch and knocking out a customer in Lucky Ferret after him touching her rear side.Some people stopped her the very last moment from stabbing him too.She was punching who ever trying to stop her but in the end they managed to get her tired and she retired to the inn's room..

  • Rumours circulate of the engineer's latest comings and goings. he's been seen unloading a large slab of granite from a cart outside the craft hall, moving it inside and covering it with a tarp. Afterwards he's been seen snatching up old plumbing and all other brass materials found about the city. through the night his hammer can be heard ringing out from the hall's backrooms.

    // Allso, Could a DM responsible for Peltarch Developements Please contact me? Thank you //

  • Rumors abounds of murdered women in the swell of pregnancy, and fear of further murders eats at the cities nerves like a poison.

    One disturbing rumor indicates that Rosey Knight Rico Swift might even be involved, that the murderer escaped under his own protection.

    He may not be a Defender or a Scout or a member of the shield, but what kind of knight for love and justice does a thing like that? Rabble rabble rabble.

  • ICC

    The Wild tattoo'd elf has been skulking around the Commons. Hands to the ground, and sometimes….his nose. Guards may note on occasion his bare feet coloured with muck found beneath the city.

  • The Peltarch commons definitely seem an unhealthy spot of late, as clouds of reeking gas and flies, followed by slimy and aggressive oozes have burst from the ground twice in the space of a single week. Whatever the cause is, it seems to leave the investigators more than a little perturbed.

  • ICC

    A wild looking elf, seemingly at home in the streets of the city has been seen popping up all over town. Most notably though he seems to be staying in the Ferret, with constant visits to the Bardic College, and the Temple of the Triad

  • _The Headmistress of the Bardic College, Val Kyrie, seems to be spending more and more time around Peltarch these days… between classes in the College, time with friends in the commons, and working in the Craft Hall, she's quite the lady about town.

    Anyone who's familiar with her would notice that her outfit has changed yet again, but this time it seems to be some kind of... uniform? Are the bards actually getting themselves organised for once?

    No... it couldn't be..._

  • A non-descript dock worker was in the tavern a few days back, explaining to some friends how he saw the Chessentan bard Kamilah get confronted by an older woman that looked just like her.
    He rambles on a bit, but anyone that bothers to listen further might discern that the older woman's name was also Kamilah… and that the younger Kamilah was some kind of imposter.
    He throws in some rather offensive comments about Elves that were hardly called for before wandering off, most likely never to be seen again.

  • Rumours speak of a horde of kobolds and lizardmen attacking the south gates of Peltach. The Defenders were swift to react, and the sounds of battle rang out from the southern swamplands for hours. A band of adventurers, lead by Far Scout commander Aghila, are said to have struck the decisive blow and launched a counter-attack deep into lizardmen territory, thus earning the personal praise of Senators Fisher and the one and only Rath Ashald.

  • A married prospector couple were laid to rest in Peltarch the other morning. The adventurers Rico Swift, Caelisar, and Yuki Ume brought their bodies back after having dispatched the Dwarven drug smugglers who slew them in the caves of the Kuo Toa.

  • _The elf Troff Legion can be seen often in the Peltarch docks of late. Wandering around peering at the various forien wares. Taking his meals from street vendors or inns. Sipping on drinks of juice, milk, or water in the corner of various taverns. Sitting on the pier watching the ships come in and go out.

    Overall one is given the impression he is waiting._

  • Rumours from the farmsteads might speak of the most horrific stench coming from the steep cliffs dropping down to the Icelace. A party of Defenders and Ceruleans was seen marching off towards the cliffside. Some time later, the body of a young woman is carried into town by a small and solemn group, reeking of death and decay.

  • A group of adventurers recently rescued a large shipment of wine and ale that had been stolen by the kobolds. Rumor has it the adventureers will be giving it out for free at the upcoming dance in Peltarch.

  • After reporting a "dark spot" lingering around the "morg" to the guards, a large Half-Orc with plate armor, a golden cloak and a huge scythe on his back has been seen standing near the apartments, watching the darkness and making sure there's no necromancy going on.

  • Shadows seemingly have begun descending on many of the areas in Peltarchs surrounding areas, some folk claim to see shadowy figures moving to and from many of the caves and other landmarks that dot the countryside, but no one can be certain what exactly is going on.