Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Thorin being near,listens to them and steps forward focused to Lycka

    ''If being in da same side means nae trustin' and friendship den why should everyun trust yeh too wem yeh need 'em?

    were has yer faith gone?huh…?Or yeh consider yerselves ta be da smarter dan us?

    wen me or Hammer step in front and being da meatshield in da battles,....dat times yeh trust 'us?Hah,i suppose yeh consider us ta be only da stupid pawns, ain't dat right...?''

  • "Preposterous", says Lycka to Hammerhand's ravings. "It's never -that- simple, unless you're a simple-minded zealot. You're both on the same side, it's just that being on the same side doesn't automatically mean friendship and confidence."

  • Hammer is overheard fuming about the 'traitor' Elidor, who appears to be working for the Shadovar for some reason.
    "I'm farkin' sick and tired of this sheite happening every time. Something comes around to destroy all of us, and one of these <dam>outlander</dam> farks comes around and sabotages everything, just for scrap of power or to feel big. I've had it! If he sabotages the efforts against the Shadovar, that we're all working and bleeding and dying over, then he's an enemy to be destroyed with the rest of them. It's -that- simple."

  • Hammer watches her with some curiousity and approval.

  • ICC


    This young woman also appears to be going through some conditioning, as it’s obvious she lacks the strength or coordination to be even remotely dangerous with a sword. She’s seen rolling up a stone attached to a rope and a stick over and over again, and marching up and down the steps of various buildings.

    She appears unhappy, but tireless and determined.

    _The Wild looking elf who seems to pop up all over the city will appear on occasion. He has an amused grin, though it looks forced; and always quietly offers a bit of water or a small tip or two for her practice.

    Before slipping back from whence he comes, he will offer healing too, for the small abrasions and blisters that occur._

  • Senator Mariston Thel is seen occasionally training a young red headed woman in swordsmanship. She appears woefully inept, and there are those that wonder to what purpose this woman is being tutored. She appears to be a performer or actress, so perhaps this is all for some bardic play.

    This young woman also appears to be going through some conditioning, as it’s obvious she lacks the strength or coordination to be even remotely dangerous with a sword. She’s seen rolling up a stone attached to a rope and a stick over and over again, and marching up and down the steps of various buildings.

    She appears unhappy, but tireless and determined.

  • _In the commons one day, a noble of Peltarch was seen talking to what appeared to be a Black Sail. The noble looked hurt, his clothes torn. The two left out the southern gates of Peltarch, then returned sometime later with the corpse of a young woman. The blonde Sail in a dark grey full plate was seen handing over the body to the noble, yet oddly enough, there was no exchange of gold to the Sail.

    Have the Black Sails grown kind hearts in aiding the citizens of Peltarch? Or is there some ulterior motive?_

  • {One day at the ferret, much noise, shouts, screams and cheers can be heard from the back rooms. Local stree rat Zach Selkie walks back to the main bar, holding his right shoulder, which appears to be swolen. With a wince he takes his seat and orders something potent}

    Just get me something strong that'll kick me in the teeth an knock me right out.

    Tch, damned girl will be the death of me.

    {He tips his head to the girl when she brings him his drink an takes a sip, using his one good arm to reach out for the drink}

    Oi miss? Doubt I'll be awake long enough to get to one, but theres ten coins for you if you can get one of the big fellas to just toss me in a room when my face hits the bar.

    {another sip}

    This? Tch, Got it following Helena around again. Some loon calling himself Big Winnah was playing games out back, an more for fighters. Swear he was trying to get us killed. Got thrown into the ring an had to fight off two lizards for the first round. Strong goblin for the second, an a bugbear for the third. Managed all that without getting mine handed back to me an won a few prizes.

    But that wasn't enough, girl wanted to keep fightning. So back into the pit we go, up against a bear, then a lion, an a pack of wolves. Managed that without getting eaten. An then the crowd started cheering for a damn encore. Figured I'd lived a good life. So we had to face down some half-ogre, an a farking moose! Moose went into a rampage an was just charging through the whole pit, picked him off easily enough, but in rushed the big ugly. Caught me in the shoulder hard with a right hook, an slammed me into the cage wall. Big fella went down though, but not easy.

    {Zach tries testing his shoulder, only to hear a popping noise. He grunts an takes another sip}

    Don't know what the hells I'm doing. Got an arrow stuck in my head the other day while walking the pass. Was dead, I'm telling you truth. Sucks being dead. Must have been dead for a long while too. No telling how many days went by before I woke up in that temple. Guess who was standing there. Heh, Helena. Girl found me an drug me all the way back. I'm indebted to that one. Now more than ever I'm guessing.

    Ugh, shite this things killing me. Fark it I'll just get myself to a room.

    {With his good hand he slides a few coins out of a pouch, looks at them as if reminded of something, smiles and places them on the bar before walking out}

  • Nicole just woke up at the ferret's room and closes to the scene with a muttering after her fight few days ago.

    ''what th' fark is this noice?Did he came back t' collect more punches th't farker?''

    She then glances over at the elf,gives him a broken smile and goes to the bar to settle and drink.

  • Loitering at her usual table, the manager of the Ferret looks up from her grog to give the lavender elf a quick once over. She immediately bursts into raucous laughter and elbows the massive mountain of a half-orc at her side:

    "Oi, Urgh.. that one'd fall o'er if ya just breathed at 'm. Where's Johno! I hear a challenge ta his master duelist crown!"

  • Legion

    An elf in a lavender blue robe enters the Ferret. He calls himself, in the most dramatic voice he can muster, 'The Duelist'.

  • {Zach makes his way inside the bar, finds his seat around a crouded table and orders himself a drink}

    Hey there fellas, Won't believe the time I had down south. Got bored an took a boat down to norwick, for some good fishing out by that lake they got. On my way back, ran into three men by the gates. They tell me us four are going on some adventure or some shite. Only managed to catch two fish, so I'm figuring to turn the trip into something worth it an went along.

    Two elves, yeah I know, more of them. But these two seemed alright. Ones name was Neb, wizard, bit on the crazed side with a hint of sane left in him. Others name was Raril. Completely sane that one! Woodsy too, an thank the gods for it. Other man was named Draheem, tanned skin that one, deffinately not from these parts. But a skilled fighter if I've ever seen one.

    They took me back around the lake, an south of there fighting off goblin after goblin as they rushed us, fifty, sixty or more I wasn't counting. Lost Nebs somewhere in them woods. Probably just ran on back, other two didn't seem too concerned. Woods seemed quiet, an we came across a cave.

    Now I've not been having the best of luck with caves. Been chased out of two of them already, so I'm thinking, third times the charm. Stepped into this one an we got ambushed! Goblins everywhere. Pushed our way deeper into the cave, deep as we could go anyways. Untill we came across some hobgoblins. One big hob with a scythe nearly cut Draheem in half. But with Rarils help we filled him with arrows quick enough.

    Turned to leave an in a heartbeat everything went black. Darkness was everywhere. We stepped out of the darkness an had one more with us! I'm telling you truth when I'm saying it looked just like me. Sure enough, this fella claimed to be me as quick as he could. But he made for a horrible Zach Selkie. We were too clever for him, had him on his toes an stumbling over his words. Best part was, when Draheem an Raril pulled a fast one on me! Pointed their weapons at me an said I was the fake, an on the count of three I was to die. Should have seen the look on the dopplegangers face when at the shout of 'one' we all turned an shot his way, filling him with arrows! Was damn near priceless! Bastard threw a bomb at us an ran out through the cave. But he was gushing blood, an left a clear trail for my elven friend Raril to follow. Tracked him down we did, an finished him off out by the fishing lake.

    All in all, not that bad a trip by my guessing.

  • Kamilah Thersos was seen in the docks recently, boarding a boat late at night. She didn't say where she was headed, just 'Somewhere quiet'.

  • When Arlan hears these rumors he begins to laugh awkwardly and leaves quickly

  • Rumour has it that mad Flinzo the Fletcher escaped prison with the help of some unknown arsonist. Neither have been seen since.

  • _After several Days, Bartho's gathering of brass ceases, and after a solid day of his hammer's song ringing out from the craft hall, he is seen rolling a large brass gear, and some other smaller ones outside the craft hall, to look them over, soon he moves them inside the hall again and stowes them in a crate.

    Later, people might see the same engineer carting wheelbarrow loads of granite chippings from the craft hall, leaving them with the ashald park gardener._

  • Nicole Wildflower witnessed to punch and knocking out a customer in Lucky Ferret after him touching her rear side.Some people stopped her the very last moment from stabbing him too.She was punching who ever trying to stop her but in the end they managed to get her tired and she retired to the inn's room..

  • Rumours circulate of the engineer's latest comings and goings. he's been seen unloading a large slab of granite from a cart outside the craft hall, moving it inside and covering it with a tarp. Afterwards he's been seen snatching up old plumbing and all other brass materials found about the city. through the night his hammer can be heard ringing out from the hall's backrooms.

    // Allso, Could a DM responsible for Peltarch Developements Please contact me? Thank you //

  • Rumors abounds of murdered women in the swell of pregnancy, and fear of further murders eats at the cities nerves like a poison.

    One disturbing rumor indicates that Rosey Knight Rico Swift might even be involved, that the murderer escaped under his own protection.

    He may not be a Defender or a Scout or a member of the shield, but what kind of knight for love and justice does a thing like that? Rabble rabble rabble.

  • ICC

    The Wild tattoo'd elf has been skulking around the Commons. Hands to the ground, and sometimes….his nose. Guards may note on occasion his bare feet coloured with muck found beneath the city.