Told from the Rant Stand
Yana watches the speech before returning to duty. She's heard to comment something about being categorized as "a few others"….typical, then goes about her duty on the docks.
Few people are actually present for the speech, as the rant stand has been surrounded by soldiers since Martial Law went into effect to discourage agitators, though the Defender officers present spread word of its content throughout the city.
Senator Ronan again takes the rant stand, though he looks a little weary and tired… but a slight smile graces his features as he speaks:
Citizens of Peltarch, I bring good news.
The crisis with the chaos magics has been averted. Peltarch is no longer in danger. Several Peltarch officials, including Shannon, Mariston, myself, Aelthas, Yana and Daisy a few others helped to push back this evil upon us. We had the aid from outside friends as well, such as Aramuil, Rith, Val, Belma'r, Lune, Fadia, Soliel, Eluriel, Sy'wyn, Thorn, Gherman, Rimmer, Havon, Gaerielle and Melanie. All of these noble heroes came to Peltarch's defense in a time of need, and should be honored this day.
Also to the Defenders and guard whom tried to keep order as best they could. I realize that my announcement made a few folks unhappy, given how sudden it was. But.. I thought the people should be warned, and I thought to give as much time as possible for you all to get to safety. I do personally apologise that there was damage in result to my actions. Either way, Peltarch is safe once again… we remain strong. Return home to your families without worry, and knowing that tommorow will come.
Glory to the Jewel.
Ronan then steps down… and if the evil mustache known as Daveth makes another comment, Ronan just ignores it.
((Edited to add a name. There were a lot of people there, so sorry if I didnt remember all. PM me if I missed you))
Val takes time out from her work to stand beside Mariston, radiating a calm but determined air.
// taking 10 on a charisma check for a 15 result
::Mariston nods to the acting General as he speaks, the speaks after the General::
Take heart good people, we shall prevail through this troubling time, do not give into fear. We hath weathered storms far worse than this in the past, and our spirit and courage hath never been broken.
Acting General Frederic Del'Rosa ascends the stand, accompanied by Senators Ashald and Thel, making a much anticipated announcement.
"Citizens of Peltarch, the Senate has determined that in order to ensure your safety, Martial Law will go into effect as of this moment. I will now urge everybody to remember yourselves, remember your courage and tenacity, and return to your homes.
Those who wish to leave the City, will be able to do so, but ONLY once order is restored to our streets! And I will make myself very clear on this point. I will have law and order restored to our streets by this time tomorrow. Curfews will be imposed, and if you are found in violation of them you will be dealt with accordingly. Looters will not be granted any mercy. Fools proclaiming our doom is nigh will not be granted any leniency.
Peltarch will weather this storm, through the wisdom of our leaders and the valour of our soldiers. Return to your homes with this promise in your heart."
Clay, in town to check on his mother at the inn after hearing the news of the riots, simply asks one question.
"Why the f*** is this the first anybody seems to know of it? Hell, the Legion, the Defenders… is everybody -that- out of the loop nowadays? There's more communication between goblins in the Rawlinswood..."
Upon arriving to the major gatherings of rioters, Rith speaks up the following speech //At 21 Charisma score//
Citizens of Peltarch!
I will not lie to you. There is evil lurking in this city. This, you have been told already. But here is what you haven't been told – there is good, a lot of good. This city has lived through countless threats, has been rebuilt from rubble, and has stood even more beautiful and majestic than ever before. And that is because there have been always those who will fight and die for your wellbeing and your safety. For each one of you.
Very capable men and women that selflessly will simply not allow any harm to come to our Jewel, no matter the cost. That will jump into the Abyss, if that ensures the safety of your children. Do give them some credit, my friends.
As I speak, a horde of demons has been cleansed with fierce determination and sharp steel. They never stood a chance before the might of the Jewel and its allies. The blood on my blade shows proof of this brutal victory. ::Rith unseathes her ornated Lathanderite Greatsword, stained with dark, thick blood, displaying it to the masses::
There is one last battle to be had, and this time we'll take it to our enemy's home. We will strike at their core, and erase them from the face of Toril. They will -not- compromise the wellbeing of our countrymen. They will know that we will not lay down and die. That we live in Freedom and we always will. That those who dare putting the Joy of our people at stake will suffer the hammer of implacable retribution upon them.
I'm not saying that you should be exempt of worry, my countrymen. You have all the right that there is in this world to be worried for that which you love. But know this - you, your children, your loved ones. You are all in good hands. I swear to you before my Lord Lathander that there are many brave warriors that will first part with their souls than letting any of you come to harm. And I swear to you that tomorrow the Sun will raise again, as it has ever done.
Hammerhand mutters "Magic. Why is it always magic.".
Yana’s eyes get rather wide at the announcement, and when realization soon hits her regarding the consequences and what it means to the ill prepared guards, she looks ill
By the gods Ronan, what were you thinking?
Daveth looks to Ronan, then looks to Benji, then looks to Ronan, then looks to Benji, then his mouth gapes open as he notices all the guards and defenders unprepared for the riots.
"…Did no one tell the Legion, Defenders or Norwick anything before this announcement?"
For once he seems genuinely shocked.
Benji looks up from suit shopping.
"Notable individuals like who?"
Ronan takes the rant stand, making sure a considerable crowd is gathered first before he begins to speak. Oddly enough, it's not another protest about Oscura.
Citizens of the jewel,
I come before you today to give warning. Peltarch has been experiencing supernatural events concerning the N'jast war. Many of you may have heard about this, or even witnessed it yourselves when armatures came trampling the commons. These events are very dangerous, and I fear they will not be letting up anytime soon.
With the help of a few friends, and my attunement to the weave, I have sensed that there is a rise in chaotic magics, surrounding all of Peltarch. It has not stopped, and it will soon reach its maximum. What happens then? I'm not completely sure, but it will not be good. Peltarch is in danger.
But it's not too late. You've a few days to decide whether or not to evacuate to a safer haven. Either in Norwick, or Hoarsgate across the icelace, wherever you feel safest. In a few days time, Peltarch will be a very unsafe place when the chaotic magics reaches its maximum. Many notable individuals are working on the situation, as I stand here and speak.. and I will, of course, personally help in any way I can.
When Peltarch is more safe again, I will again take the stand and announce it.
Good luck to all of you..
Smush nods happily
"I name Brutus Smushface, I be happy for speaks to you about da Lord of de Deads."
sits down, the chair lets out a loud creak in protest, the chair slightly bends under his weight
::Mariston looks to the half-orc::
Thou art a paladin of Kelemvor, how wonderful. Thou really shouldst seek me at the Temple, I wouldst speak with on matters that Kelemvors faithful are best suited to answer. Excellent news.
::Mariston smiles warmly to the half-orc::
a huge half orc with filed-down fangs and a long, flowing, golden cloak stands up slowly and clumsily
_"Smush nut think dat mustache man be doing wrongs, he just saying dat de laws are nut clears, I agree wiv dat 'cus I nut know many da laws and it hard to follow dem if nut know.
Hard to be paladins for Kelemvors if always get in truble for thing dat I nut know wus bads in da town. Nut make fun for Davids."_
"Boo!" Hammer begins exclaiming towards Daveth, seeming to take quite some amusement in the whole discussion. In all likelihood, he never took it very seriously to begin with.
::The charismatic knight looks at Daveth, those around him feeling bolstered by his presence, with a deep sigh he takes the stand to repudiate the previous statement::
You seem to change to direction as often as the wind changes on the Icelace. You clearly hath issues with being banned from the Temple and the very fact thou do not know the aid given to the city by the followers of said gods is astounding. I do not just mean the priests and the Order, the very people of this city, who worship in that holy place. Who hath strived all these days to make the city a better, fairer place to live for all.
Frankly it appears you are without any sense, your lack of honour, respect and duty sees you standing here, berating those thou claim to defend.
Nothing more than a tantrum, like that of a spoilt child. There are consequences to our actions, a fact thou hath learned and take badly so seek to vilify the people of this city and their devotion to their gods. I find that in poor taste, to demean Lady Daisy, Priest Galin and all those within the Temple who hath done so much for Peltarch is to not know this city at all.
Again I ask what hath thou ever done for this city? Do not claim any moral authority unless thou can provide some example by which to follow. Twouldst appear thou hath done nothing, save seek to insult the people of this city.As to Senator Redralen’s statement I do fully agree with this.
::With that Mariston steps down from the stand and speaks with those in the crowd if there are any
_"To be fair, they constantly heal people and even bring them back from the dead. Making potions isn't cheap or easy either. 'sides.. nobody forces you to buy from them. All this talking is pointless. If you can do better, start your own town.
You could call it Whinertown."_
_Hammer comments. "Does -anyone- understand these laws? Or do they just make up whatever meaning they want when it suits them?
Pssh. Laws."_
"Ah, and my point is made clear right there. You don't tell us the laws, how are we to know them? Every time I confront you, you change the laws. Notice none of them take any care in commenting on the legalized torture. Now what? He calls me a liar because they don't even tell us what the laws are. If you think for one second I even care about being banned from your precious temple, I don't! Go on, dance around in circles in your temple and sing about how great laws are, or whatever it is you do. So what if you helped save Peltarch? No use saving it then leaving it to rot from the inside out. The fact that they never do anything until doom is impending, or until someone points it out is clear evidence that they're a bunch of chumps! Yes, indeed! Then what, oh you proposed a law to change the gold from ten to five? How gracious of you. Lets just sweep the poor out of the city and leave them to rot at the gates, shall we? The only thing temples are good for is spending all the thousands of gold they make in donations on fancy robes and funny little hats."
He pauses
"What have I done? I've pointed out what you haven't. He lists off wars like he was leading every fight. You can bet your sweet arse a hundred times more Defenders gave up their lives than these supposed "holy people", and they probably did it without asking for donations, without trying to convert people and without bragging about how great they are."