Told from the Rant Stand

  • A few days later, Senator Ronan again takes the rant stand..

    Recent news has come to my attention. News that is not at all good, but I believe it should be heard.

    Recently, a group of slaves attempted to escape Oscura's confines, but were caught. Instead of just being returned to their masters, they were put on pikes on display just outside the cave leading to Oscura. For a city that preaches law, Oscura sure enjoys breaking their own when they wish to send a message.

    I quote a law from the Pactus, which holds Oscura's laws:


    Any grave mistreatment of slaves as observed by the Red Falcons will equate to punishments as minor fines, with increased punishments for repeat offenders.

    I would consider killing the slaves and putting them on pikes as more then just "grave mistreatment.." It's just downright disgusting. Yet even under this supposed law they posted, they would still commit such a horrid act.

    Now, you may wonder what this has to do with us, and I will tell you. They put the corpses of these desperate slaves on display on the surface, for all to see. This is clearly a blatant taunt from the dark city, perhaps protesting Norwick's and Peltarch's new laws by being even more cruel to the slaves. To let us know they do not believe in freedom and the rights of others. They would ignore their own laws just to send us all on the surface a message.

    They probably think that it was the right move, but it is not. They draw attention to themselves, negative attention. They told the senate they wanted to change. They told us that they want peaceful relations. But, my fellow citizens, they are clearly very contradictory to what they "tell" us.

    I imagine some Oscuran will come up here and try to argue my points. It's only natural that they wish to open their big mouths, spout nonsense, and then smirk. But just remember, that no matter what they say, they killed innocent people. Murdered desperate individuals, and basically laughed about it by putting the corpses on display.

    Narfell is a land of freedom, and I say any who wish to take anyone's right to their own choices, is not welcome.

    After, Ronan steps down from the stand.

  • Daveth is no longer there, but a few people might mention he's infact Peltarchian.

  • Legion

    I'd also like to add, for the benefit of our Oscuran friend looks about to see if he's still here that the passing of this law was in no way some kind of attempt to insult Oscura. Indeed this is simply a consolidation of what this city has ALWAYS stood for - freedom! Let's not turn this proclamation into some idiotic Oscura verses Peltarch spat. I think we need to grow above such things!

    Peltarch observes its right to set free just as much as Oscura observes their own right to enslave.

  • ::Mariston takes the stands a moment::
    It should be pointed out that before this law was passed our statute books had no laws outlawing slavery or the ownership thereof et cetera. As with all laws any other law falls within the framework of existing legislation. It appears a point of law the somewhat troubled second last speaker failed to grasp at all. We commend Norwick for their stance and have stated such. I am rather unsure what the fellow was trying to say really, but it does appear his understanding of the Law is woefully lacking, which could explain his status of being forbidden entrance to the Temple of the Triad.
    The laws wording I believe is thus:
    “Slavery is outlawed in Peltarch. Any slaves entering Peltarch are immediately considered freed upon entry, and will be provided the full protection of Peltarch's Laws. Anybody found within Peltarch in possession of a slave, or attempting to engage in the slave trade, will be arrested.”
    This includes any slave that may find themselves within Peltarch upon the law being enacted.

  • Kayden shakes his head, calling after the frolicking man.
    "Those ENTERING the realm are freed, not those already in it."

    Mutters to himself once Daveth is out of ear shot.

  • Daveth claps in a slow and patronizing way.

    "Right, because that wasn't covered under the slavery being illegal thing already? What's with slavery laws anyway?"

    Daveth does a couple of little impressions

    "Ooh, I tagged you, you're a slave now."

    "Quitsies, I'm in Peltarch!"

    Then clears his throat

    "My point is, if this wasn't stopping them from illegally reclaiming their slaves before, isn't this just a made up 'feel-good' law? No, really. Thanks for insulting us. Norwick did it first by the way, nice job pretending you didn't know in advance."

    Then walking off he stops and turns around

    "By the way, your nice ambiguous law just technically freed every single prisoner in Peltarch "Any slave or person held against their will". Lets all put on robes and play senate."

    Daveth skips away in a girlish manner humming in a womanly way

  • ::A woman wearing the colors of a scout of the Legion looks up at Senator Ronan with a grin in her face and a thankful look in her eyes::

  • Senator Ronan takes the rant stand, standing behind the podium, resting slim fingers on hits sides. When a sufficient crowd has gathered, he begins to speak.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the senate has agreed upon a new law. Worry not, there are no new taxes.

    The law is this:


    Any slave or person held against their will entering our lands is considered automatically freed. This doesn't mean just inside the walls, but all Peltarch owned land.

    It is time that we took a stand against the horrid act of slavery. Not just in Peltarch, but all of Narfell. We are a free country, bound by no master other the the gods we pray to. I've also heard that our friends to the south, Norwick, have enacted a law just like this.

    Spread the word, good citizens. That any slave in hiding from his or her master is welcome in Peltarch and in Norwick. For one step in either place means automatic freedom. One step in either means a fresh start at a new life, free of the whip.

    Sancturary will be found amongst those on the surface, and all shall have their freedom. Narfell is a -free- country, and we should work to make it completely so.

    Glory to Peltarch, to Norwick, and to all in Narfell who believe in freedom.

    After his small speech, Ronan steps down from the rant stand. He hangs around for a few moments to see if there are any comments or questions, if not, he takes his leave.

  • @b2e5d7a3af=ArUlric:

    Meanwhile, far off, a certain dwarven priestess of Umberlee piously drowns a kitten in the bitterly cold waters of Her shrine, earnestly petitioning the Bitch Queen to accept her mewing sacrifice and teach the stinking fisherfolk of Peltarch a lesson by sweeping one of their faithless number into her numbing depths, in vengeance for their heathen, fearless ways. While the little sodden body bobs in the waters, she hoots and cackles and repairs to a table, for a drop o' rum and a crunch of ship's biscuit. Merciful indeed…

    // 😧 poor Kitten!

  • After being told the reason behind all the derision, the old priest manages to smile. He knows they heard him and understood his message well enough to laugh at it. His smile is not as broad as it could be, for his is a heart with many concerns. He returns to the Temple for his prayers in relative silence, bearing all the ridicule quite gracefully.

  • Meanwhile, far off, a certain dwarven priestess of Umberlee piously drowns a kitten in the bitterly cold waters of Her shrine, earnestly petitioning the Bitch Queen to accept her mewing sacrifice and teach the stinking fisherfolk of Peltarch a lesson by sweeping one of their faithless number into her numbing depths, in vengeance for their heathen, fearless ways. While the little sodden body bobs in the waters, she hoots and cackles and repairs to a table, for a drop o' rum and a crunch of ship's biscuit. Merciful indeed…

  • After a bout of laughter equally helpless to John's, Sabre wheezes in enough breath to shout:

    "Aye aye! We need more Mercy in Peltarch!"

  • Wren, passing through Peltarch with a distracted expression, listens to the sermon keeping a carefully straight face, then goes off to speak to the Father.

  • Legion

    A scruffy haired beggar stands from his usual spot in the market place to listen to the sermon. He nods softly as the priest concludes his address. He is pierced, but not discouraged or surprised by the laughter his sermon brought fourth.

  • even senria, who happened to catch only part of it, seems very amused by this speech for some odd reason or another, chuckling to herself before shaking her head and wandering off

  • ::Mariston watches the priest of Ilmater with respect, seeing the two laughing, he frowns a moment. Then taking a quill and parchment from a bag writes a short note. This he then passes to Lisa of the guards and to a Defender, his frown leaving him as he passes on the missive soon turning to a broad and merry smile as he regards the two::

  • @e6ada048ef=Wywernywin:

    ::John blinks, looks at the man… then begins an uncontrollable fit of laughter:: Buwahahahahahh!

    Kayden, standing not far away from John, joins in on the laughter, finding it all too hilarious for some reason

  • ::John blinks, looks at the man… then begins an uncontrollable fit of laughter:: Buwahahahahahh!

  • Father Raldi takes the stand once again to deliver this sermon:

    Mercy is the calm after the storm and the peace that follows. Mercy is bane to Cruelty and boon to Kindness. Mercy is part of the foundation of Life, along with Hope, Faith, Kindness, and Sacrifice. Without Mercy, blood is spilled endlessly. Without Mercy, no heart can remain light. With Mercy comes peace and solace. With Mercy comes calm and serenity. Mercy eases burdens and lifts spirits. Mercy is the birth of Hope and companion to Kindness. No saint or man of the cloth must one be to bestow the light of Mercy. Radiant, like the sun, is the man who treats his fellow-man with Mercy.

    I am Tyrald Rythen, priest of Ilmater, the Broken God, and I beseech you to have mercy upon your fellow-man.

    Take solace in Ilmater’s mercy, for the Broken One is ever merciful.

    With that, Father Raldi takes his leave.

  • A gleaming armored Sunite paladin gets up on the stand.

    Excuse me folks! Has anyone heard the name Baltassa? No, it's very important. I need information on someone named Baltassa. Lives are at stake. About fifty of them, give or take one.