Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro
tyler is seen in the early mornings of the day beating on the combat dummys with his sword going through manouvers with himself
Albryanna is seen taking the newest recruit Grif (Unknown Traveller) and three dwarves, Bagnar Steelfist, Colin Nighteyes, and Tornar RedAnvil, out southwest into the forest. The cries and screams of fallen goblins fill the woods, swiftly followed by the yells and growls of dieing bugbears. The troup returned looking barely scathed, and Albry immidiately strides towards the barracks.
Grif reports for duty.
((We will skip, a lot of real life has shown up recently))
When the ragged trainees and Militia arrives back in town as the sun rises, Mord is there for morning muster. He looks over the squads and nods once and gestures at a man off to the side. Unknown Traveller, Grif, steps forward
Our newest trainee could not make the last trainning exercise but I am sure ye will bring him inot the fold. New duty rosters have been posted, ye may wnt ta look em over afore gettin cleaned up.After a prolonged silence Mord focuses back on them I hope this exercise will nay have to be soon repeated.
Officers, they be yers.
After seeing Celestria chain herself to small group as well, Adrian seems to find a new breath and smile, squaring his shoulders and looking a lot more motivated.. for some reason.
"Come on then, friends. This chain is hardly as short as it would appear. All we need to do is find our step, and practice our formations, and have the discipline to stand together, and move in the same direction.
One of us will need to lead, and make these decisions. "
Dietrick attempts to guage safety distance as well, making slow arcs with his sword around and putting himself at the measured distance enough to swing his sword away from each. He simply gives an agreeable nod to Andrew and Celestria's words. The hin who uses nimbleness and speed in battle simply look once at the chains that restrict his movement and begins to think, seemingly trying to come up with some sort of strategy.
Raxia watches them all closely sometimes holding the bar that turns into her sword but refrainign from helping the other teams as she stands there under the command. It appears as if perhaps she had failed in soem task similar before and if you are clsoe enough you can hear her teeth grinding and see her knuckles white with hate
*Andrew stands at attention and shows no emotion as Celestria speaks of the positions of each of them. He then hands the chains and manacles, one to Dietrick and one to Adrian, then holds out his arms for them to fasten them on to him. “We might as well begin acting as a team now.” After they are fastened he turns and listens to the conversation between Celestria and Adrian, noting Dietrick’s dumbfounded then dazed look. He states openly to them all. “Twill be new for us all, but I shall place trust in each of you to do your part in keeping us alive, as will I trust myself to do the same for you. Needless to state, it shall be an interesting week.”
He looks to Celestria as she speaks yet again lofting a brow at her chaining herself to them as well. “Very well m’lady, I plan on staying and living. My suggestion would be that we all stay alert and start with devising a way not to kill each other in the midst of battle.” He then shows how much distance he has between his arms, using his shield and weapon slowly and carefully. He stretches out his sword and makes a slow motion slice towards Adrian and Dietrick and then her. “I shall know at all times where each of you are in battle and stay this distance from you if possible. If I cannot, I shall not swing in your direction, I will alter my swing path to avoid you. My shield will be used for you as well if we are close together as I will be trying to deflect incoming blows. Be prepared for it so it does not become a hindrance to you. It is large and will protect us all to some degree. I would ask that each of you find your safety zones as well and show us where your swing paths are. I do not wish to be stabbed or interfere with your swings.”
He then waits for responses and to see the safety zones of each one.
((If people would like, I'll be home all weekend + Monday, so if enough of you guys can log on, maybe we could RP some of this?))
- A message is passed to the leaders*
The patrol will move out and head north and spend the firts night in the hills just north of the north gates. How you go about spendin the first night there is yer issue.
((this does not need to be overlong, Just give me a couple sentences on any guard rotations, fire or not, tents, location on the hill, whatever you may deem inportant.))
((Teams are:
Kresha Vinland–Kelinar Thund, Tyler Wefneran, Friend, Kastin
Celestria--Adrew Tormier, Dietrick Maldspeaf, Adrian "Silverbolt" PetrarchAlbryanna and Raxia will just be observing and making sure nothing goes amiss.
Hope all confussion is gone now.
// ok jut s NO one is confused cn you please list the group thanks
Once they have finished chaining themselves, Celestria again addresses them.
"For the next 5 days, we will eat together, sleep together, learn together, walk together, run together, fight together and if you do not listen, we will die together."
She pulls from her pack another set of chains and manacles and places them on herself, then chaining them to the others. She stands looking at them for a long moment assessingly.
"This is not meant to be easy, it is not GOING to be easy. It will test your meddle and your loyalty and devotion to being the best you can in protecting the realms of Norwick. Those people look to us to defend their homes, their children, their loved ones, all that they have. We cannot do that running around like a bunch of unorganized, untrained and undisciplined… let us just say I have seen the goblins more organized in their attacks at times. I expect that by the time this training is over, there will be a high level of trust among us as well as a renewed understanding of what it means to defend the innocent of Norwick."
She folds her arms and stands looking at them through slightly narrowed eyes.
"All I have heard from you so far is whining. Not a single thought on how to make this work. I am putting MY life on the line to teach you. Any of you who do not have the guts or will to protect Norwick speak now."
Dietrick is seen carrying a purely dumbfounded stunted look at being chained together and made to follow back in the rear. He says nothing however….... but he could be seen falling into a daze for a minute then shaking his head and moving off with the group.
((for those wondering what he day dreamed about : a menacing goblin caster taunting and smirking at him evily as he casts fireball and evard's tentacles at the slow moving cannon fodder….......... and him walking towards an incoming fireball helplessly.............))
Albryanna exchanges a quiet conversation with Elyl, nodding slowly. She gives him a soft pat on the shoulder and makes her way over to his team.
Due to recent events, Senior Guardsman Elyl has turned his command over.
She glances over to Kresha.
Guardswoman Kresha shall be your leader.
She looks to the last trainee, Kastin, and gives him a simple nod, motioning him over. She quietly chains him with the others.
You've already recieved your lecture from Elyl, so I'll spare you of another. You know what is expected of you.
She looks to Kresha, moving to the side.
She then quietly walks around the groups, inspecting all trainees and making sure all is prepaired.
Elyl goes to find another Guardsman to look after the team he assembled and explains to the Guardsman that another more pressing issue has arisen
OOC: ((Sorry all, going to take a break from playing for a bit. :? I'm just not in the spirit of the game right now.
I'll turn my team over to anyone who wants one, i.e.; Kresha, Albryanna or Raxia)) :oops:
Celestria listens to what Adrian has to say quietly. Upon his finish, she addresses his concerns
"Think, recruit! Those chains are in a straight line. Just because you WALK in the middle does not mean you FIGHT in the middle. Back to back works quite nicely AND allows you the edge of catching enemies that come from all sides, mm? Besides that recruit, you are not shackled a foot apart. You have plenty of room to move about but while in transit, you will stay in the order given!"
After having been securely shackled into the middle, Adrian is starting to have second thoughts.
"I am not entirely certain if this is all such a good idea. It is one thing to learn to work together, it is another to be cut down together. I can barely move my swordarm this way, let alone swing it without decapitating Dietrick."
*Celestria is already at the north gates by the time the first of her team arrives. Chains and manacles are laid out on the ground. She gives the order for them to form up then walks in front of them, checking armor and weapons for cleanliness and overall condition.
With a nod, she stops in front of them, hands clasped behind her back.*
"You all heard what Colonel Mord stated and his wishes for this training mission. I am not hear to coddle you or to heal you. I am here to teach you the importance and tactics of working as a team.
Andrew will be leading you in position. Adrian will come second in line and Dietrick will follow in the rear. Now chain up and work together!"
She takes a step back and watches them assessingly, noting small things and large alike, she whispers to the Guards at the gate while watching them.
"Eeeeeeeep…" that was the only sound that came from the hin as he scrambles to gather up rations and supplies for a five day trip, packing them professionally into a leather backpack he slings on his back. He then returns and stands to attention in front of Celestria, looking cutish and all ready for battle: his armour, equipment all well tied and neatly packed onto his body.