::Rumors heard in the Lucky Ferret::

  • _Originally planned for the fields outside the fair city, this years Greengrass festival was held in the Ferret's basement, where platforms and fires had been rigged for the daring "Jump over the Chasm" event, in which contestants were to swing across ever widening distances, using a whip to gain purchase on the roof beams. The festival was held completely in a whip theme, with the melee disarming contest as the main event. Hosts Pavel and Sabre, as usual outfitted in striking blue outfits, welcomed all visitors upstairs before kicking the festival off.

    True to festivals of old, a special outfit had been designed for all contestants, though the rather revealing cut and sparseness of actual cloth apparantly turned some of the more prude visitors off the idea of participating. Multiple champion of past festivals, Ginger Tealeaf, was particularily missed, as no costume produced would appear to fit her slim form. Shy ranger Thorn spent the evening covering his elven eyes from possible corruption, blushing all the way to his eartips, while his fellow Wolf Rhistin threw herself into the contests with enthusiasm, winning a prize in the chasm jump and doing well in melee too.

    After a slow start with a certain amount of tension between hostess Sabre and the paladin Elenwyd, the festival finally picked up speed with the arrival of Kull, who threw himself into the melee whipping with enthusiasm and great skill, beating the Ferret's ofttime champion Winter. Another memorable match was that between husband and wife Alexi and Senria, where it was firmly established that the former is indeed whipped. The elf Pylith held firm to her whip, but dropped down due to exhaustion against the mercenary Gert. Much cracking of whips later, Senria took the crown as Queen o' Whips, as Legion duties called the mighty Kull away from the festivities.

    After the brave souls left swung across the chasm, the evening rounded off with some friendly fights in the pit, after which the crowd dispersed. Sabre and Pavel drank, danced and gambled the rest of the night away in the good company of Alexi, Senria and Kaona._

    //Big kudos to those of the participants that made the Day of the Whip fun, despite numerous difficulties in the planning and execution of the event. Thank you also to Salsadoom and DrDreadlock for their help in setting things up.

  • Rumour spreads slowly about strange occurances in the fighting pit, involving the Ferret's own employee Winter, aswell as Pavel, Ronan and Sabre. During a friendly bout, it is said darkness suddenly spread throughout the arena. What happened next is unclear, but shouting and a scuffle of some sort reportedly followed, soon after which Ronan was spotted running upstairs and out into the night, a beautiful dagger floating before him in a magical grip. A short while afterwards, Sabre came running too, leaving in just as much of a hurry. The two returned some hour later at a much more leasurely rate, though wearing rather grave and worried expressions. The entire party was later seen upstairs, drinking the night away in somber spirits.

  • It seems Winter has taken up temporary residence in the Ferret Fighting Pit. Posters put up around the place announce that she will pay anyone who wishes to fight her. 50g if she wins, 100g if they do.

  • Anyone pointing Dentin out to the Seafarers in the Ferret can expect an alekeg flying his way, when spotted by any donned in black and golden colorings down at the Ferret Inn. Apparantly such talk and promotion of said organization is not taken well by the ever present sailors in the inn.

  • Dentin is pointed to the Seafarers Guild or the Wavebreakers, depending on who he asks.

  • Lately, Dentin has been carpenters and shipwrights in the docks, as well as known merchant captains. Apparantly he is looking into the cost of buying a ship, or having one built. Could it be that Dentin is looking to get his feet wet in the shipping business?

  • Patrons at the Ferret murmur about the Dockmaster making a rather unusual appearance at the establishment, wishing to make an inspection of some sort. After a brief conversation with Black Sails captain Drelan Ashire, the man and his seafarer guards left the premises, presumably to return.

  • //uhm.. guesso lol (like i said i haven't played for 2 rl years, i kinda forgot some details)

  • //um isn't 2 real years more like 24 game years?!! blinks

  • Rumor has it that the Bard called Richal Benders came back to the town, untill now no-one has seen him yet though. He's been gone for more then 2 years.

    // I haven't played on this server for 2 years, and I requested to bring Richal Benders back

  • _Fighting in the Ferret never gets old, it seems. Another night, another fight. This time it didn't go as well for brawlers, Pavel was first beaten by Ronan's spells and later by an excellent staff-fighter. Said staff fighter was so good, she could only be beaten by the combined efforts in a group fight of five against two.

    Other fights included a half hearted attempt of two young women, a full armored fighter taking on the staff woman and a Cerulean fighting the armored man. Generally the mood seemed good and more focused on the things to learn than on competition._

  • Rumour has it that a recent bout of scantily clad fighting at the Ferret drew quite the crowd, including drunken merchants, a pair of noble looking ladies and none other than Rath Ashald, for once without his advisor in tow. Looking to be in a carefree and magnanimous mood, Rath Ashald offered contestants and onlookers to sample his new favourite drink, "wale", apparantly a rather gruesome mix of wine and ale. The news of the senator's advisor looking for him put a damper on the celebrations though, and with the help of the Ferret's employees, the illustrious guest and his guards slipped out the back door.

  • There's an anticipatory buzz at the Ferret as the time for the fighting tournament approaches. Sabre flits about, discussing details with Anah and the guest of honour Gargothis, making the final preparations for the fight.

    //Event set for Sunday the third of June, eight o'clock in the evening GMT!

  • A new face is seen at the Lucky Ferret lately - a pit fighter of some repute, going by the name of Gargothis the Undefeated. The fighter seems in possession of quite the ego, but his performances in the Jiyyd arena seems to indicate that there is indeed good cause to boast. Enjoying the house's finest wines and the best room, Gargothis awaits a new set of challengers within the month.

  • A queer looking hin can be seen spending his time in Ferret. The burlesque atmosphered establishment, under new manage is rather fond of the half sized customer whom seems to almost live at the Ferret. The workers are told to play nice with the little guy and many have gotten to know him.


    He seems to love the poker tables and spends most of his time at the tables. night times he spends at the bar, the drinks pour all night and Spaten begins to middle with the local dock worker and the women who love them. The little guy started to scare some of the locals away after the first weekend, as he abruptly stopped waring his hood. Rumors spead as no one could remember ever seeing him without it. The most hardened of sailor were the only friendly drinking crowd he could join, as they accepted his disfigurement as many of them had their own uglies.

    While among this old group of salt dogs Spaten seems merely to be enjoying some vacation, but the little hin has motives beside escaping his life for a few weeks. During his time spend at the Lucky Ferret, most during the nights, Spaten asks almost everyone he comes into contact with about a certain person. He asks about a sailor Named Stan and his where abouts in general. Being very mechanical about his questioning, always asking the same questions but never in the same way. Changing his reasons and wording often enough to throw off the occasional "why do you want to know these things" replies.

  • Rumor spreads the Lucky Ferret has a new owner. She is short, has red hair, and is often a b*tch. And they are not talking about Gildor for a change. Oh yeah.. and blah, blah, blah… Drelan... runs it or something another. Which is not really as important and pretty vague and fuzzy.. since he is in jail.

  • There are rumours among Lucky Ferret patrons about the upcoming festival in the Silver Valley. They say that Juster, Gonnar and Ginger have planned a scavenger hunt and archery contest for the event. Even tallfolks are welcome to participate.

    ((Event is scheduled for next Satuday. Start time TBA.))

  • Word reaches Peltarch that the smallfolk festival in the Silver Valley is over, and that a human named Paci won the pie-eating contest. Some folks chuckle when they hear that young mother Ragnhild beat out several burly dwarves and seasoned fighters to win the boxing match. There's also some talk that a hin bard by the name of Jockser Tealeaf won the stone-throwing competition. General consensus is that folks had a good time and are looking forward to the next festival.

  • Rumours of the smallfolk festival in the Silver Valley appear to be true. Smallfolk pass through town and head south to the valley in search of available inn rooms and camping sites. The festivities are planned to begin within the tenday.

    ((Scheduled for 2pm Eastern this Saturday))

  • A hin woman was seen visiting with Anah and getting her usual - chicken dinners to go. She was overheard excitedly telling Anah and the Lucky Ferret cook about the upcoming festival in the Silver Valley. She made mention that everyone is welcome to come and participate, and there will be contests of skill, prizes, travelling merchants, and plenty of good food and drink.

    ((Festival in the valley is this Saturday. More details to come.))