::Rumors heard in the Lucky Ferret::
Rumors abound of a dirty old sailor recently being attacked in the docks district by an angry flock of birds. Whether the man did something to aggravate the birds or if the birds have taken to more thuggish acts of random violence is anyone's guess.
_A call for adventurer's work attracted quite a diverse group to Peltarch, ranging from the stout and strong Jirka, over sneaky, roguish Amy, green-haired senator Eowiel to towering tall Rhyn and even a quiet, green man. But even though white haired Ronan showed up, none could measure up to the glittering sight of the employer - Colacarius. Known is only that he was looking for an extremely rare item which was guarded, so the rumor has it, by two dragons. Despite such gossip, the group took off after they had agreed that Black Sails Lieutenant Sabre would lead the expedition.
They returned a good while later, their clothes covered in various kinds of dirts, from the more mundane mud, to a vomit-greenish dust that had settled all over the clothes. But they seemed in good health, and in good spirits, spinning a tale about how they were offered a kingdom but just seized the crown and took off with the pretty, gem adorned thing. Some people might suggest that that happens if you're in love and slay a dragon - or two? - you can't possibly marry the princess - or the 'prince', can you?_
((Thanks for the fun, everyone.
Confusing most of the time, hilarious at other moments… In short: great! ^^))
_Near the west gate of Peltarch, a bright blue light was seen near the strange glowing tree. Several loud, what appeared to be, explosions were heard.
A few moments later, a red-headed bard girl was seen with a young white haired man leaning against her. The man seemed pale and in very poor shape._
Rumor floats in of a vision witnessed describing a naval battle from the docks of Peltarch. The soldier ghosts appeared to be fending off what they referred to as a battalion from Hoarsgate. The battle and ballista raged as the men launched what they had remaining at the attackers. In a last ditch effort given through the sudden arrival of a seemingly more noble man, they launched pots full of snakes at the ships. Apparently this had the desired shock effect, and the illusory ships' crews jumped overboard, saving the city.
A certain red headed bard has been seen and heard asking about old war and ship stories around the docks. She has been seen looking for older sailors and other salty dogs that might be likely to spin a yarn for the perky or pesky bard.
// Dentin obviously wouldn't "hang out" at the Ferret, but since it's the Docks topic, I thought I'd post it here.
Considerably less polite, Sabre snickers with some patrons about the incident, apparantly quite amused by the Gondar's misfortune. She comments in a not so quiet tone that no true sailor would harbour the misconception that they can conquer the waves, and no sane one would willingly travel the seas with someone that openly defies the Queen in such a manner as Dentin.
"He better be payin' a damn fortune if he expects any captain ta risk their ship an' their crew's lives fer tha sake o' his own damn pride. It's one thing ta have convictions, another altagether ta expect others ta die fer em. Cowardice me arse."
Pavel approaches Dentin and urges him politely and quietly to take such talk out of the Ferret. For his own sake.
_Rumours spread trough the docks and further into the city, of how Dentin, the elven warrior Ridian, the southener Cyrian, and a few others, left on a ship bound for Chessenta. However, during the same day still, they returned to Peltarch. Half of the ship's sails had been burned, and the crew carried its captain to the temple, looking downright frightened.
There is talk of an attack by a ship manned by undead, and the ship's first mate was quick to point a shakey finger of blame at Dentin's presence aboard.Dentin for his part seems to regard the attack with part frustration, part pride.
"So the Bitch Queen has seen the need to dispatch such powerful minions, in a vain attempt to intimidate me. I am flattered that I have risen to become such a threat that I warrant this level of attention.
I mourn the death of the brave captain, that stood unafraid in the face of evil, and died a free woman. Yet it angers me to see her crew betray her legacy with such cowardice, as to turn and flee with tail between legs at the first adversity. The man who lets his fear shackle him, will be a slave forever. Such is the fate of cowards.And so I must now find a new ship, and a new crew.. and hopefully I will find one of true sailors, unafraid of water._
_Originally planned for the fields outside the fair city, this years Greengrass festival was held in the Ferret's basement, where platforms and fires had been rigged for the daring "Jump over the Chasm" event, in which contestants were to swing across ever widening distances, using a whip to gain purchase on the roof beams. The festival was held completely in a whip theme, with the melee disarming contest as the main event. Hosts Pavel and Sabre, as usual outfitted in striking blue outfits, welcomed all visitors upstairs before kicking the festival off.
True to festivals of old, a special outfit had been designed for all contestants, though the rather revealing cut and sparseness of actual cloth apparantly turned some of the more prude visitors off the idea of participating. Multiple champion of past festivals, Ginger Tealeaf, was particularily missed, as no costume produced would appear to fit her slim form. Shy ranger Thorn spent the evening covering his elven eyes from possible corruption, blushing all the way to his eartips, while his fellow Wolf Rhistin threw herself into the contests with enthusiasm, winning a prize in the chasm jump and doing well in melee too.
After a slow start with a certain amount of tension between hostess Sabre and the paladin Elenwyd, the festival finally picked up speed with the arrival of Kull, who threw himself into the melee whipping with enthusiasm and great skill, beating the Ferret's ofttime champion Winter. Another memorable match was that between husband and wife Alexi and Senria, where it was firmly established that the former is indeed whipped. The elf Pylith held firm to her whip, but dropped down due to exhaustion against the mercenary Gert. Much cracking of whips later, Senria took the crown as Queen o' Whips, as Legion duties called the mighty Kull away from the festivities.
After the brave souls left swung across the chasm, the evening rounded off with some friendly fights in the pit, after which the crowd dispersed. Sabre and Pavel drank, danced and gambled the rest of the night away in the good company of Alexi, Senria and Kaona._
//Big kudos to those of the participants that made the Day of the Whip fun, despite numerous difficulties in the planning and execution of the event. Thank you also to Salsadoom and DrDreadlock for their help in setting things up.
Rumour spreads slowly about strange occurances in the fighting pit, involving the Ferret's own employee Winter, aswell as Pavel, Ronan and Sabre. During a friendly bout, it is said darkness suddenly spread throughout the arena. What happened next is unclear, but shouting and a scuffle of some sort reportedly followed, soon after which Ronan was spotted running upstairs and out into the night, a beautiful dagger floating before him in a magical grip. A short while afterwards, Sabre came running too, leaving in just as much of a hurry. The two returned some hour later at a much more leasurely rate, though wearing rather grave and worried expressions. The entire party was later seen upstairs, drinking the night away in somber spirits.
It seems Winter has taken up temporary residence in the Ferret Fighting Pit. Posters put up around the place announce that she will pay anyone who wishes to fight her. 50g if she wins, 100g if they do.
Anyone pointing Dentin out to the Seafarers in the Ferret can expect an alekeg flying his way, when spotted by any donned in black and golden colorings down at the Ferret Inn. Apparantly such talk and promotion of said organization is not taken well by the ever present sailors in the inn.
Dentin is pointed to the Seafarers Guild or the Wavebreakers, depending on who he asks.
Lately, Dentin has been carpenters and shipwrights in the docks, as well as known merchant captains. Apparantly he is looking into the cost of buying a ship, or having one built. Could it be that Dentin is looking to get his feet wet in the shipping business?
Patrons at the Ferret murmur about the Dockmaster making a rather unusual appearance at the establishment, wishing to make an inspection of some sort. After a brief conversation with Black Sails captain Drelan Ashire, the man and his seafarer guards left the premises, presumably to return.
//uhm.. guesso lol (like i said i haven't played for 2 rl years, i kinda forgot some details)
//um isn't 2 real years more like 24 game years?!! blinks
Rumor has it that the Bard called Richal Benders came back to the town, untill now no-one has seen him yet though. He's been gone for more then 2 years.
// I haven't played on this server for 2 years, and I requested to bring Richal Benders back
_Fighting in the Ferret never gets old, it seems. Another night, another fight. This time it didn't go as well for brawlers, Pavel was first beaten by Ronan's spells and later by an excellent staff-fighter. Said staff fighter was so good, she could only be beaten by the combined efforts in a group fight of five against two.
Other fights included a half hearted attempt of two young women, a full armored fighter taking on the staff woman and a Cerulean fighting the armored man. Generally the mood seemed good and more focused on the things to learn than on competition._