Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • A large contingent of Black Sails were recently seen gathered by Captain Ashire's ship the Tinieblas. The tension appeared high amongst the crew, most of whom were armed to the teeth. After some debate, the group caught the ferry to Peltarch, returning a few days later in scattered numbers.

  • A very tall woman, with braids adorned with feathers, wearing mirror finished plate mail was seen about Oscura, frantically asking for Nicahh. She was seen combing the city for a couple of hours before departing, obviously in distress.

  • Rumors spread throughout Oscura of an old man and his chest. Though that sounds rather dull and bland to spread rumors about, it is what was in the chest that has many Oscurian's whispering. Some say the chest was left in a room at the Shiny Coppers and opened up a portal that may have been connected to the Well. Some also say recognizable citizens like Nicahh and Drelan were sucked into the portal, while others speak of the old man that caused the fuss was seen bolting from the inn and straight to the west gate and into the Hellmouth.

  • A week or a couple of days prior to Kel'ra's appearance on the veritable doorstep to Oscura, trouble of a different and presumably non-related nature turned up in the very same spot. Aggressive Kua Toa are said to have attacked a small party in the Raven Rift, leaving one hin woman dead. A larger party arrived a short while later, fighting not only Kua Toa but supposedly also some strange looking floating metallic contraptions. The rattled guards at the gate searched a few party members before they entered the city proper, a tall blonde striding ahead to the healers, carrying the small body of the fallen hin.

  • _Recently banned Kel'ra has been spotted near the gates to Oscura. Some say he came to talk, but certainly a fight broke lose. A while later, a bloodied group of sails and some other people make their way into town - none dead, but quite a few almost so. They speak of powerful magics and the man running from them eventually, leaving walls of whirling blades to cover his escape. They chased him to the surface when they gave up the seemingly fruitless struggle, as even the magics of a powerful wizard didn't seem able to injure or slow the infamous Kel'ra.

    The group proceeds to the docks in a dark mood, and then make their escape to the coppers where they disappear into the backroom with lots of booze. A few of the sails are later seen heading out the west gate to return after a while heavily laden down with kuo toan booty, but their mood remains dark._

  • Rumours spread like brushfire throughout Oscura as Thuggrim the Crimson stands a silent vigil at the Well, seemingly in deep conversation with some unknown party. Locals are sure that he has not eaten or slept in days, and curiously his hands cradle what appears to be a large red eye, which he stops to stare at constantly during his periodic ramblings.

  • There is talk of a very pale, almost undead-looking man who has been around Oscura recently attempting to socialize with citizens of the forgotten city. Some say he asked repeatedly about what it would take to become a Blooded, and also inquired as to who might be willing to take him to the undercity for the initiation process

  • The blooded Hin Spaten Masten can be seen visiting the monk temple, seeking training in the art of combat. frequently the woman Amywen can be seen with him, both learning to have more combat prowless. The two also make trips to the peltarch fighter's academy, making guest apperances as sparing partners for the students.

  • The buzz is all around the Coppers about a murder of a blooded taking place in one of the rooms. A small group of grim-faced Black Sails hurried upstairs after exchanging insistant words with Jario about a crewmember gone missing. A few moments later, Sabre and Pavel left the inn to return with Father Dagon, their mood appearing even darker. The group reemerged downstairs after a few hours, Captain Ashire leading a shaken looking blonde woman by the arm.

  • _Apparently the presence of Kuo Toa in the cave leading to the surface isn't limited to merely their weakest and smallest. A group of Sails seem to be deep in conversation about an attack on them as they made their way down to Oscura. Mentioned are several kuo toa armed with axes just as much as the wielding of lightning magic. The small group of Sails seem to have suffered little more than one or two cuts, and mostly just scratches, but even though their mood has taken a clear shift to ponderous and dark as they make their way to the warehouse in the docks.

    A few moments later a larger group is seen reemerging the warehouse, dripping wet and their spirits ever darker, their voices hushed as they argue among themselves, glaring often at their warehouse or to the west - where the Kuo Toans might have their lair._

  • Sabre Seesaw and a host of the Black Sails crew emerge from time to time from the warehouse, scantily clad and dripping wet. A few drinks are ususally consumed at the dockside bar as the crew relax and let their clothes dry somewhat, before heading back inside again.

  • Seems the Koa toa attacked the area near Oscura by the gate. Seems t his is not the first time of late, this time the attack being repelled by an already wounded tribune Drelan Ashire, a vieled woman, and the oscuran guards. However, one koa toa more powerful than has been seen perhaps by anyone broke through the gates almost effortlessly and constantly retreated as if trying to get the Oscurans to follow. They didn't and she did a few more hasty attacks calling down enchantments and magical strikes. That failing she then retreated with her koa toan forces back into the chasm. Afterwards , a guard scouting determined that the tunnels had been flooded by one massive flow of water, though they were now draining slowly.

    The now very wounded tribune made his way back to the warehouse where he left seeming rather peeved.

  • Looking much more sober, Sabre and Pavel spend some time at the Coppers, apparantly planning some sort of event up north. The Black Sails Lt is bent over a battered ledger, fretting over some numbers while discussing details with her co-worker.

    "Gargothis demanded more frost wine, did he? An' free equipment maintanance.. armour oiled an' shined, axe sharpened… entertainment costs.. mmhm.. Hells, he's not tha cheapest o' guests, is he.. but a damn fine fighter, agreed. We just gotta bring in enough of a crowd, an' it'll all pay off. There must be Oscuran fighters willin' an' eager fer a chance at fame an' gold, let's spread tha word here too, aye?"

    Nodding to Pavel and exchanging a kiss or three, she continues in a slightly more distracted tone.

    "Now.. mmm, side show entertainment.. maybe? We could do that grease wrestle, always a crowd pleaser, tha'.. or if enough mages turn up, we might try tha summons fight we discussed before? Mm.. maybe we'll just take things as they come, after tha main event.."

    Hopelessly distracted from their topic, the two engage in some serious kissing before heading upstairs in a hurry.

    //Gargothis the Undefeated awaits new challengers at the Lucky Ferret Inn, Sunday 3/6 at 8 in the evening GMT - come one, come all!

  • Patrons and workers at the Coppers were recently the victims of some horrendous and very drunken singing performed by the usually cool and quiet Black Sail Pavel Amblecrown. In spite of a brave attempt at melody by the bard Elor, recently returned to the lands of Narfell, the sounds drifting from the fireside can best be described as a drunken and horny tomcat in May, meowling hoarsely at the moon and any passing female. This particular tomcat seemed content with just the one female though, spending the evening at the feet of Sabre and eventually falling asleep in her arms, much to the rest of the inn's relief.

  • Glunk and Thuggrim have been seen quite often of late, clearing out the Kuo-tua lair, with talk between them about a temple of some sort. No-one is ever sure what the Garagosians are on about, but something sure has them focused at the moment.

  • Distant rumblings and tremors in the ground are reported from the west of Oscura, seemingly originating from somewhere in or around the nearby caves. Three Black Sails exit the caves some time after the disturbances cease, looking laden with the customary Kua Toa loot. In spite of what appears a successful raid, the three seem unusually silent or perhaps troubled.

  • Recently a stranger has been spending more and more time around Oscura, the docks in particular… He is a young man, tall and with dark hair. He doesn't necessarily draw much attention to himself, save from perhaps the scrutinies of the paranoid, and the present merchants. He spends some time browsing the rarer items in stock, and when asked if searching for something in particular, he inquires about 'Rothe Cheese' for some reason. Although he refuses to buy any.

  • The whispers floating about in the darkness seem to have grown a bit more intense in the past few days time. Anyone seeming to pass near the Well of Souls is taken aback, should they take the time to listen, at the swirling confusion that hides itself within the unrest found there.

    Onlookers and gossips spending a bit of time near the well have seen a Sister of Bones moving back and forth between the Forgotten city and the Undercity moving deliberately between the crypts and some undisclosed location in the Forgotten city.

  • Mercy, the stout and usually gleeful priestess of Umberlee was recently spotted storming out of the Shining Coppers in a state of notable distress. The bluehaired fountain of mischief was pale and wild-eyed, spouting incomprehensible accusations at the Captain and Lieutenant before disappearing into the darkness of the city streets.

  • In some not so dark corners, old posters are torn down, and the following new ones appear:


    Feast of the Moon Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((Saturday, May 19th - 7 pm GMT))