Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Patrons at the Brawling Bodak might have noticed a couple of spectacular mage duels taking place in the ring recently. The sorceror Ronan faced off against the wizard Celebring in two close matches, winning one each. Some of the famed Rashma fighters also made an appearance, mostly content to watch the duels and place a few bets with eager onlooker Sabre Seesaw.

  • _It's getting passed around that some old man's been seen selling people something that makes them see terrible things.

    The queer part is, people have been asking where to find the old man, so they can get more. They're calling the stuff "Pain"._

  • Word is, the guards got into a big fight by West Gate with the things from the Well. That in itself was not so odd. What was odd was, some people swear they saw black-skinned elves out there trying to get past the guards.

  • Rumour has it the Kua Toa have become more aggressive of late, retaliating the frequent attacks by adventurers by raiding the west gate. The slaves bear the brunt of the attacks, as usual, though lately more than a few guards have fallen to the fish folk as well.

  • Regulars in the Mithril Mug report tales that a pair of Guardians cleaned out a nest of beholders near Oscura.

  • Drelan Ashire, Sabre Seesaw and the mage Ronan return from the Kua Toa lands looking somewhat frustrated, murmuring something about annoying gnomes. After exchanging brief words with the guards at the north gate, the three Sails head back to the Coppers.

  • Rumour has it that the man known by some as Ezachiel has returned to the city, and taken up residence there once more. However, he is a rare sight outside the library, where he seems to be spending almost all of his time.

  • Imperceptor Den 'Kath spent the better part of a day squiring around a foreign dignity around the city, discussing Oscura's economy and business opportunities. The dignitary seemed rather preoccupied by the foreboding presence of the Soul Well as well as the generally dusty and mildewy nature of Oscura's air and was considerably less verbose than the priest.

  • The fat dwarf Glognar is heard warning people about the ettin caves - seems there are umberhulks tunneling beneath the caves, real nasty ones too.

  • On one of her many routine inspections past the west gate, Captain Senria of the PeaceKeepers encountered some well-spawn coming out of the hole near the kua toa cave entrance. She fought against the decrepid horror for a few minutes, then retreated to regroup and warn the guards. With the aid of Drelan, Ronan, Mareann, the group stormed out, armed to the teeth, and defeated a good number of the monsters. The group then retreated so as not to lure out any more of the demons with the scent of blood….. The guards are warned and told to likewise warn blooded of the increasing activity and the need for more precautions.

  • It is rumoured that Thera de Selincourt of the Red Falcon Brotherhood has been spending quite a bit of time outside the forgotten city lately. She is apparently seeking information on the deadly fog that surrounds Norwick by night.

  • A large contingent of Black Sails were recently seen gathered by Captain Ashire's ship the Tinieblas. The tension appeared high amongst the crew, most of whom were armed to the teeth. After some debate, the group caught the ferry to Peltarch, returning a few days later in scattered numbers.

  • A very tall woman, with braids adorned with feathers, wearing mirror finished plate mail was seen about Oscura, frantically asking for Nicahh. She was seen combing the city for a couple of hours before departing, obviously in distress.

  • Rumors spread throughout Oscura of an old man and his chest. Though that sounds rather dull and bland to spread rumors about, it is what was in the chest that has many Oscurian's whispering. Some say the chest was left in a room at the Shiny Coppers and opened up a portal that may have been connected to the Well. Some also say recognizable citizens like Nicahh and Drelan were sucked into the portal, while others speak of the old man that caused the fuss was seen bolting from the inn and straight to the west gate and into the Hellmouth.

  • A week or a couple of days prior to Kel'ra's appearance on the veritable doorstep to Oscura, trouble of a different and presumably non-related nature turned up in the very same spot. Aggressive Kua Toa are said to have attacked a small party in the Raven Rift, leaving one hin woman dead. A larger party arrived a short while later, fighting not only Kua Toa but supposedly also some strange looking floating metallic contraptions. The rattled guards at the gate searched a few party members before they entered the city proper, a tall blonde striding ahead to the healers, carrying the small body of the fallen hin.

  • _Recently banned Kel'ra has been spotted near the gates to Oscura. Some say he came to talk, but certainly a fight broke lose. A while later, a bloodied group of sails and some other people make their way into town - none dead, but quite a few almost so. They speak of powerful magics and the man running from them eventually, leaving walls of whirling blades to cover his escape. They chased him to the surface when they gave up the seemingly fruitless struggle, as even the magics of a powerful wizard didn't seem able to injure or slow the infamous Kel'ra.

    The group proceeds to the docks in a dark mood, and then make their escape to the coppers where they disappear into the backroom with lots of booze. A few of the sails are later seen heading out the west gate to return after a while heavily laden down with kuo toan booty, but their mood remains dark._

  • Rumours spread like brushfire throughout Oscura as Thuggrim the Crimson stands a silent vigil at the Well, seemingly in deep conversation with some unknown party. Locals are sure that he has not eaten or slept in days, and curiously his hands cradle what appears to be a large red eye, which he stops to stare at constantly during his periodic ramblings.

  • There is talk of a very pale, almost undead-looking man who has been around Oscura recently attempting to socialize with citizens of the forgotten city. Some say he asked repeatedly about what it would take to become a Blooded, and also inquired as to who might be willing to take him to the undercity for the initiation process

  • The blooded Hin Spaten Masten can be seen visiting the monk temple, seeking training in the art of combat. frequently the woman Amywen can be seen with him, both learning to have more combat prowless. The two also make trips to the peltarch fighter's academy, making guest apperances as sparing partners for the students.

  • The buzz is all around the Coppers about a murder of a blooded taking place in one of the rooms. A small group of grim-faced Black Sails hurried upstairs after exchanging insistant words with Jario about a crewmember gone missing. A few moments later, Sabre and Pavel left the inn to return with Father Dagon, their mood appearing even darker. The group reemerged downstairs after a few hours, Captain Ashire leading a shaken looking blonde woman by the arm.