Whispers at the Fire
Neal, student of the Keep, has been seen training with the scouts and guards, teaching them valuable battle tactics to work along with other mages in a healthy and productive manner. This includes such things as teaching them the sting of a lightning bolt spell, how to get out of the way when one needs to be cast and how to recognize when a certain spell is going to be cast, even though one may not entirely be able to determine the exact spell.
One of the lessons he gives is on how to recognize certain spells by the colour of energy surrounding a mage. The elemental colours usually indicate an evocation spell, such as orange for a fire spell, green for a water spell, yellow for an air spell, and brown for an earth spell. If there is no elemental colour then the mage is likely casting an illusion or enchantment spell. If it has a black or red glow it is probably a necromantic spell. If it is white energy it is probably a protective or healing spell. Blue energy is energy from the Weave and usually indicates a spell that will be impossible to avoid.
While sitting around the fire at the South gate, Kresha hears the account of the night of demons and exclaims, "I was there too! …and I don't recall any Kendra being in the group...as a matter of fact, I don't recall hearing of a Kendra in Norwick at all."
Dwin smiles as the rest of the story is told.
…it should be noted that Locrian and Elyl, both of the Mighty Norwick Militia, fought hard and were instrumental in the vicotry. They received a bit extra in their weekly pay for their efforts on this day.
((I'll do it
_After the Hezrou was killed at the south gate, another group went out to the west Rawlins to close the portal that was summoning this demons. When they arrived at the spot, they were met with many succubi and incubi. Many came close to falling to these first wave of demons, though no one did.
Guarding the portal was a spider as large as a house! No one dared get close, so mages and the one druid threw fire and lightning at it, eventually bringing it belly side up. After the spider was killed, another demon appeared, similiar of that to a Hezrou, but much stronger. A long battle took place between the group and the demon, it seemed to last a few hours with both parties pecking at each other with spells and… caltrops.
At last it was killed... but it was not over yet. While no one was looking, a gnome mage tried to kill Lucidious. The group ran up to rescue the poor chancellor. The gnome mage put up a hard fight, until it was rammed against the wall by a druid shifted into a great bear.
The heroes suffered little losses. Only Locrian and Paiden were slain in the entire onslaught of the demons. Both are now revived and resting. As for the chancellor, he managed to escape the gnome in one piece._
//ooc - I don't know what ever happened with the next party that went out after my rumours above ended as I logged but I know Dwin went out with others and apparently there was more that happened afterwards… perhaps Dwin can post some further rumours?//
Dwin hears the rumor as he is still nursing his wounds from the demons and comments:
What the fark am I, Chopped Liver?
Local Norwickians had quite the scare and can't seem to stop talking about it. Apparently the Chancellor Lucidious, Militiaman Elyl, Sywyn, Kendra, Onyx and Paiden all took a walk through the Rawlins to the Far Northwest section. After having an enjoyable time on the walk killing goblins and beetles that stood in their way they suddenly came across some undead at the top of the cliffs there. Striking down the undead with ease they then found themselves facing a powerful succubus. The party took on smart tactics with Elyl taking the succubus on directly while the other party stood back with bows and spells attacking from a distance. Apparently this was working quite well and they were overcoming the succubus after great effort… but little did they know that two Incubus would suddenly appear! Instantly after appearing right in front of young Paiden an Incubus cast a spell upon her killing her instantly. Rumour has it that the rest of the party made a hasty retreat with Onyx nearly succumbing herself! On the way back they ran into Wolf who preceded to return to the area and strike down the two Incubus out there before having to retreat. After Lucidious had delivered Paiden's body to the Friars and saw her raised back to the mortal realm, he met back up with Wolf and the two of them returned to the evil in the Rawlings. It is said that they fought hard but during the fighting with the Succubus and other undead found themselves face to face with a Hezrou demon! Lucidious had to fall back and was looking for help when Wolf came running through the South Gates himself with a Succubus and the Hezrou hot on his tail! Various adventurers including the resurrected Paiden, Sywyn, Wolf, Lucidious, Call, Rose, and the Nars Tradesman all took the fight to the demons and finally were able to bring them down. The talk is that Wolf bravely did most of the fighting and the damage aided by the others various spells. This epic battle saved the town of Norwick by these horribly evil demons. People discussing this rumour are also raising concerns of the Balor that was spotted near the crossroads. Balor's are known to call Hezrou's into this plain... perhaps the Balor is to blame or perhaps some evil has brought the Balor and others to our land!
Rumours continue on through the night as the adventurers involved in the battle reflect, rest and heal.
A normally quiet and reserved Elyl was seen at the Boarshead being more outgoing and talkative having dinner, consuming copious amounts of roast and ale, with an older gentleman some might recognize as the father of Kia, a local town healer. After dinner, the older gentleman hugged and shook Elyl's hand and at which point Elyl shouted to everyone at the Inn, "The next two rounds are on me, folks!" beaming a smile from ear to ear! Later he starts inquiring where the best jeweler around could be found.
((please deduct a bit of gold for the drinks or I can burn some at the trash can!
the chancellor lofts a brow at Thersos and his monkey-like-action during the training, padding his way towards elyl when there is a break in the session. The two step to the side , the chancellor handing elyl a cup of wine, both talking in whispers for a time. After a brief exchange, the chancellor tips his head respectfully to Elyl and returns to watching the training exercises with interest.
When not running errands for Lucidicious, or out exploring, Thersos is often spotted beating on the militia practice dummies with his bare hands, and practicing nimble combat maneuvers. More notable though, is the fact he he has taken to swiftly climbing the walls, buildings and trees around town, jumping from one to another when he can.
_Hearing the words of this new, young, green, wiggling Militiaman, Dwin gives Lucid a quick look, then walks away.
The unspoken message received, Lucid approaches Elyl to have a quick word._
Elyl, now that his training is complete and is now a militiaman, can be seen with his fellow Guardians training any who wish to learn how to fight or improve on their skills. He lets it be known as well, he will accompany any group looking to patrol the Rawlins, however if they wish to engage the bugbears, he recommends bringing a large magic shield called a "Grag".
One of said spearmen simply watches the speech, a small quiver of a smirk lining his lips behind his beard before he uncorks and ale and continues some drinking after a hunt when the speech is done.
Passing through town briefly after another long day at the wall, Genzir hears a couple of farmers casually discussing the speech at the bar. Joining them while he waits for Lucid to get in for the usual breakfast, he remarks:
Dwin's right, you've got a very decent militia, hard-working, disciplined soldiers that follow orders. I didn't get to see them working much before, but what I've seen lately is very encouraging to those of us who are raising the wall to guard the long road.
Genzir then proceeds to help the chancellor scarf down the usual large portion of ham, eggs and pancakes.
_Several tables are set up near the barracks with food and beverages and the gates are opened wide for all Norwickians to enter the inner walls of town.
Once a sizable crowd forms, Dwin stands on a chair and addresses the crowd._
Friends and Neighbors of Norwick! Thank y ou for joining us on this fine day. Please! Come eat and drink, and join our contests later in the day!
As many of you know, we are once again being tested by the forces outside our lands… This is hardly the first time that we have be threatened by the greenskin or the furball. Many of you have seen or heard rumors of orcs, seldomseen at our gates, in the Rawlins. Unfortunately, friends, these rumors are true. But do not fear!
Our Guard has never been as professional and strong as it is today! Our new Scout division is unrivaled in the land. Our guards are better trained and tougher than any others in the land, but friends... we are few!
Lads and Lasses, I appeal to you all today... join the Norwick Militia and help defend your ancestral homes! We now have the benefit of training from not JUST our own guards, but from some of the members of the Guardians Dwin gestures to Zoma and his team who have volunteered their time here to help train us in the ways of fighting some foes that may be new to us. We also have friends from far away lands that can teach us a thing or two about spear-fighting! Dwin gestures to the newly arrived Spearmen and gives a rather forced smile
I appeal to all Norwickians! Younguns! Gray-beards! Dwin strokes his own graying beard for te benefit of a few chuckles Join the Guard now to help defend our lands!
After some other inspirational speaking, several contests start…. fighting the combat dummies and archery... the contestants showing particular promise are singled out and spoken to one-on-one about joining the Guard.
Despite his ongoing involvment with the construction of the defences near Jiyyd, it would appear that Ezachiel has managed to make some time to study the recent happenings in the graveyard. People might remember him being with the dwarven troops when they were pushed out last time.
_A group known as the Guardians had been seen participating actively in Norwick's construction in its defences as well as conducting patrols employing hit and run tactics against the orcish alliance's scouts in the rawlins by Dwin's instructions in attempt to disrupt their flow of information.
As the militia may be short of experienced instructors due to the veterans sent to Jiyyd in aide of the town's defences, the Guardians would offer their hand in aiding out Norwick's militia's training in ways of improving their martial abilities though they do no get themselves involved in disciplinary matters, tactics and formations that the militia officers will be employing specifically tailored for Militia's militia forces.
Martial involvement aside, a Guardian known as Horbag was widely famed for her restaurant in Jiyyd as well as her reputation of being a cook. There she would aide the militia's cook in providing nutritious supllements and meals though it seems for now, only the brave militia of Norwick are able to manage to stomach her exotic cookings on their first day._
Mord and several trainees can be seen working through he bustle at the south wall moving quickly around the laborers. The lass, Nimh, can be seen being dragged along at times with the small group, often carrying and odd assortment of items
_Construction at Piss Hill and on the Southern Wall of Norwick continue, with the greater improvements showing to the south wall. As the new wall is created directly behind the old one, the old one stays up until it can be safely taken down. The Salvagable pieces are then re-worked to be used elsewhere on the wall.
A new shape to the overall structure takes place. Passing warriors will no doubt sigh in relief that the decades-old wall structure is now much better suited for defense than the old barrier. "…archers can now at least SEE over the wall..."_
Dwin posts some extra guards at the entrance to the Graveyard… but from what it looks like they have been ordered to not enter, no matter what they hear going on.