A General Alarm is shouted around town!

  • *Rando is seen 'dressing down' those guards involved then telling one of them to go ring the 'gong' for a General Alarm

    Shouts are going around the town in the barracks as all Militia personal are to report to the main square in full battle order

    Rando is seen giving orders to those around him

    " Right Dwin is missing, presumed dead or captured in the graveyard. We are going in their fully armed and we are not coming out until we have rescued him or brought his body out, anyone stands in our way cut them down and give no mercy to them. I don't care if those in our way are undead or alive, cut them down"

    The militia is seen to be preparing for a fight

    (lets sort out a time for us and those Dms involved to be around)

  • Oreth, on his way past…

    And some seem to prefer making snide remarks on silly premises about those who have both thought and acted, when they themselves have done neither…..

    He shakes his head and keeps walking toward the wood to prepare

  • Mord watches the comotion dispationatly and mutter something about nattering civilians

    He chuckles and can be overheard saying Seems to be more care fer the dead than the living…..perhaps some should think afore they act er speak.

  • Rando is seen talking to some of the guards*

    _" sometimes people just get the wrong idea, you know no one has asked what the kegs are for or how they are going to be used. Milshot is not stupid and has a plan, shame for some of the hard headed who just don't think before they act and think we are just going to blow the place to bits. if we were going to do that why bother with a fighting force when we just could blow the place up without the need for the troops

    Rando wanders off to check some equipment_

  • A hawk flies down from the balcony of Spellweaver Keep and perches on rooftops, looking down at the commotion with interest.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fad grins

    And of course….I wholeheartedly support my husband.

    • Foilir stops dead in his tracks, looking up now and again as if expecting something to pass by *

    <d>Me expected teh see flyin boars deh day me agreed wit dat tree ugger…

    • He nods to Oreth in thanks and eyes each passing boar for hidden wings *</d>

  • Foilir, on his way to the chancellor's office, finds a man in reptile-skins and a spiked headdress walking beside him

    You make a compelling point regarding authority in a settlement ruled by might alone…..

    ...if it comes to that, to protect your burial ground and your cousin from Captain Head-Trauma back there, I will offer my blade. I imagine the watchful repose, and what's left of the nars tribesmen will do the same.

    He nods, and breaks off to walk east

  • Lucidious walks over from his office, reviews the situation and shakes his head

    Lets focus on getting dwin back, then we can talk about the possibility of kegging the graveyard. I wont have it while dwin is still in there.

    with that he heads to town hall to try and reason with the channcellor

  • _After visiting town for a few hours, Theaon is seen walking out the north gates shaking his head and muttering

    "And they think we have problems…"_

  • " Officer of the watch, in other words second in command of the Militia after Dwin, his LT and as he is missing that makes me in command"

    Rando gives a half smile

    • Clears throat and motions to the guards to move *

    Are you in charge of trainin? Er are yeh takin me cousin's place?

    • Stands in his place leaning on his staff *

    Yeh need to be less eager to bark when yeh master yank yeh chain Rando, yeh startin to resemble a legionnaire.

    • Laughing gruffily he heads for the Chancellor's office *

    As far as me authority….

    • Foilir says nothing as a large toothy grin forms on his face. *

    Tis a barbarian town after all….

    • Rando tells the guards to stand where they are*

    " Sorry foilir, but you are not in command, nor do you hold sway over the Chancellor orders. His orders, they will be carried out until he says otherwise." Rando continues to sort out the kegs and guards ready for the assault

    • Foilir calms down Rando and disperses the crowd *

    "Shoo! Be gone! Nae explosives! Nae kegs! Ferst un teh light a torch er spark gets a free stay in deh barred suite!"

    • Using his staff which seems to glow a bit as he motions to disperse the crowd *

    "Nuthin more teh see eer! Git! Go git yehself an ale at deh inn courtesy of Foilir Dolvak! Tell em teh put it on me bill! Now git afore me starts having teh pick yeh up and move yeh around like lawn gnomes teh break up dis display of overreactin. Git!"

    • For the next hour or so he continutes to usher the people away and has the guards watch the gong, preventing anyone from hitting it *

  • Dentin keeps to himself during the discussion, considering the whole matter beyond his call. When catching sight of the numerous kegs of explosive powder being carried around, and gathered near the cemetary, he simply smirks, muttering something about incompetence. Soon after, he does a count of just how many kegs have been gathered, frowning at the end result, before heading off again.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    If explosives are to be used, I must side with Kara and the order.

    shrugs That's how it's going to be.

  • Corana wanders by with a cold, sarcastic smirk:

    "I hope you militiamen have an ample number of clerics on your payroll."

  • It would appear that a wizard clad in black, who some might recognize as Ezachiel without Banite symbols, is spending more time in Norwick, and has been looking for a scroll of Undeath to Death, so he can be of more help during the attack

    • Seeing the messenger head for the Jiyyd and the legion he quickly cranks his crossbow and takes aim for the middle of the messengers back, then his leg. He fires at the leg and misses.

    He slowly turns and without saying a word and with his eyes quickly narrowing, he stares at Lucidious as he mutters in gutteral dwarven.

    Briskly and angered he moves back towards Norwick and the graveyard.*

  • Kara shoots an annoyed scowl at Rando in response and stalks off to find Milshot.