Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Amazingly enough, Raver doesn't seen to mind all the saluting, she just smiles broadly at the pink armbanded warriors and goes on about her business.
    She is seen, however, in a deep conversation with her men that may have something to do with Aelthas….. as several of them are seen looking his way and laughing heartily.
    If some one were also to happen to glance her way whenever Aelthas salutes, they'd see her salute right back, one fingered of course.

  • _All the pink armband gypsies seem to be saluting Raver everytime she walks by them. After she passes, they can be seen chuckling a bit, but move along quickly to get some distance between themselves and her.

    Oddly enough, they are never seen saluting Aelthas and even he is seen saluting Raver with the men, joining in the laughter afterwards._

  • Attached to a few trees near the outer camp are some of the following posters.


    Midwinter Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

  • Will spends some time in a small room under a different tree, once cured.

    Anyone who asks is told he is recuperating from the curse.

    When not there, he and Raver are seen about the camp sitting close together, talking quietly, laughing or joking, but usually sharing a cloak.

  • _News quickly spreads that the cursed ones have been cured, but not before a heated argument took place as to what to do with the bones that were discovered. Eventually, they came to an agreement, which ended up to be the right one and all the afflicted slowly regain their old strength.

    Its now safe to give, all those who were cursed, a big hug_

  • tala thanks Elissa and offers her a smoked deer shank and some trail rations

  • Hearing about those unfortunate souls, Elissa calls at the camp and begins to spread that she's more than willing to part with specially prepared herbs that can ward off misfortune in exchange for minor gifts. She mentions that while wine would be acceptable, she'd prefer it if not everyone gave her that in exchange.

  • _Ragnhild is very distraught to hear of Lilly and Serenity having fallen sick too, as well as continuing to worry about her other friends in the same situation. To protect her family, Lycka and Asha have been strictly confined to the inner camp. The two lively girls are less than happy about this, causing much headaches for Zoma, who can be seen dashing about in a flowered apron trying to keep them under some sort of control.

    Ragnhild paces around the camp, spear clutched in her hands. Circling Cera's tree at what she believes to be a safe distance, she calls out:_

    "I kan not read, and uhm, my sort cooking not ever helped annione get better, but please know that I here iff need me. Iff there something that need smacking, you have my speer."

    Sabre has not been seen in the camp since she stumbled out into the pass after Raver and Williams wedding feast, too drunk (and possibly unwilling) to accompany the now cursed adventurers down to the cold caves.

  • tala brews many teas passing them through the door into the sick peoples tent. She has also taken to baking her special trail bread, nutty and soaked with a honey syrup of some sort. The occasional pheasent soup or badger stew make their appearence as badger and birds present themselves to her bow. Her young children having been moved to the den for awhile.

    Rilia has been totally absent from the camp since the break out.

    Belin stops visiting her kin's cave

  • _The cursed ones kept in Cera's tree left to go to the cold caves. When they did not return for several days, the druid Wolf gathered a rescue party in case something had happened.

    The rescue party returned shortly after they had left, along with those who were cursed. It seems nothing was found in the cold caves, based on what was said. Sadly, two of the rescue party became cursed themselves: Lilly and Serenity. Though Z and Wolf were exposed also, but did not seem effected. The others in the rescue party were well away and were not exposed at all.

    Oddly Wolf, who has been exposed to the curse three times, was still not effected. But, even though he wasn't feeling any symptoms, some others took caution and stepped well away from him._

  • @0eda46cd33=Sethan:

    That said, Will advises Tala that he is looking to rebuild the ruin on the opposite side of the Roost from where Kharbeh's tent was, and has no intention of doing anything to her tent.

    _The rare scent wafts in the breeze that swirls around the clifftops. Sometimes earthy and pungent, sometimes sweet and fragrant. A scent without known source. And when climbing the threacherous route to this crumbling ledge one is always touched with the feeling of being watched, and then… just prior to reaching the top... the half-sound of scurrying can be sensed on the clifftops.

    The ruins themselves seem to whisper at night... voices just beyond hearing. Sometimes soothing... sometimes urgent. There are times too... on cold nights, when the fire hasn't yet been lit, when you will find the stones to be warm to the touch... as though a fire has been burning for hours. Even the tree limbs seem to creak when one is turned away from them... like they move when not being watched._

    ((Any dev interested in enhancing this little area… I always meant to have a script that would require a 'Climb' check to use the transition points... both up and down on either side. This was meant to be a perch... part of a larger clifface that saw the majority of it destroyed by cataclysmic forces.. a precarious place. Cheers and thanks for thinking of this old elf.))

  • _A group consisting of Natanya, Shannon, Wolf, Maya, Will, Mina and Aelthas went into the Cold Caves to look for signs of the recent earthquakes. All came out a bit bruised and bloody, but alive.

    All but Wolf came back looking slightly ill.. although not anything serious at the moment, they seemed short of breath, a bit pale and shoulders slumped a bit.

    Soon after they went to talk to Jeni, coming out looking less than happy._

  • William reminds Tala that Kharbeh's tent was put up for sale a nearly decade ago, as were any other abandoned habitations.



    This is one of the hazards the long lived take when making a place among us short-lived humans. If they abandon something for long enough, we move in.

    That said, Will advises Tala that he is looking to rebuild the ruin on the opposite side of the Roost from where Kharbeh's tent was, and has no intention of doing anything to her tent.

  • Tala reminds William that the roost is the wild elf Kharbeh's home. while she is gone for long ages she might one day return.

  • _Will's frenetic pace has slowed somewhat, but he continues to work with the Gypsy Guards and patrol often when he is not. If he seems more relaxed and less driven, he is certainly no less happy.

    He does seem to be spending more time in the Pixie's Roost - and a careful observer might notice him pacing off distances and scribbling in a journal._

  • Raver and Ael are seen quite a bit, head together, discussing training and tactics. She's often heard to tease Ael about his "pink prissies".
    Ael's of late moodiness hasn't seemed to affect Raver's newfound smiles…
    and if anyone happens to look close enough, a new gold band adorns Raver's left hand.

  • Star has been seen around Camp… actually seen. She spends some time talking with the younger Gali and seems to currently have a fixed grin on her face.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Much activity has been observed of late by Fadia's cave. The diminutive elf has been observed several times heading to and fro with several boxes….

    ...Apparently, she's packing up some of ther things.

  • Calendel, sitting around a campfire with friends is overhead mentioning running across a large beast in the cat cave near the spiders to the South. He mentions a large beast with a large hammer mining the rock walls of the cave apparently not concerned with Calendel's presence.

  • Though delayed with an enchantment project, Elor has finally departed the camp, heading south through Norwick and the Rawlinswood, leaving Narfell.