Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • _Swarms of pixies move in flight,
    led by the Queen of pixies they travel through the Nars.
    Through the cold white landscape and over the hill tops,
    from Norwick to the camp of the Gypsies they seek haven so.

    For travellers of the Nars who witnessed the sight,
    of the migration of the pixies in the days of their flight,
    what a beauty and sight to behold!
    Dance in the air they did in unison so,
    like a fireflies in the night,
    and sparkling cicadas in the day!
    The laughters and sounds they give,
    reminds all of the birds chirping when spring finally arrive so!

    To the camp they went,
    to build a new home so.
    Blessings and welcomings given by the elder Lilin,
    in hopes they be good neighbours,
    and friendship to bloom!
    Sounds of children cheering in the camp,
    for more friends they can have to play with!

    Words are passed around,
    that when the pixies finally finish building,
    the sanctuary of theirs call 'home' in the camp.
    Celebration will then begin,
    to show the world of the joining,
    the pixie race and the romani camp as friends._

  • An unusually violent thunderstorm shook the camp recently, the air crackling with electricity and random lightning striking people near the heart fires. It is rumoured that the strange weather commenced when the noted mage Attentus opened a strange looking bottle, given to him by a pair of Black Sails nearby. Others whispers about crazed Talosians calling down the storm, which later spread throughout the pass, due north. For hours the rain poured down and thunder shook the ground, unfortunate hobgoblins dropping dead and small fires starting as lightning struck again and again, lighting up the dark, stormy skies.

  • :: Wog can be seen sitting around the fires gloomily of late, often unshaven, red eyed and ragged looking. It is not apprent why but he seems to try and avoid talking about it with anyone. His eyes often drift to any alcahol people are carryiing or drinking but quickly averts his eyes. He is often seen walking south fromt he fires and climbing to the roost, spending a few hours up there before returning looking even omre tired ::

  • _The air carry nervous whispers of the driders,
    a crusade they prepare against the romani camp.

    Air of dread it carries,
    when five men sworn as the sword of the camp found,
    in dire state they were in.

    Speak they did of the horrors,
    the battles they shared with driders of two.
    Mortally wounded they be,
    with poison running through the veins of their blood.

    Saved they were,
    by the hands of the loving Jeni.
    Care and love were given,
    by the kind elder known as Lilin be.
    Songs of comfort were shared,
    by a new Gali known as the song giver and Harmony be.
    A peaceful night of rest,
    these men shall have.

    Tensed be the men of the Romani camp,
    for attacks by driders and spiders been frequent so.
    The calm waters the camp had been facing through days formerly so,
    ripples can be felt so.
    Simply a matter of time now,
    the water turn into a raging storm in times to come.

    Dark times the camp face,
    the air of whispers in the romani camp carries so,
    foretelling of a ravages of time that is to come._

  • A stranger be, known as Song Giver she.
    Foreign still, in the lands she wander, known as Narfell be.
    Songs she gives, as her purpose is, hopes to share and warmth to give.

    In her light steps she makes to travel,
    where the winds whisper her directions, as guidance be.
    To the great forest she arrives, where a camp of gypsies lie.

    And songs she hear, rituals she see,
    of the woman and two daughters grieving of loss.
    Witness the sorrow she does, and mourning of cries she hear.
    Tears she see, her heart weeps along with them.

    Quietly she watches, under the glade of the trees,
    the ceremony they hold of one of grieve.
    Scented herbs, fills the air,
    Stirring memories forgotten, remembered they came,
    one of innocence and love that be.

    When ceremony ends, all is quiet.
    Night comes and darkness falls.
    Tears flow, from the stranger's face as she mourn the loss,
    her heart shares with them.
    A quiet whisper she gives, one of prayers.
    The Heavens and Earth she prays, watch over the family be.
    For what loss they have, cherish they shall, what they have left!

    With well wishes given to them,
    of good health they be in from now to times to come,
    she leaves the family alone, the sanctuary they make,
    from closeness and warmth they share.

    "Till we meet again", she says.
    "In hopes that good health you still be in."
    And perhaps one day, stranger they no longer be,
    and friendship she wishes will blossom into.
    For she wishes to mourn, along side with them as friend,
    and not one of a stranger's tears.

  • _Ragnhild continues to sit outside her tent, sometimes resting a hand on the big cat's shoulder, but most often just sitting still, legs crossed and her right hand protectively held over her heart. She still seems reluctant, maybe even unable to talk, even to her closest friends. Days pass, even weeks before a messanger arrives from Jiyyd, bearing news of some importance. Determination forms on Ragnhild's face as she listens, then she sets off, her children in tow.

    Upon returning, the warrioress looks paler and even more grieved than before, but there is a new purpose in her movements rather than the apathy of before. With great ceremony, Ragnhild dresses in her wedding attire and makes a fresh fire, burning some scented herbs and mixing ochre into a dark red paint. Unrolling a soft skin, she lays a strange looking crystal shard and a small, rusted dagger at her feet, mumbling prayers in her strange tongue.

    Marking her arms, legs and face with the red ochre, Ragnhild begins a slow, mournful song, her voice deep and pleasant, if not exactly beautiful. As she sings, she ceremoniously cuts off lock after lock of her long, blonde hair, burning each in turn until only short stubble remains on her head. She doesn't cry or waver in her song until Lycka joins her, repeating the very same ritual. As her daughters silver hair, so like her fathers, falls to the ground, Ragnhild finally starts crying, deep sobs racking her entire body. Lycka's clear, sweet voice carries on the song, Asha joining the ceremony and adding her softer voice to her sister's.

    Ragnhild watches her daughters through her tears, a fierce pride shining in her wet eyes. Wrapping her strong arms around the girls, she adds her voice to theirs, letting the song of mourning grow and rise, its haunting melody drifting through the camp as the darkness falls. When the fire dies out, the small family embrace quietly and retreat to their tent. The following morning Ragnhild goes about her daily chores again, no longer frozen in sorrow, though clearly still in mourning._

  • Attached in various ways to quite a few trees in the outer camp, these posters appear. They advertise a


    Feast of the Moon Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((Saturday, May 19th - 7 pm GMT))

  • _A big ol' Yellow Kitty often comes up to Ragnhild and then lays with her, revently watching the fire with her, waiting

    Also, a slew of pixies are seen checking out the half finished cave project in the northeast corner… could they be moving in?_

  • Following her husband Zoma's departure from Narfell, Ragnhild seems at first angry, upset, frustrated, saddened and worried, all at once. The warrioress's sleep suffers and her temper is short, until one early morning, when suddenly all the fight seems to have gone out of her. Leaning on her young daughter Lycka as if for support, Ragnhild walks outside to prepare breakfast but instead ends up staring into the fire, her eyes reflecting a deep loss. She spends the day sitting motionless at the fire, her right hand clutched over her heart. Only the presence of her daughters stirs any response with Ragnhild that day, and in the days to follow. She embraces the girls often but seems to lack the energy to do much else, her face a still mask of grief.

  • Calendel, overhearing the gossip while on a short visit to the camp responds to some of the women there that perhaps it was some meal prepared by Horbag in Norwick with tainted meat….

  • _A conversation that started off as normal between Lilin and Zoma suddenly turned for the worse, in a mix of confusion and bitterness between the pair.

    Gossips amongst the women in the camp mention that Zoma seemed to be behaving differently than what he was known to be but older members of the camp seemed to recalled that Zoma behaved the same manner when he was very young many years ago.



    Careless and thoughtless with words.

    Cold and distant.

    Words filled with venom.

    Before leaving a fuming and stressed out Lilin alone, Zoma could be heard saying "….This is whom I really am, my true nature."_

  • Dart mentions that he saw the beautiful Elven mage Paiden accompany the treasure hunters and then blushes a bit.

    "Not that I paid much attention…", Dart comments.

  • _On a lighter note, a merry band of adventurers recently set out into the spider woods on a treasure hunt, lead by a lovely, plump and well-groomed female named Berta.. reported to be a right cow (literally). Notable gypsy camp dwellers like Aelthas, the redheaded warrior known as Melody, Ragnhild and Zoma were part of the treasure hunting team, aswell as Keira, Gears and the bubbly hin Cloudberry, the ranger Belor, a warrioress named Albryanna and a female mage (who's name eludes me at the moment).

    The group return days later, covered in spider webs, gnoll blood and unspecified gooey stuff, all looking tired but well pleased, arms filled treasure. Lycka and Asha later boast to any that would listen about their parents exploits, including the slaying of a giant gnoll and an even larger spider. The girls then giggle excitedly, hurrying off to Lilin's garden to plant a strange looking seed from the treasure trove._

  • _Based from the recent event in the cold caves with the encounter of Zara, Zoma could be seen somewhat looking depressed compared to his usual unreadable expression.

    Whatever had happened, it seemed to have reminded him a piece of his past, unable to sleep well or rest with comfort which results him in a blackeyed state of this recent._

  • _An overjoyed Ragnhild could recently be seen in the camp with her fellow Guardians, preparing to set out on a trip to the cold caves in order to test the bite of her wicked-looking new dragon-fanged spear, as well as scout out the recent ogre activities. An impressive group left for the caves, consisting of Guardians Attentus, Horbag, Ragnhild, Wog and Zoma, alongside the Umberlite priestess Taria and Keira of the Sisterhood. Spirits seemed high upon leaving, but when the group returned after a lenghty abscence, their mood was significantly darker. Ragnhild now appears more protective than usual of her children, aswell as keeping a watchful eye on the children of the camp.

    The camp elders are warned of a powerful darkclad woman calling herself Zara being encountered in the caves, accompanied by a host of shadows and a small group of children. The fate of the latter is disclosed in hushed whispers, Ragnhild's face growing terribly grim as she tells the story._

  • _Keira is more visible around the camp, prowling around often in Lilin's company and keeping an eye on those Sisterhood orphans that are currently resident. Occasionally she can even be roped into playing hide and seek with them or other rough and tumble games.

    Maybe she isn't a black-hearted monster after all, or perhaps there's a more sinister reason for her increased interest._

  • Posted outside the Earthen Nook:


    _Instuctor or Tutor for learning Mulhorandi. Negotiable fee for lessons.

    Contact Lilin Le'Noir, Tent Pandz, Gypy Camp, or Leave message at the Scarlet Sisterhood, Jiyyd. Reimbursement for hiring messengers to contact me available_

    ((Contact Via Forum PM / IRC / Or send me tell in game.))

  • _Recently, Zoma can be seen carrying a very unusual, but magnificent looking spear, no doubt crafted by the finest of the finest weapon crafter in Narfell.

    The tip of the spear is unique in that it is not forged by any kind of metal, but instead what may seem to be a giant tooth from a certain terrifying creature. The air around the one eyed swordsman seems to be cold and one wonders if the source comes from the very tip of the spear itself._

  • _As the morning sun begins cresting towards noon, a number of the guards about the camp give sudden signals to each other, all watching as multiple footprints begin appearing at the head of the pass and moving towards the central fires.

    After a few minutes there is a shimmering, and the odd sight of a number of women and children wearing the colors and clothing of the featherlights takes form in a long line, many still holding onto the ropes that tie the Romani scattered amongst them together by the waist. Jeni and Jonni both come bolting from Cera's tree as soon as word is sent.

    The featherlights are led off into the inner camp where they are given food and blankets, while the Romani men and few women untie themselves, and stumble off to their own tents, Jonathan and Cerena who were among them telling them to rest well for a job well done. Jeni, Jonni, Jonathan and Cerena all head back towards Cera's tree, with a few words being exchanged chief among them Jonathan's…_

    "Couldn't get them all Jonni. They didn't take well to the "witchcraft" trickery of using invisibility to get out…"

  • The Prismatic and Black Warriors are seen dragging in in two's and threes, filthy, exhausted…. grabbing something to eat, sleeping a few hours and heading back out again.
    Mira has taken command of both sets, sending them out on Scouting trips close to Norwick, trying to ascertain where their Commander(s) are being held. So far, they have reported to have seen no sign whatsoever of any of those captured, except for a trail of blood and dragged feet into Norwick proper