Lorelai's mission
I'm on a business trip that week, and don't return til Saturday, so before noon on Saturday won't work either. >_> sorry, forgot about that part!
I'm definitely at home that weekend, though working as a volunteer during Sat-Sunday, daytime, with an early start both days. This puts a bit of a hamper on late night gaming, but Euro evening time is fine for all three days.
I’ll try to be there
The only ideal window I have is on Friday, between 12:30 - 5pm. Beyond that, I can try to make it Sat/Sun, the latter having only a slightly higher chance of success. As always though, I can't promise my availability or that I won't have to bail if I do make it.
As it stands I can make that Saturday or Sunday. Will post if that changes.
Sundays are my designated go to for the most part, but with notice, I'm pretty available in general.