Effects throughout the Nars (All read please)

  • _The Weave and the very bonds that tie mortals to thier gods seem to have weakened in the past tenday. Reports of Wild and Dead magic have been rampant, coming in from all over the Nars from the giantspire to the rawlins and everywhere in between.

    Arcane casters of every type have been feeling sluggish or pained in the mind, as if feeling the affects of a hangover.

    Divine casters feel disconnected, as if their ties to thier dieties have been severly loosened or blocked._

    ((reporting from shouts made by Andelas))

  • Fool seems to wander along as chipper as ever, causually assuming that the headache is merely the natural result of his epicurian lifestyle. He appears to relish in the chaos of the wild magic, and clever folk have taken to not standing too close when he gets in one of his "I wander what this will do?" moods.

  • Dentin seems to deal with the situation of the Weave with a mixed expression. On one hand he suffers the same as the other priests, yet on the other hand he seems almost pleased.

  • _Aspera Chillwind, now seen occasionally on the streets betrays an ill-temper and a sharpness, new even for her. Her eyes blaze with irritation at the slightest peasant who lingers too long in her path. If any, foolish enough to question the cause, her eyes narrow, her red lips a line of meanness upon her ivory features.

    "Drowish cretins."_

  • Kara Willendt, one of the Cerulean Knights, has been seen to be ill and stricken with nausea since the Weave began to break down.