• ::word spreads, at the Chancellor's request, of the first official town meeting as a town crier announces the following::

    _Hear ye, Hear ye!

    The Chancellor has declared that all citizens of Norwick are invited to the town hall in two days time at sunset. All interested parties are welcome to attend and discuss any issues or concerns that face our beloved Norwick!_

    OOC// Any and all are invited to attend. The meeting will be held in the town hall and will start around 8:00pm MST (GMT -7) It is my hope that a venue of open discusion will encourage you to attend.

  • 5 a.m. here. Not a chance I can make it. Falling asleep alreeeaady… ZZzz 💤

  • Yup, that's 3am for me, so won't be there.

  • This is of course the middle of the night for europe, but these things can't be helped, i understand that.