Proclaimed Scandal!

  • ::Sporting a bright red cloak and a very presentable shirt of blue and white, the raised and melodic, dramatic voice of Nathen Wingates echoes along through-out the commonwealth's busy streets, gathering as many commoners and men and women as he can, peering at them in all seriousness as he eventually gathers a crate and drags it along the dirt, hopping up unto it and beginning to speak::

    "Friends! Farmers! Workers, miners men and women, children too!" ::The charismatic and well-spoken bard begins, slowing letting his pointed finger drift through whatever crowd he could gather::

    "I'm sure all of you know of The Sisterhood establishment just nigh near this respectable and safe haven we call home. You all remember, don't you? The ones who harbor homeless children, feed the poor and house those who cannot be housed, aye?"

    ::His twinkling blue eyes flicker between the faces of the gathered:: "Certainly they've all gained your trust by now, yes? All of there good deeds and beneficial acts having proved how trust-worthy they are, a band of good-hearted individuals with the absolute best intentions, are they not? They wouldn't do anything to endanger any of there orphans or children in there establishment, would they?" ::His tone tinged with a hint of sarcasm, making dazzling articulations and explicative arm motions with each of his phrases, his expression dry and sarcastic as he tries to draw more and more people's attention to his speach::

    "Aye… aye, I thought so as well, until I heard of their..." ::He pauses for a moment, keeping his lips seperated… before making a swift motion with his arm, expression growing sour despite the growing ferver in his melodic, young voice:: "There harboring of a demon, straight from the abyss!"

    "That's right, some of you might of seen it, some of you haven't, some of you may of heard the rumors… I heard it by word of mouth and let me tell you, these rumors are far from false. Some of you might think this bard's had a bit too much wine, others might think this is merely slander... but know this: Demons and Alu-Fiends are easily able to change there forms to anything the naked eye can imagine, even a beautiful woman."

    ::He laughs:: "They claim that the demon is repenting, friends! That she is turning good! I beg there pardon? A demon-blood, repenting? The same kind of demon as those that massacre the innocent, murder children, toy with people's minds with powerful magic, create illusions to confuse and abuse the minds of men?" ::He continues to supress his dry, unamused laughter, smirking::

    "If she's so innocent, why haven't they proven it to the public by the means of a true sight spell? Perhaps combined with a scan of her aura for the usual taint demons posses? Why?"

    ::He lets the question linger, hopping down from his crate and marching past the inn to point out the visible Sisterhood Farm in the distance past the walls of Jiyyd (if it is visible at all, if not he points in its general direction):: "In that farm are children, innocent children–some not even two years old, orphans. Do you think they're safe, do you really think they'd feel safe if they knew a demon resided within with them–Better yet, do you feel that they're safe?"

    "This demon this, "repenter" may very well be what they claim, but do not rest 'till you know for sure. There is no humility in being cautious, there is no lack of honor nor is there shame for protecting and assuring the safety of the innocents."

    ::With that, he produces a small parchment and quill, holding it high as he hops back up on the crate, once more raising his voice to assure that everyone can hear:: "What I hold here is an appeal to The Sisterhood, a letter asking them to prove its innocence. Who will sign? Who's heart here is too heavy with concern for the innocents in that farm? Demons have assaulted this town before, don't let it happen again, ladies and gentlemen I beg of you, sign the petition and lets have some answeres."

    ::He then hops down, pressing the parchment petition down on the crate's surface, holding the quill out to anyone who'd care sign::

  • ::After being carried to the temple, dead from a trip to Mintas with a few well known adventurers; and walking out alive, Nate seems to have forgotton about the argument and is instead seen half-stumbling about and sitting swayedly next to Penny in the commons whilst conversing about strange things in his haze::

  • Nyda sighs "No-one lied about her death. She had been dead for some days. Her body lay in the sisterhood house with a neat stab wound through the heart. However I made the decision, as I had once before, that no creature who's actions are solely good, can be condemned for the blood they bear or the taint that their life before they turned to goodness has left on them. She has been evil, I do not deny it. If she commits an evil act again I will be the first to strike her down. Whilst her actions remain good there is hope that her soul will slowly be cleansed of her past and her aura of evil, that paladins find so distasteful, will fade with time. The decision to give her another chance was based on the fact she had commited no wrong since I have known her. And that has been many many months now. Her presence in the sisterhood house has always been openly acknowleged. The people of Jiyyd know her by sight, have benefitted from her healing, and even from her raising their dead after attacks, as well as to her strength in combat during those attacks.

    Judge not on the blood someone bears, and not even on the past they have. If they are -willing- and -striving- to better themselves what right have you or anyone to condemn them out of hand. To condemn a soul capable of redemption simply because she once did evil.

    As Nicahh says, come if you have doubts, talk to the sisters, to the children she lives with and plays with. Talk to her and watch her actions. If she does wrong, then strike her down. I will. Until then keep your pointless bigotry to yourself."

  • ::Nate rolls his eyes a day or two after the statements made by Nyda and Nicahh, smirking with a bit of amusement at Nicahh's statement::

    Dead is she? Why is it she was wandering about Jiyyd's trade routes and chatting it up with adventurers just yesterday? And why did you lie about her death?

  • ::Nicahh looks to Nate and shakes her head.::

    Nate, or anyone for that matter, please feel free to stop by the Sisterhood anytime you wish to investigate the so called evils that go on there. As I've said for years to those who make up crazy theories, we have nothing to hide. What you see, is what you get.

    Secondly, I believe Kara knew about her staying there. As did Shannon. If she had been a real threat then they could have rid of her as she strolled through Jiyyd like she did nearly everyday she was alive. The only request I ever asked of them was they not kill her infront of my children. That was it.

    However, the so called demon you spoke of is indeed dead. Perhaps now you can come investigate the dragon living with us. ::Her tone changes, with a twinkle in her eye.:: Yes Nate, that is the thing for you to do. Pinky is evil, come smite her. I'll show you were she sleeps.

  • i'Aika come up behind Melody from gods knows where she has been…

    Hey um you um don't er need to um prove er innocence um or um ask for um justice. That's er their er um jobs…

    giggles and bounds off to the farm… likely to be lost in the barn for the next month or two..

  • The tall and muscular redhead many know as Melody speaks up, glancing around uneasily and simply states: "Er I er cannot er prove er my um innocence um. Please er take er me um in er and er do er your um justice er unto er me um."

  • ::Nate glances to Nyda's comment, furrowing his brow in apparent surprise.. he gives Elor a firm and amiable nod, before starting off in search for Kara::

  • Nyda chuckles "Indeed we viciously harbour a demon. Of course, the fact that the demon is dead and lying cold in our halls awaiting burial, and is in fact not a deomon at all may have some bearing on the fact. Trust a bard to exaggerate"

  • Elor approaches Nate afterwards.
    "You've been gone a long time, Nate."