The New Chancellor...

  • ::Milshot addresses the townsfolk from atop one of the benches in the town square in front of the town hall, looking to a parchment in his hands as he speaks::

    _First off, me’d like ta thank all o’ yas fer yer support an attention ta te town as we done gone through a bit o’ change ‘ere wit’ the leadership o’ te town. It be a time o’ change an’ me feel it fer the better… it be time ta bring te people o’ this fine town tagether under a common cause an’ bring us back ta our rightful place in te land o’ Narfell.

    As o’ now, me’ll be the new chancellor of Nor’ick. Me look forward ta te future wit’ some anxiousness as te time we find ourselves in be one ripe wit’ some turmoil from our neighbors ta the north but there nothin’ too great ta fix an’ me be devotin’ me full energy inta keepin’ te peace. That be me first an’ most important duty as te new chancellor… ya cin rest well knowin’ things done calmed a bit an’ it lookin’ as though it only gonna git better.

    Most o’ yas be fully aware o’ te new laws that got put inta place jus’ a short time ago. Along them lines, ya all be needin’ ta understand that the militia still be ‘aving the final word on issues that sure ta come up from time ta time. The new laws state that folks be able ta go ahead an wear a helm now. Ya folks can bear yer arms when yas walkin’ thru town… nae anymore needin’ ta sheath yer blades when yas walk inta town… keep yerselfs safe, aye? Any o’ yas that be ‘aving some o’ them animal pets cin keep em in tow when yas come inta town now, too. As long as ya keep em all under control at all times it be fine wit me ta ’ave em about. Nay be a need fer leavin’ am alone at te gates anymore. There still be a issue wit wild magics an all so ifin ya gonna be castin’ be makin’ sure yas be inside… nay wants ta see somethin’ bad happen along them lines.

    Ifin someone o’ yas be causin’ trouble, ya be dealt wit’ fair lke, too. Ya all be needin’ ta listen ta te wise words o’ te militia an’ guards but them nay gonna be all up an on ya anymore… te barbarian ways be jus’ that an ifin ya wants ta cause trouble, expect it in return, aye? Me nay gots any problem wit’ watchin’ te guards beats ya down an toss ya in te lake instead o’ jail. Ya bein’ in te cold water cin give yas a chance ta cool off some…_

    ::chuckles as he looks over the parchment and continues::

    Ifin there be a concern ya ‘ave about anything… an me mean anythin’ at all… me door be open an ya all be needin’ ta know ya be welcome in me office ta talk bout what be botherin’ ya. This ‘ere ::motions to Lucidious Falan:: _be Lucid and him one o’ me advisers. We gonna hold town meetin’s regular so ya all cin voice yer concerns there too should ya feel te need. Lucid ‘ere be jus’ as concerned bout te well bein’ o’ Nor’ick as me do an’ tagether, along wit’ all o’ yas, we cin make Nor’ick a better place ta live.

    Me be honored ta serve ya all ta te best o’ me abilities an’ me’ll promise ya ‘ere an now tha’ things be a changin’ fer te better. Thank ya fer ter time._

    ::with that, Milshot steps down off the bench and heads to a nearby table whereupon sits a variety of ales and wines, offering them to those gathered with a smile and conversing happily with those that approach::

  • After the speech, Penny runs over to catch a word or two with Milshot. During the conversation, bystanders could make out a few words over the background noise of the amassed crowd, namely "prison uniforms", "brighter colors", and "softer lighting". After the conversation, she can be seen handing him a small slip of paper with a bright smile, much to his amusement.

  • Moe speaks up
    "This mean I get free rum?"

  • _Paci listens Milshot's speech behind the bench nodding every now and then to his words. His gaze calmly travels amongst the gathered crowd but the sharp look in his steel grey eyes create a stunning contrast with his otherwise relaxed appearance and familiar wry grin.

    After Milshot finishes, Paci cheerily steps towards the table and joins the toast for the new Chancellor. Soon after, he is seen heading to the barracks with only a slight swagger in his steps._