List of Peltarch officials Banned

  • A list is placed on the gates of Norwick and handed out to the guards with names and description of those banned


  • ::a new message is posted and word is spread to all the guards::

    By decree of the Chancellor:

    The former Chancellor known as Lord Protectorate had declared the banishment from Norwick of:

    Delvin Gelon (NPC)
    Rath Ashald (NPC)
    Torin Bravickus (NPC)
    Vino Sten
    Roland Brynmor
    Evendur Mildsilver
    Aarron Ashald
    Mariston Thel
    Eowiel Senella
    Magistrate Barrim

    From this point on, all orders of banishment are null and void. The guards are ordered to stand down on any issues relating to those named as these individuals are welcome within the walls of Norwick at any time so long as they understand there is to be no trouble.

    Furthermore, the lass Lilin, whom also was banished, will be welcomed once again without threats of reprisal or internment as will the mage known as Marek. Any remaining banishments are still in full effect and those individuals should be treated accordingly.

    Milshot - Chancellor of Norwick