Peltarch Defender Recruitment

  • DM

    Impressive contingents of Peltarch Defenders, carrying the crests of the city on banners, led by the young men of the Battldrummers move out from the heavily guarded Defender HQ and visit each part of the city each tenday or so.

    The Banners of each of the Defender Branches:

    Infantry, Musicians/Battledrummers, Healers and Priests as well as the Peltarch Marines, the ship borne and sailors of the Peltarch Naval Contingents, are all seen in the civic district, commons, and docks district.

    The emblems of Tempus, Waukeen, Lathander, Torm are in ascendance carried alongside the clerics of the defenders, with those of the Red Knight and Gond of supply and engineering seen among some of the other individual service personnel.

    The Blue Leather Uniforms of the Cerulean Knights. Spellswords all, wielders of steel and arcane power in one, often charismatic and influential package are also seen, their presence more subtley seen and felt around the city.

    Folk also speak of the elite scouts of the Peltarch military, but their presence is often more whispered about rather than seen.

    The imposing figures of Captain Johan, his famous double ended mace always on his shoulder attracts attention from many citizens, while scribes wearing defender emblems take the names of new applicants.

    Old retired veterans, speak of the days past with kobolds, giants, armies of bandits and the armies of thay, a swell as other traitors all being driven back and defeated in the long history of the city.

    A sizable contingent of young dwarves are seen in infantry fullplate accompanying the recruiting Officers Danerk, Tythus and Celeste of Tempus.

    In the docks district, the gathering move onto, recieved well after their recent aid in quelling the undead problems in that district in recent times.

    At the end of each day of recruitment, the varied peltarch citizen applicants are seen accompanying their officers back tothe headquarters to take the oath and to draw their uniform, equipment and to be assigned officers.

    (( Any applicants apply in writing or look out for the green plated armoured player characters with horned helmets with blue, red or yellow shoulder flashes ))

  • Captain Johan in a recent recruitment drive, to which he asked Officer Danerk to make his personal priority posts up the new Defender Recruitment poster about the city.

    Captain Johan says he shall be rewarding each contributor personally for their efforts.

    The poster soon attracts young folk around the city, with some of the respected families of the city appearing with their youths to serve the city.

    Also, the stonemasons guild and one of the sons of Heffa a dwarven shopkeep were seen in uniform soon after, she being heard to say how much she loves the dwarven figure on the poster, and that it reminds her of her ex husband.

    Her seven sons are soon seen heading to and from the defender headquarters with the sound of steel ringing from the training grounds.

    Experienced dwarven warriors in the defenders are rumoured to be competing for the chance to lead an all dwarven squad.

    In a tenday of rememberance, Peltarch Defenders mixed with visitors, families and those who fought in Peltarch's Battles. All remembered the sacrifices of the Peltarch Civil war and the successful campaign against the easltanders. Soon after a brief service for veterans of the defenders was held at the monument, and a vigil is being held there to mark the duration of the recent conflict.

    Those who come in respect, who served in the battle are invited to pay their respects to the fallen, a tempus priestess of the Defenders will be in attendance for the duration.