Player: Senria Rydralon; Char: Senria Rydralon ; BN:Teringer

  • I just had two rp experiences, with Senria. The first exchange was very short and not that significant, and the second was a very long segment of good role-playing. I stayed up into the wee hours (5:00 am) which ended up being about a 3-4 hour segment, not because I had to but because Senria rp was that good. The character uses the emote wand often and rolls checks when needed without being asked to. This character almost matches Alexi's ability to haggle with the goblin shaman in the woods to. chuckles. Although this character has almost as dirty of a mind as the character Niccah :twisted: , I can say without a doubt that this character deserves one.

    In Summary:

    Friendly character, IC and oc
    Uses emote wand frequently
    Does skill checks frequently
    Does more than farm for gold
    Talks on the hunting trips
    Character has a dirty mind and thinks all male characters have one to
    Finally for once, a person who did not write in their character description - well toned body, gorgeous, knock down beautiful, act… (Not everyone in narfell can be all of that)

  • Locked as there are now 3 threads for this particular account.

    Please use the only open one.

  • tosses a vote in the pile and gives a thumbs up

  • I have had alot of great RP with this character and definately believe this player worthy of a token. She has stuck with my character through some really tough times still doing her best to RP situations. Shes not afraid to ask questions so shes at the top of her game. I would really like to see this player advance.

  • Yes, tokenize! A very well rounded-player, and willing to assist lower level characters. The gods only know how many more days it would have taken me to get Virgil to level two without her assistance.

    Excellent player, again, I say: TOKENIZE!

  • I didn't realize until today that those who did not already have a C-token were allowed to post in these threads - so I have some catching up to do.

    I can't think of anyone better to start with than the player who introduced me to Narfell - taking pity on a poor fellow who had never played on an online server before - and showed me the ropes.

    Senria is low key, but very 'real' - no two dimensional cardboard cutout here. After our first few travels together, she left me with a rose, for luck - a tradition I have picked up and passed on, to the enjoyment of all involved, I think.

    Definitely an asset to Narfell.

  • I agree with what was said above. They are lovely to RP with. Very much worthy of a c-token. 🙂

  • Yup, in my brief interactions with Senria the character, she's lovable and eager to help with a heart of gold.

    Senria's player seems handy for the community as well, if the crypt-building for Oscura comes through.

  • Props. Tokenize.

    I'd write more but the weight of my words are insignificant compared to the observations of the DM team.