A place of Craft and Creation

  • _Dentin walks around the city, and beyond, visiting craftsmen and merchants alike, speaking to all who would listen.

    "Many of you have prospered by Craft and Creation. Perhaps you are a craftsman yourself, perhaps you are a merchant spreading the products of such. Perhaps you are a soldier, using fine equipment for the protection of himself and his family.

    All of us have need for tools and clothing as without them our lives would be
    lives of savagery. It is Craft and Creation, and the constant improvement, that sets us aside from animals, and the creatures that scurry in darkness.

    The Church of Gond now asks of you a token of your respect for the Wonderbringer, a gift of thanks for what you have been granted.
    The plans for a Chapel have been laid out, and every day brings us closer to its completion. I ask however, for your aid in donations. Any, large or small, will be another step towards the completion of His Chapel in Peltarch. "

    Dentin then waits to take donations, and answer any questions that might arise._

  • A newly facial scar adorned Alvah can almost always be seen greeting the crafters and artisans that choose to attend in his blindingly white outfit. Though disappointed at the ceasation of construction, Alvah reassures the faithful of the city that they will have a place of worship whether one is constructed or not.

  • _Things around the construction site have gone quiet. Wood and stones necessary are missing, and most of the workers have been released to work elsewhere for the time being. Those watching the construction noticed that things died down as supplies stopped coming. Certainly, it wasn't a lack of gold that stopped the construction of the Chapel, but an increasingly aggrevated Dentin speaks of the never-ending bureaucracy of the city, and how it insults everything he stands for.
    However, things recently changed.

    Word had been spread trough the docks and the city's commonfolk that gatherings are being organised to discuss the faith of Gond and to honour the Lord of Craft. These meetings seem to be taking place in Dentin's house in the commons, in the building that was once Leti's Store. Those visiting the meetings find that Dentin has moved most of his things to the basement, emptying most of the ground floor except for a few displays, and an anvil that seemed to have been decorated as makeshift altar.

    These meetings continue weekly, and slowly grow in numbers as word spreads of their existence, drawing people from all backgrounds and professions, though seems to be a disproportionate amount of alchemists present. The meetings generally do not last longer than an hour, allowing the workers to quickly return to their daily routine._

  • _Initial construction of the chapel seems to have finally begun, as workers and craftsmen set themselves to cleaning up and restoring one of the larger houses of the docks, which has been empty and wasting away since the civil war. Dentin leaves the men to their work for the most part, tending to the occasional wounds, bringing food and drink to the workers at noon, and carrying around stones and wooden beams. Now and then he makes a few suggestions, and compares the work to a set of schematics.

    Every morning before the day's work, and every evening after, the workers gather with Dentin for a short prayer to Gond, making it quite clear that each of the workers has been chosen - perhaps even hand-picked - to be a faithful.

    Though the work progresses steadily, it becomes clear it will still be several weeks, if not months, before the Chapel will be completed, as the building is virtually rebuilt._

  • DM

    Quite a few of the dockworkers and manual labourers who Dentin was seen aiding and speaking his faith to in the docks get to hear of the donation drive.

    It is apparent that the "ordinary" folk of the docks district make up the numbers of those wishing to give coin. Noone of any status was seen giving donations, the few humans giving donations clearly are digging deep in giving 1 or 2 gold pieces each.

    Dentin ends up with as many gold pieces as can fill his hands cupped together. To the casual observer perhaps 50-100 gold pieces.

    There is a distinct absence of demihumans listening to Dentins requests, not a dwarf is in sight and seeing the rough workmans clothes, along side the occasional defender in uniform, manyt of the well-to-do stay away.

  • "Lad… most of us werk fer a livin.... Juss teh get by... Stop askin fer alms anna get summa callouses on yeh hands..."

    • slams the door to his shop as he goes inside *

  • :hedia is seen muttring something about copy cat: