Announcement of "It"

  • _*a dark raven lands on roof of the inn on the Regal Whore, its bones crack and shift. It shifts into the crazed druid, known as Wolf, and he steps to the edge, calling out.."

    Friends! I will have your attention. There is something I wish to offer. Now, I know I have been violent towards you all. But! It is not I that struck first, it is you. I was provoked by the man known as Drelan, he called me useless and weak. Now, that really hurt my feelings, it did make me quite angry. Another who has provoked me is the druid known as Oreth. Called me a puppet! I am no puppet! This made me angry as well. And you, Hedia, so eager to have me killed. What have I done to you in the past? Nothing!

    Anyway, I wish to stop the violence! All I need is for you all not to provoke me, and I mean you no harm. Ask the pale elf, he will tell you.

    All I want is to finish my goal, and my goal is that I desire a woman… they know who they are. I mean them no harm, in fact, I shall give them the greatest pleasure of all the world. I give my word, no harm will come to the woman... he smiles wide...I just need... her... for one thing and then she can go and do what she pleases.

    I gave a simple offer, nothing that cant be done. If you wish the violence to stop, just do not approach me in a threatening manner. Aha! Now, I will send word to this woman to meet me, so expect a note you! he chuckles

    What say you all? It is a simple thing I ask, no? Hm hm..

    he waits for responses as he stands on the roof, staring down at the gathered crowd_

  • Silly demon. Like anyone you impregnate will stay that way….

  • tala smiles at Arandor

    Quit telling people your secrets. It was a masterful plan though.

    grins and leans over kissing his cheek

  • Said black bird is now prone to "stray arrows"

  • On his way out of the crafting hall, after curing and storing some deer hides, Arandor walks up to the commotion, following their gaze to see what they're looking at. Standing near to Tala and Penny, he leans over, commenting.

    "That's no way to win over a woman… You have to strategically posistion yourself in front of a raging Umberhulk... 'Allowing' it to pound you into the ground, so that innocent townsfolk can live, all the while making sure she's around to see it..."

    He nods, sure of himself.

    "That's the way to do it.."

  • _Now he seems to not bother Penny anymore.

    Now a black bird is seen always near Lilly Laer, its beedy eyes watching her closely._

  • Sure Penny, Sarah was worth every pain. I still wouldn't want it forced on a woman who didn't choose it.

  • Damn Penny. Was hoping you'd come back to the other side of the fence and sensibility but this isn't exactly what I'd have in mind. Guess its time to go skin a druid…now, to figure out what kind of animal piece of clothing I want so i can poke him at the end till he wildshapes into it.

  • In passing, Penny smiles warmly to Tala:

    "There's risks ta everythin', sweetie. Sometimes maternal desires override all sorts a sensibility, I suppose.

    Though a bird that big would make a fine barbecue…"

  • tala comments dryly to dwin

    You know saying you mean no harm when you want people to carry your child is a bit like slamming someone's head into a wall to get rid of leg pain.

    Do you know how many women die in childbirth? Will he pay for those raises? what about all the illness that goes along with it? The pains the inability to move as you normally would?

    Means no harm my arse if full of daisies.

    I think I can get him or at least three shots off before he gets too far.

  • Not directly following from the earlier post - but still Wolf in Jiyyd excitement

    _The druid wolf appeared in the aftermath of the great battle with Mingal. He sought Penny, but was told she'd fallen.

    Ignoring threats to his safety by the sword-happy defenders of Jiyyd, the druid demanded that Penny be raised before flying away again._

  • Elor just walks out after Penny, vanishing from sight with a flick of his hand and a few words.

  • Dwin squints up in the sky as he wlks through town, watching everyone else's attention focused upwards

    50 coin to the first one that can drop that birdie! Who's in?

    Dwin gets his bow ready and starts aiming upwards

  • Lucid stands in the back of the crowd watching and listening. He seems a bit confused as karn speaks, then watches curiously as penny leaves. A moment later, a look of shock comes over him as he finally seems to realize something. He glances back the way penny went and manges to get out …

    oh…oh thats disturbing...

    he frowns and shakes his head as wolf flys off…

  • the druid, seeing Penny leave, smiles wide, ignoring all the others. He then reshifts into a raven, flying high above in the sky

  • Penny stands in the crowd and makes eye contact with Wolf, but says nothing. When he finishes, she turns and heads off toward the Nars.

  • A redhead listens to the raven and claps excitedly, afterwards.

    "Oh we get a real dragon here! Wanting er women to be sacrificied to er it! Um let's er get er the um paladins er to hunt er the um dragon down and slay it! Or er let's um do er that er ourselves um!"

  • *Ragnhild gets up from the bench near the cook pot where she seems to have spent an extraordinary time recently and walks closer to the Inn, looking up at Wolf with both worry and a glint of anger in her pale blue eyes. Fingering a stone-headed club hanging from her belt, she calls up to the druid: *

    Wolff! Stop talk nonsense and gett down here right now! Peepel need be free, juss like annimals, no kan give a person avai like vhas thing to be used! No make me loan Raisa the Husband Tamer….though perhaps a smack over head do you good huh...

    *rubs her forehead tiredly and adds, more softly: *

    I know you nott yourself vhen act like this…please fajt this, please...vhile still have frends villing protect you.

    the barbarian woman gives Wolf a pleading glance before sitting back down near the fire, dispiritedly nibbling a ginger cookie

  • Nyda raises an eyebrow
    "Touch any woman that does not desire it and they will have trouble determining which of your few remaining body parts are which."

  • Wolf, you need help